So not too long ago i came home from the gym around 10 PM. I heard helicopters in the sky so naturally i looked up. I saw one helicopter in one place
in the sky just hovering about 5 houses down from mine. It looks like its light were flashing in a certain pattern. Then i realized that about half a
mile or so across the neighborhood there was another helicopter hovering in one place directly across from the helicopter flashing lights too.
It almost looked like they were sending some type of code or something...
Anyway.. I have no idea what they were doing. I live fairly close to the freeway but there was nothing going on. I even looked on the news to try and
find something but there was nothing. I didn't hear any police sirens or anything.
They stayed there for about 10 minutes hovering until they finally left.
Does anyone had an idea of what these helicopters were doing?
Although i have no idea what they were doing, it seems to me the only logical code they'd be talking with is Morse code. And it could just be
training on how to use Morse Code in helicopters in a residential area; where to do it, where not to do it, etc.