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Todays Leaders are cowards!!

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posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by speed_demon

Ohh my...cried for revenge..yes....cried for somebody to be held accountable yes, but didn't ask to have they're countries reputation dragged through the mud for eights years over something that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and solved nothing 5 years in.

And i can understand you point when you say that marines do your left and right can die, i didn't mean those kind of orders i meant the kind that forces you to over look your common sense and morals for the sake of some rich biggot.

Look i have no problem with the military defending people..but that's what they need to do DEFEND people, not occupy and terrorize a population that never asked to be.

I have family who are overseas and i've lost family to this war, i know how things work trust me. Which is why i'm even MORE critical of military that could have done more to protect those innocent lives that are lost on an every day basis. Soldiers and civilians.

The only time i'll EVER be pro military is when they're pointing all the guns OUTWARDS. And by OUTWARDS i mean at other planets. No need to be shooting people of our own kind. Ever.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by speed_demon
Well if I have offended you, I am sorry. But I can provide evidence as to why the American people are ignorant, but can you or him provide evidence as to why I am an idiot ???

i have not called you an idiot for him??????

Yeah - most of the people who live in America are "sheep" and just plain stupid.....sorry to offend anyone but this is truth.....take a look at how we keep putting the cowards in office as if there is nothing we can do about it..........

further - those who wanted revenge did not want revenge on Iraq - they did on the people that the sheep have been told are responsible and somehow they wandered (duh?) without the right sheep dog and bought into the iraq story - which was sold to us by the cowards you speak of........

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:59 PM
I agree, today's leaders do strike me as cowards.

When they've become overt puppets who do what their masters demand, working for the few and not the many, respect has left the building.

As far as real bravery goes, the military get my vote. IMO, no governmental bueraucrat can touch on just one of our finest, an any leader who has an ounce of honor won't take our troops for granted.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:07 PM
Well, I have been warned because I tried to express my opinion in a rather, non-delicate way. Seems to be the common thing now, cant be too harsh otherwise you are wrong and "mean". Whatever the case may be, I do not like being called an idiot because I felt that I should give back to my country for all those things that I and my ancestors have been given by this country. And as for orders that would go beyond my morallity or ethics, I would follow them in the even that it meant that I know doing it would in fact be for the greater good of the troops next to me and for those in the states.

Well I was warned because I said something that offended someone, so should the OP be warned and fined points too because he has offended me, and probably many other military members if they even took the time to read this post. Well, I better get out of this thread before I get banned.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by speed_demon

Look, i don't mean to bash your views and your morality on what you say is right.

As i said i DO respect the fact that you are over there when so many other people are enjoying the freedoms that PAST soldiers have fought for. It's just with the way the military is going today and the people who run it, it's hard to look at your guys and say your fighting for the greater good, when really in the "grand" scheme of things your not.

I apologize if i have said anything that might have offended you, that was not my point.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:16 PM
And see in and of itself lies the problem. What do you base your opinion of the military on. The media???

Well, from what I see, the media only shows what they want, and what they show is all the bad things. Why is this? Because the bad things sell papers, they sell airtime, people thrive on the bad things.

How many people do you think would watch the news if they showed all the good things that we have done over here? Good does not sell, never has never will. There are more good things happening in Iraq and Afganistan then there are bad, but only those of us in the military know about these things because the media in the states never reports on them.

Well, hopefully nothing I just said is worthy of another warning, I am trying to hold my tongue as much as possible...

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by speed_demon

I base my opinion on things that i have witnessed, and the horror stories of my brother's battalion when they came under fire from insurgents and he was taken apart by a 50 CAL.

The media is the LAST place i base my opinion on. I look at the decisions being made, the testimony from civilians who witness these things going on, and the deeply disturbed troops who return home with blood on they're hands for just blindly following orders.

Now in a life and death situation...shoot to kill my friend that's all the advice i have for you, i'm talking about the GRAND scheme of things, not the individual hardships troops go through every day.

And yes your correct, if the news was all rainbows and butterflies nobody would watch it, it wouln't be interesting.

I also agree that there are good things that go on in those countries thanks to the troops i never said they were all bad in what they were doing, i've seen plenty of news stories and spoken to many people from Afhganistan AND Iraq who were treated with decency and respect by american troops during the Invasion.

[edit on 1/26/2009 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by speed_demon
And see in and of itself lies the problem. What do you base your opinion of the military on. The media???

Well, from what I see, the media only shows what they want, and what they show is all the bad things. Why is this? Because the bad things sell papers, they sell airtime, people thrive on the bad things.

Well that sure is true, basing opinions merly on news reports is never a good idea. Especially on subjects such as muslims, wars, other countries, etc.

[edit on 26-1-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Well, at least you are basing your opinions are true to the fact reality. However, I am just putting Americans into a broad generalization. They base their opinions on the news media coverage.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:27 PM
yes i most definetly am, and your correct in your asumption that most Americans, hell most humans receive the bulk of they're "information" from corrupt media outlets such as Fixed News or CNN.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by speed_demon
Well if I have offended you, I am sorry. But I can provide evidence as to why the American people are ignorant, but can you or him provide evidence as to why I am an idiot ???

you just answered yourself

anyways, i agree with the OP

if leaders HAD to fight in any war they declare, perhaps they would think twice about delcaring that war

absolutely true..

they declare wars but have others fight for them?? WTF?? then who declared the war??

If even an unarmed person got near a president, the president would go behind like 5000 guards, even the guards are stupid to the point where they would use themselves as shields for a corrupt person.. \

I hate these types of people. Cowering behind their mind controlled guards.. how sickening!!

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by LegitPiMPz
When will we come back to the days where Kings fought in the battles and did not care if they died? Now the leaders send millions of brainwashed idiots into war.

Cant they fight their own battles??


I suppose when we blow ourselves to bits with our jet aircraft, ICBMs, drone bombers, and the like?

Basically when we do so much damage that we can't hide behind a desk to carry out our warefare?

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:54 PM
Then thing is that day by day, we keep realizing in these forums that the war we are fighting is all a setup designed for a few men's evil desire.

Fighting in Iraq has no meaning for us right now. I do not see any benefit at all. And random people are dieng because they think its for their country.. LOL!!

We are even beginning to realize that even WWI and WWII were a setup, then if thats the case, all the wars for 90 years have been for nothing but greed and power for the cowards, because in the real world, these cowards would easily be beaten to a pulp, but they brainwash others and have a mass quantity of idiots doing their hard work, i guess it pays to be a little smart doesnt it??

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