posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by tommyb98201
I find there is much more hate also, with President Obama. I think it boils down to, the fact that Bush was such a horrible person and president,
that the right is spewing hate and distrust to President Obama.
It comes down to the fact, so many people had lost hope with Bush - but now President Obama has come along and they hate that millions have faith and
hope in him, as they never had in Bush.
The final raw energy and feelings they have is just pure - jealously and the fact that Bush's presidency was such a dismal failure - and has put our
country in jeopardy.
Imagine if someone had said, what Limbaugh said the other day "he hopes Obama fails". Wow, the right would have been all over anyone who said that!
But the right will keep trying to put fear in people against President Obama, that is the only thing they know how to do.... is try and make people
hate and fear - one bogeyman or they have a direct bulls eye.
I think it is sad and disappointing, that people are immediately thrashing our President. Especially since they are the same ones, who refuse to take
an honest look at Bush.
I have decided to just ignore people who try to instill fear and hate.....I just feel sorry for them. I also feel for all of us, and our children and
their children, due to we will be paying for generations - from Bush tearing down the U.S and world.
But, I also don't expect much, from those on the right......most talk about how "moral" they are and Bush was, but the fact is, they show
themselves to be the most judgemental and hateful people....Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, they are good examples of that.