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Racist Bakery.. A Must Read.

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posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:30 AM
This is just wrong.
What an ass........
Drunken Negro Head Cookies?! Why would you even do this?!
You put your entire business at risk and show people what a
racist jerk you are.


At at a time when any decent baker should have been selling racially
harmonious black and white cookies by the truckload, one Greenwich
Village bakery popular with celebrities and shows like Sex and the City
has outraged neighbors by selling a "Drunken Negro Face" cookie in, um,
"honor" of President Obama. [Video below.] A shocked customer tells My
Fox NY that Ted Kefalinos, proprietor of Lafayette French Pastry, asked her,
"Would you like some drunken negro heads to go with your coffee? They're
in honor of our new president. He's following in the same path of Abraham
Lincoln; he will get his."

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:40 AM
I am stunned, truly I am!!!!!!

I cannot believe that anyone would ever spend a dime in this pig's store again ever!

I am rarely at a loss for words.......UNBELIEVABLE IGNORANCE

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:47 AM
Simply put, his business is over and he will get what he deserves.

Reading the article however, it does seem that the owner of the Bakery doesn't understand the offence he is causing. Does he understand English? It sounds like he might be transliterating it from another language (Greek perhaps, by the sound of his name).

I dunno...

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by 44soulslayer

I believe there is a video at the bottom.
He speaks English quite well.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:52 AM
Absolutely unbelievable, I know that some people don't realise they are causing offense through their actions but I truly cannot see how this can be the case here.

Just when I was starting to think I had seen shear stupidity, something comes along and shocks me!

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:01 AM
Assuming he is telling the truth and did not at any point use the N-word. As in all fairness, if you didn't quite hear someone saying Negro, you may well assume they said the other word.

Then...I don't see a HUGE problem. Yes people were offended, so he should perhaps stop making them...but.

Negro isn't a racist word, to me it is simply a badly, quickly made cookie... he the icing went everywhere and it looked like he was drunk almost when making it. Thus the drunk Negro cookie was born.

Do notice the two black people in the video, whilst offended, which is fair, didn't seem anywhere near as offended as the white people. So maybe he should stop making them, possibly even apologise if he offended people, but come on...

Once again, the above is assuming he didn't use the N-word, or any other actual racist phrases.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by StevenDye
Negro isn't a racist word, to me it is simply a badly, quickly made cookie... he the icing went everywhere and it looked like he was drunk almost when making it. Thus the drunk Negro cookie was born.

Negro may itself not be a racist word. However, when it's used to describe
a chocolate cookie with exaggerated features it may at this point cross the
line. This is not a good business move. Arrogance if as a business owner
you don't see that.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by cluckerspud

Exaggerated features??? When ever I make any sort of cookie the features come out like that. Am I also racist towards clowns a gingerbread people too?

As I said, it just looks like a badly made cookie, not enough time was spent on the deatures and so they spread out...

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by StevenDye
reply to post by cluckerspud

Exaggerated features??? When ever I make any sort of cookie the features come out like that. Am I also racist towards clowns a gingerbread people too?

Firstly, I don't believe clown to be a race, it could be anyone of any color in make up. People aren't born in clown make-up as a character trait. And I
don't think that gingerbread people are a race either.

Originally posted by StevenDye
As I said, it just looks like a badly made cookie, not enough time was spent on the deatures and so they spread out...

Incorrect. It is not a badly made cookie. The baker stated that it's a work of
art. Also, What do you know about the time spent making the cookie. Nowhere in the article or video does he say that he was rushed for time.

Hey, I get that this is your opinion, but your reasoning just seems to crumble.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:52 AM
as the bakery owner has demonstrated, most bigots aren't big thinkers.
any bigoted business owner with half a mind knows to keep his personal feelings separate from his/her love of money.
this business deserves a boycott until he has made a reasonable and sincere apology.
the fact that he states that obama will "get his" is even more disheartening.
he is one of many like-minded americans.
i'm looking forward to the days when their way of thinking is extinct.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by cluckerspud

For the first part you quoted me on, I was being sarcastic.

For the second part, no, it doesn't say it was rushed. But I didn't notice it say he spent half an hour making each cookie either. I was simply going by judgement, that is what a cookie looks like when you rush it. True, the ones currently being sold wern't rushed...but if the first batch were, the look may have simply caught on.

Of course he thinks it is a work of art, he isn't the brightest of people, he made it and there isn't anything else like it.

I can completely see why people would be offended, I myself have no view on this topic, but as nobody is giving the other side of the argument, I feel I should.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by StevenDye
I myself have no view on this topic, but as nobody is giving the other side of the argument, I feel I should.

Well, that's logical I guess.
Someone has gotta do it. Way to step up and argue
something that you have no view on.

My apologies.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by cluckerspud

No need to apologise, if I'm going to argue the otherside I need to have a solid argument, which I didn't. And, with a rather lacking story, still don't.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by cluckerspud

wow. Good for you. I just had to drop a line a little off-topically, and say that it was nice to read someone admitting they're wrong. I think you got your ego beat!
Well as for the topic, I think the fact the white peole were more offended is a huge topic. peace all.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:24 AM
As I've indicated in many posts before, I'm a firm believer in the free market. I've always been one who believes that people should react to offensive businesses or products by showing their disgust. If you don't like the way someone conducts themselves in business, don't go there. A hit in the pocketbook is always the strongest way to make your point.

He thinks this is funny. Well, I think the majority of people will disagree with him and will show that.

That being said, his "cookie" certainly isn't breaking any laws, it's just offensive.

What is breaking laws however is his comment posted in the source article:

He's following in the same path of Abraham Lincoln; he will get his

As it's quite common knowledge to every student of American history, we all know what this statement is intended to mean. I don't think the fellow meant that Obama will soon don a top hat or grow a beard.

I'm going to assume he's already being paid a visit by the Secret Service because frankly that was just a really stupid thing to say. Far dumber than the cookie.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:24 AM
Why do people get so offended when they are given labels or made fun of because of their race or, in my case, their home state.

I am from the deep south almost at the Ga/Fla boarder. But I have traveled worldwide and extensively in the United States. I had very few problems out of the US as I normally had an interpreter with me as most of my trips were for business reasons.

Going north past Virginia is when I ran into the locals idea that southern folks were not very smart and that we talked funny. It never offended me. I would usually turn on the southern drawl and charm. I made many good friends on those trips. Some have retired and moved to the sunny south not far from me.

As we say in the south, "Call me anything you want just be sure and call me for breakfast , lunch and dinner".

It's past time for people to knock the chip off their shoulders and be proud of their heritage and accept our differences.

I am a whitey, redneck, hippie, dumb blond from the dirty south and proud of it. As Rhett Butler said to Scarlet, " Frankly my dear I don't give a damn".

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:31 AM
Maybe you should all reserve judgement until you've tasted the cookies!!


He is just an uneducated fruit loaf!!

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by StevenDye

People need to get over the "n" word hysteria, it is no less offensive than a black person calling me "honkey" which happens a lot.
What is offensive is that this guy is implying that Obama is going to get shot, that is construed as a threat here. No one seems very concerned about that. Truth be known, I always wonder if tv stations get business owners to collaborate on fake stories to drum up controversy, hint hint. If this was really hapenning it would have been on the major networks.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by cluckerspud

Clucker, you make the best threads.

I guess that's artistic license right there... I mean, okay, some bakers will do weird things. My mom's bachelorette party cake, for instance. It was chocolate and phallic shaped.

I guess if the baker felt a certain way, he expressed his anger in the form of a slightly off-color cookie. Funny to some, insulting to others, but probably still delicious.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:42 AM
so what?
the guy is not good in english

all are so enraged....

how about this?
A guy gets 15 years for stealing $100.00 and Bernie Madoff sits in his $7 million home for stealing $50 billion.

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