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Why Do You Want To Know The Future?

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posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 08:41 PM
Why do people want to know the future? To change it?
To prevent something bad from happening, or to avoid an area that might be involved in some event?

Would you try to stop an event? Is it even possible to stop any event that is caused by man from taking place? Are predictions an absolute or are they just one possible outcome of many?

This are some questions I think about, just wondering if anyone else has any answers to some of these questions.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 08:58 PM
I'd want to avoid my death, see what happens later in life, stuff like that. I'd also use it to my advantage, like bet on sports games, or pick the right lottery numbers. Plus, you could scare everyone if you go public and predict events. That's when the money starts rolling in.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 08:59 PM
I've thought about this many times as well. Knowing the future would serve only one purpose for me, which would be to gain Knowlege Wisdom and Understanding of who i am, who we are as a race. People are beginning to wake up and ask more questions like this, and it will continue i believe, as Curiosity and the need to 'Understand' things is a strong Human trait. I for one have always felt i belonged somewhere other than this earth, as strange as that might sound. Maybe its because that genetic part of us has evolved to the point where it's triggering some type of memory cells within our DNA which, according to Science is beginning to change.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 09:02 PM
I wouldn't want to know how I die even if I could change it.
I'd probably want to see what mistakes I make though so I can correct them, but isn't that life?

At the end of the day it would always be used for personal gain, I'd head to the future to find out the betting results, make a mint.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 09:46 PM
ahh i would aviod danger in my life

I get periods in my where i would guess what would happen before it happend (no, not just counsidence happend 20 times in a row) but it would be kinda vuge so most of the time i dint know that it was going to happen at that "time"

and making money offa it would be sweet but maynot be good in gods eye.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 09:49 PM
I heard a story from like a book, or a fairy tale or something about some guy and how he could tell the future but it was a curse cause it took all the suprises out of life. Still, I'd like to know who I'd marry, what party's my parents found otu there was alchohal at and such

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 09:59 PM
I would say one possible reason to want to know the future would be personal gain. Do you think this stock will be worth more or less in the future (profit opportunity). Do you think it might rain tomorrow? If you do you can prepare and bring an umbrella so you don't get soaked and catch a cold or worse.

Other reasons, I believe even Nostradamus thought you could change the future and his predictions were only that, "predictions" that could change.

Some predictions are almost certain to come true given enough time. If we do nothing about it, then the event will suddenly hit us out of the blue. For instance an asteroid or comet will hit the Earth sometime in the future. If mankind survives and stays here for thousands of years then it is almost 100 percent certain that a major disaster will occur sometime.

I believe we can change the future by changing things now. Perhaps there are lots of alternative futures and the one we perceive is just the path of decisions we have chosen.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:03 PM
Who says I want to know my future? I don't.

What is the thrill in knowing what is going to happen tomorrow?

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:03 PM
I think that knowing the future would take the purpose, and excitement, out of life. You wouldn't have to make decisions, they are already made. Why watch a sporting event if you know the outcome? Isn't that why they call it sport? I, personally, don't want to know what the future holds, I still want to make those decisions myself.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:05 PM
Well, speaking as some one who HAS had a predictive vision, my interest lies in being able to share whatever I learned in hopes it would save somebody's butt.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
Well, speaking as some one who HAS had a predictive vision, my interest lies in being able to share whatever I learned in hopes it would save somebody's butt.

I feel embarrassed even saying this but I do dream about the future, but I just don't remember the dream until it happens days, weeks, months even years later.

Then my stomach twists when I realised I had a dream about that moment, it's never anything big though. Weird.

I also don't believe in psychics so I want to slap myself.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:21 PM
Like intrepid and surfup mentioned in a post above, that would kind of take the excitement out of life if you knew what was going to happen tomorrow. I would rather have a natural life, even if it meant not knowing about bad things that are going to happen to me.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:25 PM
Why? Why not? I'd like to think that I'd be able to use some of the information in order to help at least one other person. That is, assuming you could find someone to take you seriously...

Of course the idea of financial gain isn't bad either... LOL!

I probably would use the information in order to find a safe location for my boys and I.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:29 PM
I think whatever happens should be left in the hands of God.
Has anybody here seen the movie the butterfly effect? It shows that if you change something in time, even if it's good, it could totally screw everything up in the future. Also in the movie Bruce Almighty, If everything good happened to everybody it would eventually come back at us and nip us in the butts.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:10 AM
I find this question interesting. But my question about "knowing about the future" is if what happens in the future happens because you knew it was going to happen or because that was it's plan.

Thats a little bit confusing, so what I am saying is like if someone tells you in 10 years you will find the love of your life. Will the be because that was the way it was suppose to be or because since they told you that you will make it that way?

Anyone understand what I am trying to say? I'm trying to think of a way I can clearly explain this, sorry

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:37 AM
Sub, I'm getting what you are saying. If a wonderful "love" comes by before 10 years you might dismiss it because of your belief that that can't be the one, the time isn't right. A self-fullfiling future.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:39 AM
YES! That is what I mean

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:45 AM
I think that ignorance is not a bliss, and if I could control my visions i would be using them to see more future events, or find out exactly when those events I have seen in my visions will happen. I really don't care much about money, but I do need money just like anyone else.

I don't believe in using the gift of visions to make money, but i really can't say whether or not I would use this gift, if I could control it, to make money. Maybe noone can really avoid corruption, but I just would like to believe that my conviction is strong enough for me not to do it.

In my own experience I have seen that it is possible for people to see the future, it doesn't matter which religion you believe in, or if you don't believe in religion at all. The gift of seen the future does not belong to only one group of people. Now depending on their faith, people having these visions will attribute them to their religion or their God/Godess or Gods, etc.

Death cannot be avoided, it is a part of the cycle, and whoever sets forth in trying to avoid his/her death is trying to follow a fool's errand.

I do not think either on letting the future, in the hands of God as glitch said, or on fate's hands. If this was so, then i wouldn't be alive today, because in many instances I have been able to avoid death and I am sure others have also.

Also if you don't do anything about a vision you see of some future event, then why have that vision in the first place? Yes, it is true that we are all going to die, it is only natural. But i rather live a long fruitful life than dying young.

I do think that visions are a form of warning by that part of us that is eternal, and sometimes we can channel some information that the "true self" each one of us have.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:49 AM
M, are you talking about actual visions, intuition(feelings) a type of precognition?

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 02:10 AM
Who would want to know the future?

I believe disaters can be prevented when dealt with properly. Bizzare truth is strange than fiction.

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