posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 07:23 PM
Total non believer here. Have never believed, past lives. Until.......the last few months I met a woman that seems 'too familiar' then the other day
I was helping my son with a history lesson and came across a pic of Amelia Earhart. We were not looking for her but I saw her pic, she's in front of
a plane and I suddenly felt like I'd been there or knew her somehow. She and I share a birthday I later found out. I have a passing interest in
aviation but have never been interested in her.
Then I was doing Brazilain jiu jitsu the other day and one of the other students rattled off something in Romanian, I answered him. I've had other
odd incidents recently but they're just feelings mostly.
And late I've been having odd dreams, some about things to come, some about things that have happened.
Any thoughts? I've seen a shrink, no bipolar, no schizophrenia, no mental illness at all. Psychiatrist was puzzled though. He said, I was normal save
for all these weird feelings and familiarities. He attributed to 'stress'.