posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Oh baby has Ron Paul had an effect?
Enough to raise more money in one single day than most politicians dream about. After the media gave him
hardly any press coverage and called him a kook, by the time enough people bitched about it and they starting grudgingly responding, the primaries
were over.
But yeah now that very same pig media having run out of answers from everyone else is booking him all over the country for his opinion.
feel the increased ratings when he's on probably, but even the media is being forced to consider his opinion because SOMEONE'S got to provide some
answers and he's the only one left that's got them.
We are going down man. Serious unemployment, no jobs, incredibly high taxes, and now Obama wants a central world bank to buy up sub primes? A trillion
dollar bailout? When local and state governments in the US are going bankrupt and now running out of unemployment money? Do you realize what this
If you have no job, can't get unemployment, and the food runs out the pressure will cause increases in crime like whoa. But wait. If the local
government is bankrupt, and they can't pay the cops...You see where this is leading? And people wonder why guns, ammunition and MRE's are booming in
sales? How far can a government push an armed citizenry before all hell breaks loose when people are starving and desperate, with a government
disposed to rob us?
This is all spelling not good in caps. Look at the business closings all over the place. Well all those people have to find work somewhere. Doing
what? And how are these people supposed to pay taxes in conditions like this? What happens when the money dries up in Washington (which really it
already did) ? Think more debt and printing money is going to work?
If I had paid more attention to the companies outsourcing our labor to foreign countries and illegal immigrants, I would have made sure I boycotted
the hell out them. They fricken sold the US out to fill there wallets. That was more important. Well PAY the fricken bill now you idiots like you
deserve to and STOP making the American people cover your butts. You failed. And it serves you right. Pigs.
[edit on Sat Jan 24th 2009 by TrueAmerican]