posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 06:58 PM
Originally posted by fishneedh2o
I agree with this in that "entities" can come here and learn in the Earth school. I don't think that all life forms on Earth are from other
Perhaps we all are born with amnesia and when we incarnate we must relearn everything over and over again.
I don't think that all humans are here from other dimensions or other species, necessarily. The soul either chooses or accepts a life full of the
lessons it needs to learn to mature. (Edgar Cayce wrote some interesting things on this very subject.)
It's not specifically an amnesia, but more like an inability to contain. Memories are energy, and if we remembered everything from our lives, our
brains might deteriorate during development. The soul remembers everything while the brain doesn't. I think when a soul re-learns something, we call
it an epiphany, or the thing really rings true with the soul. When people seem mature beyond their years, they are probably older souls than people
who seem immature for a very long time.
I do agree, however, with the soul's ability to incarnate into any living thing, but with respect to how old or young a soul is, I don't know. Maybe
an older soul wanted to know what it felt like to be a fish or have hundreds of legs like a millipede. Maybe the younger soul needed to learn physical
lessons or basic interaction lessons... or a soul wanted to experience simply from the eyes of whatever they want.
Old souls, I think as a main purpose, are here to help others along a spiritual journey. They help teach lessons to younger souls. A fascinating
example is of babies or young children who die because of cancer or some terrible accident. "God" wasn't being unfair; it was the soul who wished
to teach younger souls (perhaps the parents) lessons in facing hardship and death. If the young souls don't learn, then they repeat the lessons until
they do learn. Simple as that, and very fair if you ask me.
So I could be much older spiritually than a person who is many years older than I in the physical. Bodies are merely vehicles.
(Edit to correct really absurd grammatical error.)
[edit on 23-1-2009 by Lifthrasir]