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Cryptzoology..In Australia?

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posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce
There are always the very secretive dropbears, Thylarctos plummetus

Nah, drop bears are well known and not cryptids. Sound frightening, but no problem at all really. Just smear yourself all over with vegemite. I have never known anyone who has done this, to have any trouble with drop bears.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by just_julie
They were talking to the ranger and they were so certain and had convinced themselves that they had heard a yowie until I explained to them that I had heard the noises as well and in fact it was just a cow
(they can make some pretty freaky noises when they want to!)

I can understand your scepticism, I am a sceptic also.

All I can say is that, at one time, I found myself in the Aussie bush staring in disbelief at what looked like a human size orang-utan (with certain human traits). I don't necessarily expect anyone to believe (I wouldn't), or say I have any genuine reason why this would occur, only that it did happen. I can't help but note the area this happened, as being known for such occurrences. I know logically how ridiculous it sounds and the unlikelihood of such a thing, but would be dishonest of me to claim otherwise. Fascinating stuff.

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