posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 08:31 AM
I have one question, and it may be obvious. I don't understand why the government and all of the big corporate businesses are doing such "evil"
acts, if it's just for /profit/.
I mean, what are they to gain when the whole world is sucked dry of all resources? What are they going to buy with all of this profit? What's the
main influence here? I know that people whom work for themselves, such as the big businesses are considered "evil", much like the character of
You could possibly say that they only want profit simply because they cannot create completely efficient products, but 100% efficiency is virtually
I think they might actually be a blessing in disguise towards freedom, by making so much profit to further technological advance to gain a higher
efficiency in products. Sure the big CEO's take home A LOT of money, but do you consider how much they are putting towards advances in their
products? I mean, even the cost to advertise these products is MASSIVE.
Just something to think about. I'd love to hear all of your opinions.
This is, of course, my first thread. I've been reading ATS for awhile, and finally decided to join so I could voice my opinion.