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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 12:24 AM
link "The Agenda: Homeland Security"

"Improve Information Sharing and Analysis: Improve our intelligence system by creating a senior position to coordinate domestic intelligence gathering, establishing a grant program to support thousands more state and local level intelligence analysts, and increasing our capacity to share intelligence across all levels of government."
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 12:24 AM
Much of the agenda from the site is now up on the site. Agendas include: Gun bans, broader "hate"/thought crime agendas (defined as potentially criminalizing widely held religious and political thought), Federal recognition of gay "civil unions" and gays in the military, etc. This post focuses, in particular, on the agenda to dramatically expand domestic intelligence operations, and to create, if not a single agency (NKVD-like), then a "senior" intelligence coordinator of (integrated) domestic intelligence gathering operations. Congress funded a RAND study recently to lay out the "options" for building a Domestic Intelligence Agency. See additional links.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 12:43 AM
Hail Comrade Obama!

I for one welcome our new overlords.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 12:43 AM
Oh yes the change is coming.

Why the heck do we need a domestic intelligence agency?

I'm starting to see where these '4' million jobs are going to come from.

He is already on with the double speak.

Let the terrorist go from Gitmo, but increase their watch on the US citizens.

It's starting to look like this is going to be a long 4 years.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:10 AM
And so the drums begin to beat.....or shall I be more specific, and use the term 'drumhead'?

Because, in times past, when someone wished to sell another down the river, regardeless of the merit of any 'charges' that may or may not be brought forth, there was a drum help spur a chant --- whatever chant you wish to convey --- still....

Does ANYONE know what a 'kangaroo court' refers too???

Thought not....


[edit on 1/21/0909 by weedwhacker] second time, missed the first edit....the word I focused on is 'court'....

[edit on 1/21/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:20 AM
Isn't it fascinating that the devout anti-Bush crowd which supported Obama on this very web site were also largely of the vocal opinion that there was no such thing as Al Qaida, 9/11 was somehow a setup, and even Osama bin Laden was a false flag... and here we have the man they helped put into the office issuing a flat out contniuance of the Bush administration's declaration of war against Al Qaida... yet they are nowhere to be seen to question his position like they questioned Bush on a daily basis. Either we have hypocrites amongst us, or someone failed to give Obama the memo that verifies the idea that the whole thing was a manufactured ruse. Either way, It's certainly entertaining to witness.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

burdie, ....OSAMA Bin Laden is not a 'false flag'...

If people cared to understand Arabic they would know that the term 'bin' means, in our language, 'son of'.

It's a little like George Herbert 'Walker' Bush deciding to name one of his sons ''George Walker Bush".

Hmmmmmm........I will let you all draw any comparisons you see fit.....

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by forliberty09

Much of the agenda from the site is now up on the site. Agendas include: Gun bans, broader "hate"/thought crime agendas (defined as potentially criminalizing widely held religious and political thought), Federal recognition of gay "civil unions" and gays in the military, etc. This post focuses, in particular, on the agenda to dramatically expand domestic intelligence operations, and to create, if not a single agency (NKVD-like), then a "senior" intelligence coordinator of (integrated) domestic intelligence gathering operations. Congress funded a RAND study recently to lay out the "options" for building a Domestic Intelligence Agency. See additional links.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Hello Forliberty. I'm very interested in "gun bans" (making sure they don't happen). Please tell me where exactly you found the reference to banning guns on the website. I looked extensively throughout the site, actually spent about an hour and a half, and could not find any reference to it. In fact the only thing related to guns that I found was:

Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.


posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Isn't it fascinating that the devout anti-Bush crowd which supported Obama on this very web site were also largely of the vocal opinion that there was no such thing as Al Qaida, 9/11 was somehow a setup, and even Osama bin Laden was a false flag... and here we have the man they helped put into the office issuing a flat out contniuance of the Bush administration's declaration of war against Al Qaida... yet they are nowhere to be seen to question his position like they questioned Bush on a daily basis. Either we have hypocrites amongst us, or someone failed to give Obama the memo that verifies the idea that the whole thing was a manufactured ruse. Either way, It's certainly entertaining to witness.

I just got up and he's only been in office less than 24 hours. I got to make a living you know? OK. The domestic intelligence gathering bit as reported in this thread (I haven't had time to review the website and I never looked at Bush's version) sounds horrible. Once I digest this information I will call my senators and representatives on this issue.

I don't agree with everything that you said but I agree the heat needs to be kept on our government in regards to rectifying what happened over the last eight years and making sure it never happens again.

Country first, party not first.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Happy to help...It's staring at you at the bottom of your excerpt..."They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent."

NRA comments...

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Dude, any of that is very much just another stepping stone to a total gun ban.

The AWB is useless and pointless for anything else. It just means we can't buy any guns that look evil. Sucks, because some of those evil features are pretty nifty. Too bad, I've got everything I need to be legally grandfathered in.

The "Gun trace/information gathering" is pointless, as well. It just means(as I understand it), that cops will have regular access to the information of owners of all registered guns. Still useless, as 90% of the guns used in crime are unregistered, if they are, they are stolen from the registered owner.

There is no "Gun show loophole". There never was. Right now it is legal in many states for a guy to sell a gun to another guy for cash. No questions asked. The way they will ban that kind of transfer is to only make it legal to transfer a gun through a gun dealer. Now that dealer will have to run a background check, and take all of the new owners information to register that gun. Still pointless, because criminals do not follow the law. They don't care if the transfer is illegal, if they are about to use it to shoot someone.

Stupid people making stupid decisions. Taking baby steps to a greater goal. Nearly makes me believe there is a NWO agenda. But I don't.

I just believe in the stupidity of people.

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