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Object Literally Skips Off The Sun

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posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:35 AM
Well... What ever this thing is , it certainly spawned many interesting ideas about solar function .
My opinion is this:
We cannot say for certain what it was, all we can do is speculate until some scientists point a telescope at a similar object/incident, and tell us what occured .
We can probably , with some intensive work, find out what it WASNT. I do not think this is a depth perception illusion, so I dont think its a bird or some nonsense like that. I do not believe that this is a solar flare event, or anything like it, simply because that level of detail is not available via news cameras. It just isnt . Period. Its not like this was taken through a telescope, this is just a case of "Oh crud look at that, I was taking a shot of the sky and then all of a sudden WTF!".
Also , I do not think this was a comet or something like that. I take into account the previous posts which have reminded us that the suns gravity is not akin to that of a black hole, but I still think anything which could get as close to the sun as that object appears, without being destroyed or swallowed by the suns gravity, must surely be under power.
Of course, it is possible that I am wrong about the depth illusion angle. If I am then thats opening the field to calls of "BIRD ! " . But keep in mind, if the object is closer, and its all an illusion... what the hell kind of bird was that?

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Is it possible that SOHO could get it?
Do we have dates?


posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 12:24 PM
Wouldn't something big enough to have that effect on the sun be visible? Unless its some kind of energy burst that caused it. Perhaps something else, somewhere in the univsere produced a pulse of energy at some point and its just now reaching our area of space, and out of sheer chance, grazed the sun. Kind of a crazy idea, but we all have them.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by TrueBritwhat the hell kind of bird was that?

That's easy...

A Swift

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 05:42 AM
it does'nt look like a flare to me.. just by the trjectory before and after skimming off the surface as flares have a disportionate magnetic decline as they move further away fomr the sun.. and this object does not..

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 12:07 AM
It didn't skip off the Sun, i can't believe that. If you take a closer look.. it passes by the very tip of the Sun but then again... who is to say the object is that far and close to the Sun. I see, that in slow motion if you watch carefully you'll see the object cut off the tip of the Sun and that can't happen to the Sun without any damage being caused to the Object. Meaning it was closer to earth and the object wasn't as big as it seemed. It went at a very high speed. I believe it was an Alien saucer just at the right place at the right time,
in the Earth's atmosphere since it was the same color going in and out of the Sun with no damage.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 12:28 AM
Could it have been some sort of directed energy beam weapon?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:40 AM
The answer is in the audio they said it was taken by helicopter. What your looking at is light refraction though the glass canopy of the helicopter I am sure if you pay attention you can see similar effect through the front windshield of your car well passing under street lamps when your driving. The glass obviously is curved which I would expect causing the light refraction.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

You know what ? Looking at it again , I think your explanation is probably the most likely . Wouldnt it be nice to find a video on here that you just CANT explain away ?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:30 AM
I think what happened here is a camera on earth, within our atmosphere, caught an object flying in the sky. It crossed the edge of the sun's limb, and from the disturbance of the air caused a refraction of the sun's rays to make a streaking effect like this.

The sun is over 800,000 miles across, and the speed of light is less than 200,000 miles per second. So if the object was moving at the speed of light it would have taken over 4 seconds to cross the diameter of the sun.

So, the speed at which the object was moving, if it was near the sun, was faster than the speed of light, which I'm not saying is entirely impossible but still feels unlikely to me.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
reply to post by RFBurns

Ummmm errrr those do NOT look ANYTHING like the video clip

Now before you get your shorts in a knot...


Originally posted by RFBurns
Actually that isn't some object bouncing off the Sun. Its some of the flare that gets caught by the magnetic field and follows the magnetic field up, around and back down again, which looks like something bouncing off the Sun.

There are tons of examples of that over at the SOHO site.

You clearly stated that this video showed a flare that SOHO has other examples of... and many took your 'expertise' as fact

What bothers me is not what RFBurns says (I take his word that
this is what it is, clearly he has knowledge of this),

THIS is what I 'attacked' you on... I am fully aware of SOHO Solar flares
but this ain't one

Edit to add...

Originally posted by RFBurns
I am incorrect as far as this being a sun flare,

Almost missed that...
Thanks for the clarification

Whats up Ron, been a while buddy. I read most this thread and wanted to ask and get clarity on something too. First, this is a camera from Earth correct? Second, if so how do we know where the object in the video is located? I mean if it is a bug say on Earth then it wouldn't need to be going more then 15 MPH ifit were a few feet away from the lense, and if it were an object at any distance between here and the Sun the objects, size and speed cannot be determined unless we know its proximety to the sun, the location of the camera, and the distance between said camera and sun. Then we would know its size, speed, etc correct? All questions andjust wondering the answers on these and if I got it straight on that last part about determining those factors I mentioned.

P.S Zorgon, hows the Moon thread and John going these days? I need to get back to work on those 500 Gigs of Moon pics I got to filter through yet. I remember when I discovered that site with the whole Russian Moon Pic Collection, I forget the mission number (it was earlier) but neither John, you or I had ever seen more than one or two from that entire set ever and bam, it was on the internet all of a sudden. Let me know, PM me, Im ready to get back to work on these projects bud.


posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr

The answer is in the audio they said it was taken by helicopter. What your looking at is light refraction though the glass canopy of the helicopter I am sure if you pay attention you can see similar effect through the front windshield of your car well passing under street lamps when your driving. The glass obviously is curved which I would expect causing the light refraction.

interesting idea.
More, i can assume a local disturbance in the composition of the glass, which can make this effect if appropiate conditions. I know what you thinking.
Anyway, here on topic were given more plausible explanations given the condition, and all found the local efect (in our atmosphere, or even closer...) and the distanced out of space or very sun effect cannot be accepted without some great forcings. So, the title of the topic is, again, improper, just the illusion can push this.

[edit on 30/1/09 by depthoffield]

[edit on 30/1/09 by depthoffield]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:52 PM
It looks like something with the camera lens and light from the sun to me. It keeps going back and forth above the sun. Why would any object do that?

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 12:20 AM
The object clearly impacted the sun due to the trailing material once it passes. In my opinion according to my review the object slows just before encountering sol then speeds up after it is clear. It appears out of nowhere as if it were travelling even faster, hits, then on the other side it disappears again. If it were an object that was close to earth then it would be seen all the way thru the visible area of the video. Also after impact it changes trajectory and leaves on a different path. The sun being nearly 870,000 miles in diameter and the object appearing, impacting, then disappearing in less than a second eludes to a possible speed of something like 1,000,000mps. No celestial body in space can make claim to such incredible velocities...not even close.

There is no way anyone can begin to speculate, with any accuracy, as to what it is, size not withstanding. I propose that we stop trying to pretend that man is at the apex of intelligence in the universe and be content in the thought that the almighty creator loves us enough to allow us to experience it. reply to post by GreyFoxSolid

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Katerna
It looks like something with the camera lens and light from the sun to me. It keeps going back and forth above the sun. Why would any object do that?


They keep replaying the same footage. The object isn't darting back and forth.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:07 PM
I highly doubt a physical object would bounce of the sun like that so whatever it is likely to be from Earth. I doubt it is an object in space in front of the sun as it would not change trajectory like that. My bed is on a bird, insect or perhaps even something related to the equipment itself.

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