posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:56 PM
Please don't confuse Astrologers, with Astronomers. One "studies" how your life is ruled by the heavens, and the other researches the universe.
As for naming planets after modern gods.. Lord Xenu would not like that one bit. He would probably dump your soul into a volcano, or force you to
watch Tom Cruise movies endlessly. Oh, the horror!!!
Feel free to call a newly discovered planet, that you can not see, by any name you choose. No one will care until mankind actually travels to another
planet outside our solar system.
The planets in our system, which are visible to the naked eye, were named by the predominant culture at the time, and the names have stuck. Planets in
our solar system that were discovered later, simply stuck with the naming theme.
Scientists do indeed have a sense of style when it comes to names. Look at the two rocks on Mars named Yogi and boo boo. Newly discovered Stars and
Planets follow an international identification plan which is designed to make cataloging them easier.
I bet however, if you were to choose to name a planet after someones religious idol, it would piss them off and cause more disturbance than good. Just
like when hurricanes get named, there is always some person with that name who gets offended. Hurricane Oprah will devastate the southland soon, much
like Hurricane Bush leveled New Orleans.