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Ever Think Why ATS Is Here

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posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Well I was just sitting here and it dawned on me. With all these theories and conspiracies going around, I have yet to see anyone mention this site.

This site is the perfect cover for the New World Order to see so much activity against it.

- We post ideas on how to take down the NWO and plans on many other things.
- They could see everything that we believe they are involved in.
- Its like them staying one step ahead of us at all times because they already know what we are thinking about doing.
- All they have to do is read what were posting about and then put methods into effect to effectively hide or conceal what we stumbled onto.

This is the perfect cover, has anyone else ever thought about that. However, it will not stop me from posting on here, because if I am right it will simply just scare them more because they realize that there are so many of us onto them. Power in numbers, long live the conspiracy chasers.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:29 AM
Extend your thinking a bit. If this is true, what actions do you expect to see happening on this board? Are those actually happening? Are you seeing any signs of government operations on this board? If so, what are those signs?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:35 AM
I see where your coming from. Research will be starting immediately...

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:36 AM
Also, do not forget the 'catharsis' and 'honeypot' hypothesis:

Catharsis: venting of the spleen, expressing anger and frustration over the not-commonly-seen aspects of power and control in the world, acts as a 'safety valve', allowing the blowing off of steam in a controlled context, rather than the build up of emotional resentment. Relax, you're among friends!

Honeypot: similar to catharsis, but locates, through exposure to invective rhetoric, those elements that will cause more problems, 'down the road'. Do members join in and get more enthused by over-the-top rhetoric? Perhaps they're potential 'followers'!

And, to point out: this topic has been largely discussed before on ATS, I'm sure that will be mentioned also. Search for "ats cointelpro".

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by speed_demon
- We post ideas on how to take down the NWO and plans on many other things.
- They could see everything that we believe they are involved in.
- Its like them staying one step ahead of us at all times because they already know what we are thinking about doing.
- All they have to do is read what were posting about and then put methods into effect to effectively hide or conceal what we stumbled onto.

Well, you more or less just summed up the entire internet!

Welcome to the NWO. You're already here.

Big Brother isn't really all that he?

This is the perfect cover, has anyone else ever thought about that.


However, it will not stop me from posting on here, because if I am right it will simply just scare them more because they realize that there are so many of us onto them. Power in numbers, long live the conspiracy chasers.

Right on. Welcome aboard!

*edit to clarify

[edit on 1/20/09 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:04 PM
It is obvious that you did not get the information when you joined ATS that it is here for my personal benefit and enjoyment. So glad you've come here to entertain me.

I wasn't here when ATS first began but I imagine it was a culmination of a few men's dreams. No one could cause me to believe it is an instrument of the New World Order unless we become the authors of a brave New World.

As far as you or me or our members scaring the so called New World leaders all I can say is that is not happening.

Like the North American black bear, the NWO goes about it's business and is never in fear. This is it's weakness. This is why we will overcome and once again have a great nation.

I believe I can assure you that any positive action to bring about radical change will not be broadcast by our members as the old saying goes, "Loose lips sink ships", applies here.

Welcome to ATS.


posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:24 PM
Ok only a few minutes into the search and already finding some pretty interesting things. Will elaborate more on findings at a later date. I can not access many things because I am on my government account and many sites will not open due to mandatory blocks. I am currently enlisted in the Marines and deployed to Iraq just so there is no confusion on why I am on a government computer.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by speed_demon

Here's a good ATS thread for you to read addressing that topic. It might save a little time.

Keep your head down over there. And here's hoping you're happily posting away stateside soon.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:50 PM
ATS is Disinformation Central,so i wouldn't doubt that they had something to do with this heavily influential,conspiracy site.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:04 PM
Well, did more digging and found that what I had found was linked to something entirely different. I will keep looking into this however, it is in my best belief that when ATS was created it was done so with the best of intentions at hand by people who really wanted to know the truth. However, over the years, there is no doubt that it has had at least a slight bit of infiltration simply because of what is talked about within the boards of this forum.

One thing that I did find interesting is how fast a forum moderator found my thread and posted information to help me out. Could this be a form of disinformation, sending me to a thread to try to make me content that there is nothing to worry about within ATS concerning counter-intel? Only time will tell.

The search will continue to find any conclusive proof, if there is any, of counter-intel going on within ATS. Any and everyones input on this idea of infiltration and any evidence is welcome within this thread. I know that many of you have thought about this theory, but many have not wanted to post it. I look forward to reading what you come up with.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by speed_demon

One thing that I did find interesting is how fast a forum moderator found my thread and posted information to help me out. Could this be a form of disinformation, sending me to a thread to try to make me content that there is nothing to worry about within ATS concerning counter-intel? Only time will tell.

I can't win.

I wouldn't expect you to be content with what I tell you. I'd think you'd want to check it out for yourself. I just wanted to make sure you had seen the previous discussion. We don't shy away from this topic, but also don't want to be covering old ground.

Welcome to ATS and press on.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:20 PM
ATS is here because it provides a unique place for topical user generated content and great potential for advertising revenue based on targeted demographics.

ATS is unique because of its strict moderation, and because of its controversial user generated content.

Of course it is the perfect environment for gathering dissenting voices, crazies and collecting personal data to be used for future exterminations of the least desired conspiracy theorists and trouble makers.

They are watching you!

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:29 PM
But why would any government agency work hard and infiltrate it if it is open forum? I am sure that there are agencies monitoring this and other sites. It is possible that there are some threads that started not by ordinary people.
Why would anyone take control (which creates a lot of problems and is spotable)? It is best to let it run and gather data. Anyway goverment can shut down site in a matter of seconds.

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