posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 06:32 PM
In Nov 03, the business I worked for closed. In Aprl. 04 I began working again. I had allot of
time to sit around and I spent ALOT of time online researching different events and following
news stories. Now as I go back to work and become reacquainted with the average american
again, I truly see just how complacent, ignorant and uninformed the american public is. Americans
talk about how�frustated� they are with the situation in Iraq, and c. rice was on tv talking about
911,and that gas prices are up and that traffic congestion is getting worse, and parking is more
expensive, and again I gotta get a few hours or more of OT in this week, and I gotta catch up on
my Tivo recordings, I gotta return my movies, I gotta go grocery shopping, I gotta go to my kids
sports game, I gotta go out for dinner on...., I gotta go buy this or that, Xbox has a new game,
I�m gunna be working more OT again this pay period, I gotta do the dishes, I gotta clean the
house, I�m going out Fri and Sat night, I gotta see the dentist, I gotta watch the �Swan� tonight,
the new episode of �.....� is on tonight .............and I could go on and on but, it illustrates a
pattern. None of those things are is part of the life we live. We have family concerns,
material wants and needs that need to be meet and friends to converse with. We live in, arguably,
the most �free�, the most technologically advanced, the wealthiest and most influential country in
the world. One would think that its� public would want to be well informed about its� govts
decisions. Ahh but, the reality is depressing.
The american public gets the bulk of their news from the 60-90 second blurbs on the the
6 news channels. (abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc, and fox) That is if it does not conflict the new
episode of american idol. Nobody that I have recently talked to knows anything about the patriot
acts, or the supreme court ruling OK�ing �informational roadblocks�, mandatory military service,
the �1st amendment� areas when Bush (or other political persons) walks around outside, or how
search and seizure laws are changing. They have some what of an idea that the govt knew
something before 911 but know absolutely nothing about the questions of the physical FACTS
concerning the 757/767 planes ( or lack there-of) the collapse (ie demolition) and the �whatever�
that hit the pentagon. They get mad for a moment and then switch�s like the american
public has ADD. They know nothing about how america is beginning to change..and change for
the worse.
That got me thinking about, maybe I am just paranoid, maybe I am just reading into the
issues to much. . I have a very diverse background (ie military, law-enforcement, surveillance,
college, big and small business, lived in many different states and travel ect) in which I have
experienced and met many different people, issues and viewpoints. I am a skeptic, I like to see
things with my own eyes. I need to see both sides of something before I feel comfortable with
taking a stance. Until last summer, I was, what I now like to call, very �mainstream� patriotic and
�proud to be an american� even though I could never explain where the �pride� and �patriotism�
came from.
When some of the jig-saw puzzle began coming together, the shock and anger I felt
towards, not America, but where the �elected� officials are steering America and that they are
getting away with it, was and is very perturbing. How could this have happened without the
public seeing and knowing about it?!? It�s not that it is not happening, it is that the public is kept
busy working long hours, busy with the the personal concerns of ones daily life and is given very
little information in the mainstream ( where most get their info) about what the govt is doing. I
understand the need to keep certain things secret and out of the public eye but the govt has gone
into out-right lies and deceit on a large scale..keeping relevant info from the public. The american
public is so caught up with work, recreation and so little information that they have forgotten
what freedom and �govt by the people for the people� really means. Because the public is so busy
and uniformed, it has a very bad habit of complacency until the fecal matter impacts the rotating
blade. The american public will remain complacent until the individuals� freedom are outrightly
taken away. But take a little here and there so as to not overtly cause concern and in time, you
will be right next to something you never saw coming. Any hunter will have experienced this.
This is exactly what the new AMERICAN GOVT Inc has done. It is in a very good
position to totally re-write the Constitution for the united states of America (the re-write already
began, it is now the Constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ..legally there is a
difference between the two, the earlier being the original) with-out a peep from the public. I
would like to say that the american public will stand idly by while its GOVT cements its
subjugation of the public and continues to do what the GOVT wants to do inorder to keep its made up delusion
of position that is and should be the country that should have a say and influence in any situation
in the world. But I can�t say that the public will idly stand by because that would mean that the
public knows and sees what is going on.........they live in complacency and ignorance propagated
by their GOVT.
Think about it......�NWO� is about money, influence and absolute power......the
AMERICAN GOVT now does what it wants, where it wants and when it wants with very few does this not only in the rest of the world but on its own shores. If large sums of
money, influence and power are going to go into GOVT and or big business pockets, that will win
out over �doing what is right or in the peoples best interests or wishes.� The �NWO� has already
won. It has snuck up on its victims, drew it sword ( or in this case �gatlin gun�) and the only
people that see what is happening are us �radicals, fanatics and conspiracy freaks� and we are not
enough to stop it from happening. Unless there is some type of overt �occurrence�, I�m afraid they
have won and we just haven�t realized it yet.