posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 11:49 AM
Dreaming, -- dreams of the future, the past, being someone else, then go into shared dreams, that is a dreams people have confirmed to have had
together.. bring this into lucid dreaming and then astral projection.
There you have a whole show.
I think there is a tonne of ideas that you can use to hook people into larger concepts. Dreams being one of them.
I´d gladly discuss several concepts on the show or add more suggestions. I won´t have much computer access for 2 weeks to give more advice
Telekinesis and power of attraction, sychronicities and astrology. I have some experience with those and I think could construct a good flow of
explaining that.
I think the best way to have a good show is to start off with basics that people know and accept to be true, then toss them more and more until you
get into the deeper side of such aspects.
Which site or channel would this radio show be?