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New A&E FBI Show Portrays 9/11 Truthers As Dope Smoking Terrorists

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posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:23 PM
Dope smokers - Probably

Losers - Definite

Terorists - NO

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:03 PM
This just enforces people not to talk about 911 openly or you will be labeled a crackpot, tin foil hat, nut job.
I hate to say it, but the government has been using the media for year’s properganding lies, and brain washing the mass. What happened to freedom of the press, it went right out the window on 911. People, are becoming too scared, to voice their opinions about 911 in public, the subject has become taboo. The media is being used by our government to do what ever, but who is controlling our government. Who has all that power? Maybe someone who has unlimited amount of money, like the chairpersons for the Federal Reserve

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Gonenuts
This just enforces people not to talk about 911 openly or you will be labeled a crackpot, tin foil hat, nut job.

This is hilarious - and probably closer to the truth than many Truthers would like. I agree with the general consensus on being terrorists, though - the Truthers are too idiotic to have the personal discipline and religious or political ideological foundation to be terrorists. Plus, they are too narcissistic to think about anything other than themselves, despite their loud claims to only be after "the truth!"

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:16 PM
They call us dope heads, losers, nutcases for questioning

But, they love to hang out here with us dope heads.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by pinch

the Truthers are too idiotic to have the personal discipline and religious or political ideological foundation to be terrorists.

This is the typical comment I would expect from you pinch. What would you know about personal discipline? You certainly, have demonstrated, that you cant discipline your self with your insults. Therefore, I do not think you have any room to talk. Furthermore, you are not qualified to be an expert, of who is idiotic to have the personal discipline, and religious, or political ideological foundation, to be terrorists. All I ever see you do is make fun of posters, who do not agree with you, oh but when you are confronted for being an ….. you have a fit! No wonder no one wants to have an adult conversation with you most of the time.

Plus, they are too narcissistic to think about anything other than themselves, despite their loud claims to only be after "the truth!"

This statement is a lie! You must be desperate, to ridicule people, that YOU know nothing about! Your statement to call people who are looking and asking questions about 911 “narcissistic” is one of the most disgusting comments, that I have ever encounter on ATS, so far. I do not know why you are even posting in here, if you really feel that way.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 03:47 AM
Well, I've seen TPTB doing everything they can to stop people smoking marijuana. It was on the corner of the screen in the news the other day, when the story was about drug cheats in olympic sports.

I know a few people who smoke it, and I must admit that they do have a bad habit of questioning things.

And as a member's avatar here says: "Patriotism means no questions".

Another thing I have noticed is that those who speak the truth always seem to welcome questions...

But then again, why do we need to ask questions when we are always told the truth?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
reply to post by CameronFox

You sure do spend a lot of time debunking something that doesn't exist. Maybe you should spend your time more wisely.


Ah, Mr. Mod / Truther...

You need to keep up. Re-read my first post on this thread. I clearly mention that 911 Conspiracies exist.... "on the internet."

Stating facts in response to the paranoid/delusional is only done via the internet by me. I do not attend meetings to educate the 1 or 2 misinformed souls that may attend. I don't think it is necessary.

How I spend my time is not of your concern.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

You brought up the meetings, not me. Obviously you feel the need to continue qualifying your statements by showing "proof" that the movement is dying. Why? If I didn't know any better I'd think you were given a job to do and you'll stop at nothing until it's finished. You're operating with old, antiquated tactics that worked at one time in history, but they don't work as well anymore. You honestly think you're changing minds at this point? You honestly think someone is going to see those attendance numbers and just say "OK, you win!"? The harder you try and the depths to which you sink to prove your point, make your intentions even more transparent.


posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love

You brought up the meetings, not me.

I did. And proved that the attendance at most if not all truther gathers has deceased to pathetic numbers.

Does this tell you that the movement is growing, or slowing?

Obviously you feel the need to continue qualifying your statements by showing "proof" that the movement is dying. Why?

Why? Because if I am making a statement that is not an opinion, I back it up with proof.

If I didn't know any better I'd think you were given a job to do and you'll stop at nothing until it's finished.

Ah, being accused once again for being an employee of the US Government. That's original.

You're operating with old, antiquated tactics that worked at one time in history, but they don't work as well anymore.

Stating facts is an old form of debate. Try it sometime.

You honestly think you're changing minds at this point?

No sir, I am just answering the questions I know the answers to.

You honestly think someone is going to see those attendance numbers and just say "OK, you win!"?

No sir, but those that look outside their paranoid minds may see that in fact, there is not much to the truth movement outside it's cozy home on the internet.

The harder you try and the depths to which you sink to prove your point, make your intentions even more transparent.


Please thrill me with your extra sensory perception abilities. What are my intentions?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Please thrill me with your extra sensory perception abilities. What are my intentions?

I think your intentions are to obfuscate reality with so much hot air that it collapses due to thermal expansion.


posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love

I think your intentions are to obfuscate reality with so much hot air that it collapses due to thermal expansion.

In other words.... you have no idea what you're talking about. Can you please sir, show me any of my obfuscated statements?

thank you


posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

It might take me a year, give or take, to compile everything and have a life, but I'll definitely get back to you.


posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Dr Love

I better not hold my breath. It's been 7 + years and you have failed to present any legitimate evidence that 911 was an inside job.

Thanks for playing!

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

CameronFox, what is your intentions in the 911 threads?

I did. And proved that the attendance at most if not all truther gathers has deceased to pathetic numbers.

CameronFox, why do you always ridicule people that are looking, and asking questions, about 911? Like the word (pathetic numbers.) What is the point? It is obvious that you are angry, why are you angy?

Does this tell you that the movement is growing, or slowing?

It is almost like you are saying LOOK! I AM SO HAPPY, THE TRUTH MOVEMENT IS DIEING! Hurrraaaaa, the truth movement is dieing, the truth movement is dieing goody gum drops, na, na,na, nah nah.

Obviously you feel the need to continue qualifying your statements by showing "proof" that the movement is dying. Why?

I agree with this man statement.

Why? Because if I am making a statement that is not an opinion, I back it up with proof.

That is not enough proof you have no idea how many millions of people, who read about 911 daily, weekly, or monthly. Most people have the internet in there homes, and people love to read, it is clear that many people do not trust TV, for their information. The truth movement is not dead, but sitting quiet until new info surfaces or a new investigation is going to be allowed by congress, or by whom ever. The only fact that you have said is maybe two people show up at a café in Boston, where they have a little truth movement club. Nevertheless, that is not proof that the entire population of Boston believes the 911 OS.

If I didn't know any better I'd think you were given a job to do and you'll stop at nothing until it's finished.

It sure looks that way, after reading most of CameronFox, 911 posts, he stays on the defenses all the time.

Ah, being accused once again for being an employee of the US Government. That's original.

The poster never said you where an employee of the US Government! You made up that statement. When the poster said I’d think you were given a job to do, did he say by whom? (no!)

You're operating with old, antiquated tactics that worked at one time in history, but they don't work as well anymore.

I am very familiar with this technique, I have done quit a bit research in to this. When looking for the truth it is necessary to recognized this forum of manipulation that we run into often.

Stating facts is an old form of debate. Try it sometime.

Yes it is, but ridiculing, and insulting one’s intelligent is not!

You honestly think someone is going to see those attendance numbers and just say "OK, you win!"?

CameronFox, wishes!

No sir, but those that look outside their paranoid minds may see that in fact, there is not much to the truth movement outside it's cozy home on the internet.

See here you go again with this (old, antiquated tactics) that you are so good at using.
CameronFox, you can leave the ridiculing name calling out, most people who are looking, and asking questions about 911 are *not* paranoid people. Unless you have scientific facts, that support your claim, but I don’t think you do.

The harder you try and the depths to which you sink to prove your point, make your intentions even more transparent.

Oh so true, what a dark path we chose when we practice to deceive.

Please thrill me with your extra sensory perception abilities. What are my intentions?

To ridicule, and insult, anyone that supports, the real truth about 911, to create anger against members who do not believe in the OS, and hope they leave the 911 threads, or even get band from the thread. Of course this is my opinion.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by Gonenuts]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 07:04 PM
I loved that they used the phrase "self inflicted wound", that's as big an identifier of who they used as their research, as when you hear people talking about "Obamas handlers". Makes it very obvious.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:06 AM
The debunkers, in addition to being terminally schizoid, to wit, completely credulous of every lie emanating from the Bush administration and simultaneously completely incredulous of every objection to those lies, also don't know anything about terrorists.

Point 1: The original terrorists, the assassins sent out by "the old man of the mountain" are so associated with dope that they are named after it.

Point 2: Mohammed Atta was "disciplined" in carousing in bars, getting liquored up and losing his temper.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:47 AM
Conspiracy buffs,
The fact that Hollywood has made your ilk pretend minor villains means that someone is paying attention to you. The bad news is that it is big media, whom you neither trust nor approve of. Take heart that you weren't picked on, specifically. It's just that Hollywood was running out of definable bad guys and, as the Godfather said, business is business. All of the shows are running out. Like "peak oil" we have passed the point of "peak villains" and are scraping the bottom of the old villain barrel. How many muslim maniacs can Jack eradicate. We are in for a TV shortage of those, for sure. Even the airheads at Disney who brainwash our children are having a hard time of it. Maybe you are just the next big thing.
When you feel down about your portrayal, remember the X-Files conspiracy group who could hack any computer in the world with ten random keystrokes or less and save Mulder with timely interventions. Now those guys were TV conspiracists that make many envious of the title.

Keep on conspiracizing.

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