posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:41 AM
I was going to post the history of the plague in Calif but every time i clicked Calif state government sites FireFox crashed on my computer.
Anyone ever heard of this happening before.
I do medical research on the Internet for veterans all the time agent orange gulf war syndrome ETC and have never been blocked like this from any
medical research.
What is the government up to now.
i used the word "plague" and "California" on a google/FireFox and when i tried to open some Calif government sites they crashed
One site was
when i tried to open the cases for different years i get a FireFox crash report pop-up to report the problem.
I gave up
I am going to bookmark it just so i can have fun with firefox till they fix the problem or the government gives up.
[edit on 20-1-2009 by ANNED]