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Could it be that global thought is generating our UFO phenomena?

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posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:19 AM
Okay I know this sounds crazy but is it just possible that what we think we generate. I wonder because our thoughts are energy and somehow our thoughts are generating the patterns of UFO sightings we are now seeing.

Recently we have more reports of UFOs that appear more biological than mechanical. I recall a NASA mission where a glowing light was following a mission. I can’t remember right now it may be a youtube special, something about a blue glowing object following I remember it looked almost opaque. Again it looked rather more biological than mechanical. It’s not that important right now although I’m sure someone will find the link.

In a recent incident we have the wind turbine that supposedly got hit by a tentacle alien looking craft more organic than mechanical.

Snip from American Chronicle:-
“Citizens in the UK and United States have reported similar large, glowing objects in the sky that have been described as looking like an "octopus," "jellyfish," "amoeba," "cocoon" and having "a biological shape."

When we go back in time we have reports and visions of dragons, demons, angels seemingly all story book stuff. But what if it isn’t what if it’s generated by thought. In the past we could not have imagined spaceships aliens and the like but we could imagine other things like dragons, demons, angels.

It appears to me that whatever we imagine becomes reality. We dreamed of space travel in comic books long before space travel – Anyhow I won’t go on I am sure you get the picture.

Another possibility is far scarier, but raises all sorts of questions. Perhaps UFOs are dimensional and interact with human consciousness so that they can in fact be summoned. This may fit nice with the above in that we think about them in a certain way and they materialize in that manner. It may be why some people just see them and why some get abducted. Anyhow more importantly it may be why UFOs have change over the years why at one stage they were conventionally flying sauces and now they are more complex.

Simply as we change our thinking they change to suit the thought patterns of the majority. Could they project images and manipulate scenes and events.

If I set the seed that aliens are now looking like “spheres of water” and we all start to imagine that would it start to happen eventually.

I suppose this has been presented on ATS before if so let me know. In the mean time has anyone else felt this? Is it just possible or to way out?

edit title to
Could it be that global thought is generating our UFO phenomena?
Could it be that global imagination is generating our UFO phenomena?
Just more appropriate

[edit on 18-1-2009 by majestictwo]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:23 AM
Anythings possible.

Although I highly doubt it I believe UFOs are controlled craft by either humans or another type of intelligent entity.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by majestictwo

I don't agree that our imagination can conjure physical objects out of nothing, but I agree that many ufos look biological, I'd tend to lean towards the biological looking ufos being more spiritual as opposed to physical, like ghosts, we can only see them in rare conditions unreplicatable because we can't understand the conditions in which they are visible

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:58 AM
Yes, there seem to be more "biological" UFOs in the air than previously. Perhaps some of these can be attracted to the thoughts and feeling of people and even feed off of those energies. Perhaps some can even be pure energy manifestations of desires. Perhaps other biological forms do the reverse and trigger reactions in people. But, certainly, not all.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Razimus
reply to post by majestictwo

I don't agree that our imagination can conjure physical objects out of nothing, but I agree that many ufos look biological, I'd tend to lean towards the biological looking ufos being more spiritual as opposed to physical, like ghosts, we can only see them in rare conditions unreplicatable because we can't understand the conditions in which they are visible

I wasn’t implying that our thoughts did anything directly more that the aliens have a method of receiving them and then acting on what they receive. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 05:01 AM
Here's what I think. I don't doubt that there is "something" behind the UFO phenomena. What that "something" is, though, I don't know - and I don't know if anyone knows. They may be alien, they may be terrestrial, they may be simply unexplained natural or mundane phenomena. Hence, why they are still called "UFOs" rather than being cataloged and identified. However, I think a great deal of the stories we hear about UFOs - which are genuine in their sincerity - are victims of a sort of social meme which has arisen from these various accounts and manifests itself to the viewer.

Like religion, the proper ambiance or the right triggers can psyche your perception and senses into perceiving near anything you want. Lapses of time, sightings, even abductions which play out entirely in the minds of the witnesses. Hoaxes and hucksters looking for a bit of fame or social recognition will perpetuate purposeful and deliberate acts to perpetuate this, thus feeding back into the social meme and helping to shape it.

I believe this is why UFO and Abduction accounts tend to differ wildly between cultures and time periods. Not because the Earth is some sort of galactic Casablanca or battleground that different species have divided up into "territories".

But again... I don't doubt that there were/are some sort of authentic physical events which help to reinforce the meme.

I guess I take the reductionist view in that, I don't think it's prudent to invoke supernatural or incredible explanations for a phenomena in which we do not know yet know if it warrants a rational explanation or a fantastic one.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by majestictwo
Could it be that global imagination is generating our UFO phenomena?


Some aspects of the phenomena might be 'imagined' or interpreted by some experiencers, but there is definitely something physical to the phenomena, as evident by Radar confirmations and physical trace cases.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by converge

Originally posted by majestictwo
Could it be that global imagination is generating our UFO phenomena?


Some aspects of the phenomena might be 'imagined' or interpreted by some experiencers, but there is definitely something physical to the phenomena, as evident by Radar confirmations and physical trace cases.

Yes for sure there is physical I’m not doubting that. There is or appears to some kind of consciousness link happening for there to be so many different sighting types. These vary with time that is as we comprehend a different type of UFO it eventually becomes reality if you can call sightings reality. Is our consciousness being tapped into and they adapt accordingly worse still is it two way and they can implant a thought. If this could be true abduction don't actually take place physically that is.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by majestictwo

There is some phenomena that goes hand in hand with UFOs and abductions that seems to have some effect on a psychic level so to speak. I can only begin to speculate on why or what causes that.

I think however that not everyone who believes they were 'abducted' were actually abducted. I think they were experiencing something else but the only reference they have is the abduction scenario, that perhaps is the only thing that comes close to 'explaining' or at least describing what happened to them. Again, what they actually went through, I have no idea.

In that sense I think I agree with you to a point, but I have no doubt that there is something physical to the UFO phenomena and it's more than just global imagination.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by converge

Converge appreciate your input - Okay I’m beginning to regret using that word imagination it was a poor choice. I’ve changed the title to thought.

I’m trying to say basically that if aliens are so advanced they would want to get in our heads to discover first hand what we are like. This would be dead easy for them to do because we are today reading “Intentions” not what one is thinking but what one intends to do. There is work underway and only a few years away from doing it remotely.

Anyhow continuing on, does anyone find it strange that UFOs sightings are changing? In particular the different types being sighted I’ve lost count saucers, cigars, orbs of varying colors, now tentacle things. Where will it stop, I don't think it will because of this conscious link.

While we think up new shapes they will come in different shapes. I’m not saying they are not real just when they reveal themselves its programmed in a shape we would like or expect.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:11 AM
To be honest, I find it harder to believe that a human brain can generate somekind of hollogram in the sky just by thinking about it. Extra-Terrestrial visitation still seems like a better explanation to me

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:11 AM
I am sorry to burst your theory here but alien contact and UFOs are something that have been reported in ancient times before they even had the science to understand what the stars were. Your theory does not hold water when you take ancient accounts into consideration.
There was no global awareness of space at that time. Certainly no preconceived universal notions of what UFOs should look like.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:16 AM
To be honest i think your whole theory must be a joke. How can something appear because the human mind wants it to? If that was the case then we would get anything we want.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by majestictwo
Anyhow continuing on, does anyone find it strange that UFOs sightings are changing?

I think that's due to a couple of factors.

First, we have the people that didn't actually witnessed what they say they did, either by misidentifying the object, exaggerating their accounts or lying.

If someone saw something they couldn't explain in 40s or 50s they would then, 9 out of 10 times, describe it as having seen a flying saucer, as it was undoubtedly the most reported shape of UFOs.

The times and 'trends' obviously have an influence on a great share of UFO sightings.

I have no doubt that many accounts are truthful or even somewhat exact of what people saw, but the majority of them are not.

Nowadays probably triangular shaped (wing shaped, boomerang shaped etc) account for the most significant number of sightings, which brings me to another factor: the military aircraft.

No doubt that some people are indeed witnessing UFOs, but they are man-made. Looking at the latest planes (and UAVs) being introduced and developed, a majority of them are triangular or wing shaped craft. It's not a stretch to think many people are seeing these.

However, let's not forget that triangular shaped craft were also being reported in the early years and basically throughout all of "UFO history". And the same applies to saucer shaped craft - they are still being reported in modern times.

In conclusion, I think these changes in shapes go hand in hand with the statistics (and my personal believe) that only a small percentage of UFOs are indeed something other than man-made aircraft, misidentifications, weather phenomena and other unknown phenomena.

What we're left with, in my opinion, is due to different type of craft (different purposes) and/or different type of beings.

[edit on 18-1-2009 by converge]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:47 AM
In an indirect manner yes there may be something to global thought generating UFO phenomenon. Global thought has created new technology and this is probably catching the attention of those out there, or down below, or in another dimension. Ever since nukes went off there seems to have been an increase in sightings of UFOs. Sure, folk have seen these things through the ages, but there seems to be more contact since WW2, increasing to here and now, loads of sightings all the time. This is building up to something, maybe the 2012 thing or maybe something else. Global thought created the technology to have thousands of nukes in a very unstable world. UFOs are maybe our only hope of stopping us destroying ourselves.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 11:19 AM
I would like to point out that while I'm not sure what or whom the UFO phenom represents if anything, when looking at it from the camp of the "extraterrestrial hypothesis" ... it is logical to assume that these "aliens" capable of visiting our planet.. would indeed improve, change and evolve their "craft" designs to better suit their needs and purposes or just change them as their technology evolves.

If in fact there are "aliens" they are an intelligent race whom has progressed technologically to the point they can preform space or dimensional travel with ease. This suggests that any progressive, intelligent race that evolves or attempt to conquer or master their surroundings/elements would in fact still continue to evolve and change. So would their "works" or "craft".

While the classic "saucer" shape seems to be more prevalent, especially in the older accounts, we have indeed seen a steady increase or change in the types of "craft" witnessed. This suggests one of two things:

  • UFO's are in fact "craft" or vehicles built or created by "someone" as the design has been noted to change or progress (even morph instantaneously) throughout recorded history.

  • UFO's are living (loosely defined) entities that behave or appear to be several different things for reasons unknown.

    The facts are that the phenomenon is ever changing, and in fact could even be a combination of the two theories or even more.... we just don't know. So, when trying to ascertain answers to this enigma, I think it is counter-productive to fully cast aside one theory or an other just because you don't personally subscribe to it... if you truly want to find the answers. Unless you actually KNOW what is behind the UFO phenom you cannot afford to simply dismiss a given theory.... that would be ignorant until we KNOW.

    [edit on 18-1-2009 by Alter-Ego]

  • posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 06:33 PM

    Originally posted by DarkSide
    To be honest, I find it harder to believe that a human brain can generate somekind of hollogram in the sky just by thinking about it. Extra-Terrestrial visitation still seems like a better explanation to me

    You perhaps haven’t read all the posts – I said this earlier

    “I wasn’t implying that our thoughts did anything directly more that the aliens have a method of receiving them and then acting on what they receive”

    And yes as you say

    “Extra-Terrestrial visitation still seems like a better explanation to me “

    I agree I’m not saying they are not real. These guys are tapped in to our thought systems and using it.

    posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 06:48 PM

    Originally posted by converge

    Originally posted by majestictwo
    Anyhow continuing on, does anyone find it strange that UFOs sightings are changing?

    I think that's due to a couple of factors.

    First, we have the people that didn't actually witnessed what they say they did, either by misidentifying the object, exaggerating their accounts or lying.

    If someone saw something they couldn't explain in 40s or 50s they would then, 9 out of 10 times, describe it as having seen a flying saucer, as it was undoubtedly the most reported shape of UFOs.

    The times and 'trends' obviously have an influence on a great share of UFO sightings.

    I have no doubt that many accounts are truthful or even somewhat exact of what people saw, but the majority of them are not.

    Nowadays probably triangular shaped (wing shaped, boomerang shaped etc) account for the most significant number of sightings, which brings me to another factor: the military aircraft.

    No doubt that some people are indeed witnessing UFOs, but they are man-made. Looking at the latest planes (and UAVs) being introduced and developed, a majority of them are triangular or wing shaped craft. It's not a stretch to think many people are seeing these.

    However, let's not forget that triangular shaped craft were also being reported in the early years and basically throughout all of "UFO history". And the same applies to saucer shaped craft - they are still being reported in modern times.

    In conclusion, I think these changes in shapes go hand in hand with the statistics (and my personal believe) that only a small percentage of UFOs are indeed something other than man-made aircraft, misidentifications, weather phenomena and other unknown phenomena.

    What we're left with, in my opinion, is due to different type of craft (different purposes) and/or different type of beings.

    [edit on 18-1-2009 by converge]

    Have you seen the thread about the documented UFO-crash in 1897, witnessed by a good amount of people, including a dead UFO-pilot...?

    posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 06:58 PM

    Originally posted by Nightchild
    Have you seen the thread about the documented UFO-crash in 1897, witnessed by a good amount of people, including a dead UFO-pilot...?

    In what way is that relevant to my post?

    I'm sorry I really didn't get it.

    posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 07:07 PM

    Originally posted by converge

    Originally posted by Nightchild
    Have you seen the thread about the documented UFO-crash in 1897, witnessed by a good amount of people, including a dead UFO-pilot...?

    In what way is that relevant to my post?

    I'm sorry I really didn't get it.

    Because of this: Quote:"No doubt that some people are indeed witnessing UFOs, but they are man-made. Looking at the latest planes (and UAVs) being introduced and developed, a majority of them are triangular or wing shaped craft. It's not a stretch to think many people are seeing these."

    I am sure those "manmade" Ufo's must have been really something extraordinary, those days of 1897.

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