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Is it a demon?

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posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 11:34 PM
A friends house has a little problem, he says between 2:30-3:00am his bedroom door knob shakes like crazy and sometimes his closet door opens.

The house is maybe 7 years old and I doubt its a ghost. His parents and both their kids dont really get along, a lot of negative energy in the house and I think demons like to hang around that. There is other strange things in the house going on too.

His dad said one night he was walking up the stairs and seen a light and woke up in bed the next morning, didnt have a clue what happened. His dad wont go upstairs anymore.

Nobody in the house beleives in god either, Im not sure if that has anything to do with it or not.

I was wondering if I could some how get a picture of something going on? As far as doing anything about it I think I'll pass if its a demon, Id like to stay away from something like that.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 11:45 PM
well from what i believe its a poltergeist it feeds on negativity fear and mainly does it to the adolescent.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:19 AM
Go around the house and take lots of pictures, you might see something in the pictures after you have taken them, and be sure to share it with us, because we like these sort of things

Perhaps you could take someone with you, lest you see a light and wake up somewhere else

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:25 AM
Go get some holy water and hook it up to the fire hydrant, get a big hose and dose that house! didn't you know that's the only way to get rid of evil spirits?

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:29 AM
Set up video cameras and film over a period of a week also take random pictures every few minutes through out those hours again over a period of a week then


posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:57 AM
Nope, no Demon, probably just a ghost or residual energy that hangs around.
Demons are free to move around as they wish - so rattling a doorknob every night would be pretty lame

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Ereshkigal
Nope, no Demon, probably just a ghost or residual energy that hangs around.
Demons are free to move around as they wish - so rattling a doorknob every night would be pretty lame

I'd like to know who invented this "residual energy", "psychic re-playing loop", type belief, I just don't tend to believe that exists.

It's just my opinion, but I believe there are only 2 types of non-physical entities around us.

Dead human ghosts bad or good

& non-physical demons or angels.

I personally believe their always concious, and in no way is there an unconcious type of spirit, or non-spirit 'energy' that haunts people, but I don't doubt positive or negative 'energy' could attract a concious non-physical entity.

These are just my thoughts, but they are in the 5th and/or 6th plus dimensions and they can see us at all times, 24/7, they really probably don't think twice when they see us if their 'living' in the same area as your house, higher dimensional beings can see lower dimensional beings and not the other way around excepting very rare instances.

The common belief would be that maybe a buried person nearby would haunt that area, and maybe some ghosts hang out where their bones are, but I wouldn't be hanging around my grave, I'd go wherever I felt, it might be a dead relative watching over you, or a demon taking advantage of the negative energy from negative events.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:32 AM
For a more scientific explaination... the doorknob and door might just be a draft. My bedroom door does the same thing, it doesn't close completely tight so it wiggles back and forth a little. I have to wedge my shoes against it so it isn't knocking at night.

Closet door we'd need to see to tell. Is it something fairly secure that you really need to pull to open, or is it really easy to open like a saloon door or something? There is the potential that the floor isn't made level so it will have a tendency to swing open as well or something.

If you want to investigate, take lots of pictures and do some EMP. If you take pictures with a flash, just be aware that you are probably going to get dust orbs in the pictures but there is nothing paranormal about them. Have a tape recorder, or even a free sound recording program on the computer and record sounds in a silent room for half an hour. Maybe ask questions and then wait a minute for answers, see if anything is on the tape when you play it back.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:26 PM
Demon's don't "haunt" houses, they don't reside in houses. They reside in castles and old mills..okay, I'm just joking, but demons do inhabit the dimension between the physical and spiritual world, sometimes called Limbo. Demons are castoffs from both Heaven and Hell(or the spiritual realm). Some spirits inhabit Limbo, but most inhabit the main kingdoms of The spiritual realm. The Spirits seen are the ones from Limbo. I have studied Mediumism, or the study of ghosts (correct me if I'm wrong, please), and demonology, and demons normally maneuver outside while the spirits bring on the pain indoors. So, yeah, I'd say Poltergeist. Please do correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just going by what study shows.

[edit on 1/18/2009 by Dragonfriend

[edit on 1/18/2009 by Dragonfriend]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:48 PM
He said the knob shakes like crazy like somone is shaking it, the door doesnt move. The closet door will only open if you turn the knob and pull it open. my sister said she was in there one day and she by the closet door and it was closed she looked away for a second and looked back and it was open. I guess the closet door opens all the time, like you leave the room and come back and its open.

He doesnt get along with his parents so me being able to take some pictures isnt going to be easy. Id liek to look for EMF but somone stole my meter

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 05:49 PM
Oh, I hear you there. I'd like to get some EVP's on my house, but my Voice Recorder's busted. Just our luck!

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 06:18 PM
So you think its a demon just because the door knob jiggles a little? Um I think if it was a demon it would most likely do more then mess with the door knob

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by FearSoul
So you think its a demon just because the door knob jiggles a little? Um I think if it was a demon it would most likely do more then mess with the door knob

The reason I thought it was a demon is because everyone hates each other in the house and I thought demons would feed off that. I didnt know that would cause a poltergeist to hang around.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 12:32 AM
As far as the people in the house It just sounds as if they simply can't get along well enough, But it just sounds like you just got a ghost or two,You could call over a preach and see if that help any


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