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Curious spot on mesa near Dulce, New Mexico?

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posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:28 PM

January 17, 2009

There is no doubt that curiosity seekers, through the use of Google Earth satellite imagery, have meticulously looked (and will continue to look) for anything that may appear to be anomalous spots on the entire Archuleta Mesa, adjacent to Dulce, New Mexico.
But so far, its seems that nothing of any significance seems to have surfaced. Anything that may have appeared to be somewhat "strange" have been prosaically explained.
Here is another spot that came to my attention recently. You can zoom in and see what I mean. This spot is located on the Colorado side of the Archuleta Mesa, a couple of miles NW of a tiny community of Edith, Colorado:

curious spot on Archuleta Mesa

Some may see an opening or a shaft partially covered with logs.
Some may contend that it is nothing more than a small dirt mound where logs are laid on top.
Others may see a pond over which logs are scattered.
Others may contend that it is simply a vestige of a camp area.
Prosaic explanations will probably lay to rest this spot.

This is also a reminder to everyone that you are welcome to come to Dulce on Sunday, March 29 to attend the first-time ever Open Public Forum: "The Dulce Base: Fact or Fiction?", which will be held at the Best Western Jicarilla Inn. It willl start from 10 a.m. and will last till 3 p.m.
There will be some surprise guest speakers as well as many surprise guests in attendance.
A large portion of the "conference" will be an open forum during which the public is invited to express their thoughts and will be given a chance to speak out. The cost of admission to this one-day "conference" is $5 at the door:

Underground Base conference in Dulce, New Mexico

For any inquiries, please e-mail me at :
[email protected]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Norio Hayakawa

is the spot just to the southwest of the Indian route road or the T-9 road at the end?

Just checking!

[edit on 1/17/2009 by GenRadek]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:34 PM
That's a great find! The roads deadend where there has been earth disturbed and there are faint circles in the landscape. Underground rooms of somesort I imagine.

[edit on 1/17/09 by stikkinikki]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
reply to post by Norio Hayakawa

is the spot just to the southwest of the Indian route road or the T-9 road at the end?

Just checking!

[edit on 1/17/2009 by GenRadek]

It is about 1600 feet east of the end of the T-9 road.
Like I said, GenRadek, you need to zoom in a little.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Norio Hayakawa

Comrad "Norio Hayakawa" how do I get permission to get on Archeleta Mesa. I would like to go there before that date you mentioned and take a private looksee, if you know what I mean.

I intend some time or another to get in close enough to map whatever is beneath Archeleta Mesa, that is if there is anything there to map. All I have to do is get in close enough with some high tech equipment and send a high energy beam through that mesa, and if there is metal inside of the mesa, then the signal will bounce back and register the metal. Penetration of the high energy beam will penetrate several miles of earth strata, but it will bounce back upon detecting metal. The further the metal is from the equipment the larger it will have to be in order to detect it.

A piece of metal in the ground between the size of a car and a semi is detectable at around a mile in depth. Beer cans sized objects are detectable at around 100 yards in depth. So, if there are tunnels underneath of that mesa, I would like to map them roughly. Someone else can come in later and spend a lot of time and map them very precisely.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
That's a great find! The roads deadend where there has been earth disturbed and there are faint circles in the landscape. Underground rooms of somesort I imagine.

Thanks, Nikki. You have a great insight.
Yes, the spot is located about 1600 feet east of the end of the T-9 Road, as you can see, if you zoom in:

curious spot on Archuleta Mesa, north of Dulce, New Mexico

By the way, Nikki, you are welcome to come to Dulce to attend the first-time ever Open Public Forum: "The Dulce Base: Fact or Fiction?", which will be held on Sunday, March 29, from 10 a.m. to about 4 p.m. at the Best Western Jicarilla Inn in Dulce:

An unusual conference to be held in Dulce:

There will be some news media and many surprise guests among the attendees. Anyone will be welcome to express their thoughts and speak out at the Public Forum. The admission is only $5.

Norio Hayakawa
[email protected]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Norio Hayakawa

I never believed the dulce undgerground reptilian alien base stories so I never tried to find it using google earth... I don't doubt underground bases exist but I also don't doubt a good disinformation agent or sensationalist needed an area as a plot for their story they just chose dulce, for similar reasons camp hero was chosen for the montauk project, because few people are familliar with the area and it makes for a more believable story.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 01:27 PM
If I'm seeing the right object I actually see two of them. Am I correct?

Interestingly enough I just sorta started looking into all this Dulce stuff yesterday and it seems as if it was a perfect coincidence with a recent increase in interest in the area. Would be interesting to attend the "conference" and possible as I live in Blanco, but alas the powers that be (parents) would think me an oddball, lol.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:24 PM
I will be moving to New Mexico in August and I am definately up for a trip out to Archuleta Mesa to see exactly what it is out there at the end of T-9 as much as I would love to believe that this is the entrance to the mythical base my best guess is that its just cleared forest and nothing else as New Mexico has tons of areas like this due to the Pine Bark Beetle killing thousands upon thousands of trees not to mention New Mexico is a tinderbox just waiting to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:15 PM
Well Id leave it alone... I just found this report and Dulce is all over in it.... A HUGE Alien camp site underground.... listed many times.... I dont know if I believe or not..... Never seen any dont plan to either, so cant say. Take a view of this...

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:30 PM
I don't think we should be talking about Dulce.

You guys may want to lay off this area a little.

[edit on 26-1-2009 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 11:46 PM
Just a comment on the size--it is roughly 100' x 75', plus or minus, so it's about .17 acres, not very big whatever it is.


posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 01:54 AM
My Dulce, New Mexico story.

I've been looking for a place to dump my story.

My grandpa and I went on a road trip 2 years ago that was originally intended to be a trip to all of the alien hotspots (Rachel, Roswell, Dulce, etc) but turned out being a regular old road trip.

A week into the trip, we were in Dulce. We stayed at the Best Western Jicarilla Inn (sp) for one night, named after the Indian reservation that the town resides upon. I spent the whole of the day probing people about the base and Archuletta Mesa. Seemingly, the entire population is lower-class Native American people, but you'd have to check a Wikipedia page for exact numbers, and we have never felt more unwelcome anywhere else we had been in our entire lives. Everyone looked at us like we had screwed their wives. We assumed this was brought on by the color of our skin, but it may have been because we were outsiders. We did not blend in.

I talked to clerks in a convenience store, city workers, a lady at a liquor store next to the hotel, and a teenager at the desk of the Best Western.

With the exception of the hotel guy, every single one of them gave us the run around.

The gas station people acted like they didn't know anything about an "Archuletta Mesa", when it's actually the very top of one of the gigantic mountains that basically IS their town (basically, their story stunk). The liquor store lady didn't really say anything at all, but that may have been from a lack of English. The city road worker told us that Archuletta Mesa is on some sort of "tribal land", and that you have to be in the presence of a Tribal Elder to go up there. It felt like everyone we asked was trying to steer us from our goals.

Finally, the hotel desk boy was open with us. He said that there are people in the town that could tell us stories about huge craft going in and out of the top of the mountains, and a military presence, and the rumors of the base itself, but that he was merely familiar with all of it, and didn't invest in the stories.

Even with this kindness, we were getting nowhere. So the desk clerk literally pointed his finger in the direction of the mesa for us and we drove that way in our Trail Blazer. There is a huge network of rural mountain roads that are all recreational and well-traveled at the start, mostly roads that lead to favorite party/hunting locations. We kept our directional heading in mind and drove toward it, guessing on our road selection and which direction they would take us. Oddly enough, we began seeing signs warning us of the city road worker's aforementioned 'tribal elder' rules, and that if there wasn't one present we should turn around. Naturally, we kept going. The roads got crappier and crappier, and one hour and many ruts in the road later, we reached what seemed to be the top of the range.

Keep in mind that the whole area is giant hills and mountains. There is no clear mountain upon which Archuletta Mesa is, they all run together.

There was nothing there. Just grass, trees, typical wilderness areas. I began to wonder what I had hoped to find in the first place. Were we really going to drive to the top of a hill and find a large metal hatch leading deep into the hills below and into the belly of the mankind's greatest secret? No.

I have my reservations about this next part...

From the top of this mountain, we had a wonderful view of the skyline, and the HUGE random black storm clouds that were rolling in. I don't know if flash-thunderstorms are common in this area, but we sure experienced one then... how convenient... For fear of getting our rig stuck in the muddy roads to the town, we raced back into the town below, went grocery shopping, and retired to our room for the night. I was a little crestfallen, but like I said before, I didn't really know what expected to begin with.

Basically, it seems a little obvious that there's something weird happening in Dulce, but there's nothing on it's sleeves.

Hoped you enjoyed my tale

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by Norio Hayakawa

Looks like water to me, I'm curious how many people here have visited dulce and investigated it independently, have you found any evidence? didn't think so, because there is none, if you believe in the alien bases dulce myth you will believe anything the disinfo agents feed to the ufologists, the thing about most ufologists, they don't know how to filter bs from truth, they publish it and all of a sudden we have 42 alien species that have visited the planet? I'd like to see proof of 1 intelligent species of ET having visited earth.

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