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9/11 New Norad audio - suggest controllers thought events part of

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posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 07:29 AM

Newly uncovered audio from recordings of NORAD staff responding to the airliner hijackings on 9/11 may provide more evidence to suggest air defense officials were under the impression that the attacks were part of ongoing drills and exercises.

Link to original

Firstly, the men are clearly heard laughing and joking about the hijackings, a very strange thing to do in the face of an all out terrorist suicide attack.

One officer says “That’s it, I’m not flying with United or American any more,” amongst the laughter another responds “I never thought I would have wished for ValuJet to come back.”

One of the officers later states “I’m glad I’m not flying today,” to which the answer is, “Don’t worry Jim, we’ll carjack you on the way home.” Two minutes later the men are talking about stock they own.

Interesting enough, the audio shows how they felt the "drill" was made hard for them, and they were not taking the hijacking seriously.

Another key part of the audio comes as the officers attempt to find a transponder signal for flight 175. One officer states “I’m looking for a squawk” — military jargon for a transponder signal from the aircraft — A second officer remarks “We have smart terrorists today, they are not giving them a chance to squawk”.

What does this officer mean?

His use of the word “today” indicates that terrorist hijackings of airliners are a daily occurrence. In this sense it is more likely that he is referring to previous drills of hijackings, which we know were ongoing in the days and weeks leading up to the attacks on 9/11, as well as on the actual day.

Furthermore, who is the “they” that the officer refers to? Are the terrorists “they”? — ie “They (the terrorists) are not giving them (the aircraft/pilots) the chance to squawk”.

Or are “they” another group, military officers running a drill perhaps, that
are not giving the fictional terrorists the chance to squawk, thus making the drill harder?

It is not so hard to imagine, given that multiple personnel at NORAD and NEADS are on record as having admitted they originally thought the attacks were part of the drill.

Furthermore, according to Larry Arnold, who was the commanding general of NORAD’s Continental U.S. Region, the Vigilant Guardian exercise was only canceled after the second World Trade Center tower was hit at 9:03 a.m., a timeline which dovetails exactly with the above clip.

I wish, those people with their heads buried in the sand, would look at all the evidence that shows 9/11 was an inside govt. job.

The fact there was a "drill" along with all the other evidence is overwhelming to the fact - our own govt. is the one who attacked us that day.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by questioningall]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:11 AM
What a plan -- hold a real* terror attack that mimics the time, place and methods of a "practice" terror attack and you guarantee that the guys who should be monitoring our safety won't take things seriously, and won't take any actions they otherwise would have.
Now that can't just be a coincidental thing. It had to have been planned that way all along.
* not that I am agreeing that the attack actually involved planes. I still think some of it was done with bombs and/or missiles, but the timing and all was coordinated with the "scenario" of the practice.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by wayno

Yes, very well planned by the govt.

The thing is: as the SHTF this year, I am hoping some of those involved in the whole "plan" will come out and confess to things. That is my hope.
But I also understand there are many people who have had accidents or commited suicide that could have been involved, from things I have read over time.

It was very well executed and done.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:20 AM

posted by questioningall

I wish, those people with their heads buried in the sand, would look at all the evidence that shows 9/11 was an inside govt. job.

The fact there was a "drill" along with all the other evidence is overwhelming to the fact - our own govt. is the one who attacked us that day.

Of course; it was a well planned government/military psyops attack against the American people utilizing maximum Shock & Awe effects to frighten their targets into submission. It mostly worked as planned, as many Americans are still afraid to question their government god.

However they made many serious errors. and leakers from the inside have compounded their problems. Many Americans have come out of their fear of 'terrorists' and realized the color alerts and much else with their government was all a sham.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:46 AM
The same MO was used in the London bombings of 7/7. Terror drill coinciding with real false flag attack. What a coincidence!

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