posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 11:50 PM
Originally posted by GamerGal
If the "goal" was to kill all Palestinians then why are they being so careful? If Israel wanted too there would be no Middle East, let alone
Palestinians. But they target Hamas, just like Egypt does. Egypt sealed its borders and fires at Hamas just like Israel. The West Bank is not
controlled by Hamas and is left alone. Any thing about Israel wanting too wipe out Palestinians is proven false by this note alone. Not to mention
that again if they wanted to the ME wouldn't exist, let alone a few million Palestinians.
The part that I bolded just shows you didn't read ANYTHING. To save the OP some frustration, I will repeat:
The Zionist plan is colonization of the land. They don't want the Palestinians gone, they simply want them to be the minority under the Zionist laws.
They are trying to break their will, not break their bloodline. The rest of your post is basically regurgitation of images shown to you by MSM and
propagandists. Have you ever looked into the back history of why the Egyptians are fighting Hamas? Neither have I, so I'm not even gonna pretend to
know. Deny Ignorance, Educate yourself! Finish coking the bacon before you eat it, or you can really get yourself into a jam.
from what I gather, I'd have to say I back the Palestinians on this issue, but from what I can understand of Hamas, it seems that it is in place as
an instigator to the situation. I really don't know, but it seems that Hamas has made the situation worse for the Arabs. I see the picture as this:
Say you have 2 gangs. One controls a 'hood, and the other moves in because it has no place of it's own. They fight and both sides refuse to give in.
The native gang is losing, and the occupiers know it and are growing weary of the battle and want to take control. In comes the "Hamas" idea. The
invading gang talks with a member from the native side who just wants all the fighting done, maybe sees no future in it, or something. So they send
this guy back to his gang. All of a sudden this guy rises up with a handfull of people and start escalating the 'war', in turn the occupiers fight
back saying it is in self defense, killing off alot of the native gang that is not fighting.
I may just be totally off on this, but that's how I've come to see it. Elitists and Extremists... the difference between a chef and a line cook.
Either way, I'd rather starve to death in America than live in the ME... some rough territory over there, and everyone gets drug into conflict, even
if it is 500 miles away.
Great read. Alot of info packed into a small space.