posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 06:12 PM
Inept? i dont agree with schiff on this one..the two richest families the rockefellers and rothschilds have not survived for centuries by being
*inept* whether or not they have anything to do with this is another thing,lincoln supposedly used to call these sorts of events money power.I
personally think these families among a few more,but rothschilds are the richest i think.Sit back for 60,70,80 years jsut until they see fit ,they
know they have put their money in all the right places that noone can bother them,let big corporations and banks rise on the backs of others,then
intentionally make the whole deck of cards collapse and buy up everything.Rinse and repeat.Of course thats pure speculation but i dont think these
sorts of powerful people are inept in the slightest.