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Enough vampire threads, please!!!

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posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 01:53 PM
And on a sidenote, there CAN not be enough Vampire-threads.

The topic of Real Life-Vampires is an important one- just as important as any other of the subjects of this board. Vampirism is only now starting to become a serious topic of investigation, and the and understanding of Real Life-Vampires is just as important as the understanding for HBTQ-people have been and are, especially the later years.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Nightchild

ok - whate is your evidence for " real life " vampirism ?

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:18 PM
I thought I was a real ghostbuster, but I couldn't find an unlicensed nuclear accelerator to wear on my back so I just used a vacuum cleaner.


posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:20 PM
Twilight is the new Gossip Girls for lonely preteens.

Right. I mean, it's great to aspire to be something you're not- like a famous person, or scientist or something. Vampires? Not so much.

Let's mention the increase in kids wearing black clothing, fishnet, and whatnot. Hot Topic is also the new Abercrombie.

Nightchild- Websites like Sanguiniarius are available for those concerned with Real-Life vampirism. It's not like other great resources aren't available for free. Plus, people will probably get a better welcome there than here if they truly think that they are vampires. They have articles, resources, forums, and all sorts of things that we don't. It's probably better to just go there than flood the paranormal boards or crypto boards here.

It annoys me, personally.

[edit on 1/15/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

If only the evidence decided what was proper to discuss, then this board would be pretty useless, don't you think?

That said, what is evidence for one individual, will allways get debunked by another, and vice versa. The best thing is, to simply do own research to gather the facts and make a personal decision. In this matter-Vampires.

I can recommend readings by Professor Stephen Kaplan, the researcher that started the first research-center for serious investigation of Real Life-Vampires, if you wish to dwelve into the subject.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Since when did you have to put vampires in a movie to make people believe it is fiction? Anyone who is told that powerful immortal beings who burst into flames in the sunlight and drink blood to stay alive would laugh and think it was fake even without a movie.

As for "real life vampires" - its just a anti-science way to explain why certain people do or don't enjoy social interaction. I get tried quickly when I'm around a lot of large groups of people. Its not because psychics vampires are among me - I just don't like crowds.

[edit on 15-1-2009 by LowLevelMason]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:31 PM
Also, if people keep coming to ATS for vampire advice, they're not going to get a warm welcome by most of us. I recommend that they go to Sanguinarius, myself, where they won't be doubted or mistreated, and where people would have better advice.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:32 PM
To be absolutely honest, they're my favorite mythological being, and they possibly could even exist, both in the more traditional sense of a long living more immortal type, as well as humans with these traits, as I believe this all has to do with ufology, and dna manipulation done by ets when modern man was created.

As these threads are very interesting to read, I don't understand how you can try to shut down subjects that are of great interest to many people. There is no end to gaza threads, and depressing end of the world scenarios going on. If there are more races of people on this earth, this to me is wonderful, and something of mystery. To me, they would be like the unicorn.

I will continue to read ever thread that pops up on the subject.

[edit on 15-1-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13Let's mention the increase in kids wearing black clothing, fishnet, and whatnot. Hot Topic is also the new Abercrombie.

You are talking about a clothingstyle, not Vampirism. You DO understand that being Goth is not the same thing as being a Vampire, right?

Nightchild- Websites like Sanguiniarius are available for those concerned with Real-Life vampirism. It's not like other great resources aren't available for free. Plus, people will probably get a better welcome there than here if they truly think that they are vampires. They have articles, resources, forums, and all sorts of things that we don't. It's probably better to just go there than flood the paranormal boards or crypto boards here.

It annoys me, personally.

[edit on 1/15/2009 by ravenshadow13]

This sounds very familiar to the sayings that was not too unusual a few decades ago, when people stated their opinions about homosexuals;" Well as long as they keep to their own and leave me alone they can do whatever they want."

Not the way to go, really. Maybe in the 50's, but not in this day and age. For a minority-group to gain acceptance in the Society, they HAVE to "put in a foot" in as much doorways in the Society as possible. They cannot-and SHOULD not- only "Stay in their corner".

Just as minority-groups within the HBTQ-Community have done, the same goes for any other minority-group aswell. The only ways to gain growin acceptance, is to: Be seen, be heard, LEARN people, and as a group be noticed by as much people as possible.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:46 PM
I have created another Vampire thread haven't I?


posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:51 PM
Without reading or looking at the threads the OP mentioned I understand the point he is making but it seems he is unaware of Vampires outside of the American mainstream. If you go to any country in Eastern Europe, particularly somewhere like Romania I'd wager that over 80% of the population believe they are real, frightening and dangerous things. It's nothing like the perceived Hollywood vampire at all - they scoff at the comparison - rather something far more sinister and is very worthy of proper investigation.

Perhaps there could be some agreeable middle-ground? The teenage horror fans have to realise that a lot of what they want to believe in is complete fantasy and the complainers (I don't mean that in a derogatory way) have to give some leeway and let proper, sensible discussion commence. Perhaps a subforum dedicated to just that would do the trick if moderated well?

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:26 PM
I don't mind the vampire threads, as ludicrous as they least they are good for a laugh.
What annoys me is all the talk of "psychic vampires". I mean come on! *woooo* This person makes me feel tired and bored when I'm around them so they must be a psychic vampire....Uh no, they are more than likely just socially inept.

Originally posted by Dr Love
I thought I was a real ghostbuster, but I couldn't find an unlicensed nuclear accelerator to wear on my back so I just used a vacuum cleaner.


LOL! Star for you!

Originally posted by Marshall Ormus
...I was merely picking up on the fact you labeled all the people following the Vamp trend as Goth when most Goths wouldn't be seen dead with followers of the Vamp subculture. What next blaming the rise of Neo-Nazi-skinhead style threads on Buddhist monks because they have similar hair styles that is to say bald.

I used to be Goth back in school days...but then I realised that I don't need to dress like all the other Goths just because I like a bit of 'Dead Can Dance' or 'Cocteau Twins'...anyway, the point is that I only recently heard about "Emos" and only just now heard about "Vamps". What I want to know is how do these sub cultures differ. To the untrained eye, they all look like attention seekers, but maybe you can enlighten us?

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Nightchild

Nightchild, I know quite a bit about vampirism, thank you very much.
I was alluding to the fact that Twilight has impacted mainstream society to take on some subcultures which they normally wouldn't.

Hey, listen, it's totally cool. I'm not going to argue about it. I've dated people who call themselves vamps. I just know for a fact that not every person who comes on here claiming to have those tendencies has anything more than an interest or paranoia.

It's perfectly okay to support this stuff in RL, but through the internet ... you have to be really careful. I remember some stuff back when I was a regular on Sanguinarius and a lot of the things going on can be dangerous.

Just saying. It's not a good thing to give advice on, and you were absolutely right when you mentioned that people should be doing research on their own and not posting personal information regarding tendencies and things...

Edit- To be blunt, I don't want some preteen kid coming on here, telling people that they think they're a vampire, getting convinced, and then going around asking to cut people's arms and things. I know how this can go bad. It can also encourage delusions in people who have mental problems and I'm not saying that vampires have mental problems or vice versa, but if somebody think that they are immortal, becomes convinced that they are, then it might be harder for that person to stay safe.

[edit on 1/15/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Twilight is the new Gossip Girls for lonely preteens.

Right. I mean, it's great to aspire to be something you're not- like a famous person, or scientist or something. Vampires? Not so much.

Actually--and maybe this just shows that I;m getting old--but I have a real gripe with the number of kids who are emulating Twilight.

The young girl in the book is essentially in a manipulative, abusive relationship, yet this is made out to be trendy and daring.

The author forgets to mention that in real life, that kind of behavior is dangerous to condone, even deadly.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by asmeone2

I haven't seen the film, but from what I can gather the human girl falls in love with the Vampire boy right?

It's perfect storytelling for the target audience. The author certainly knows her stuff. There has always been this semi-romantic view of Hollywood vampires. Teenagers, going through hormonal swings and first relationships, are hugely susceptible to the combination of a love story and the Vampire twist. It is like a combining of 2 of the most attractive movie elements into one money making machine.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Edit- To be blunt, I don't want some preteen kid coming on here, telling people that they think they're a vampire, getting convinced, and then going around asking to cut people's arms and things. I know how this can go bad. It can also encourage delusions in people who have mental problems and I'm not saying that vampires have mental problems or vice versa, but if somebody think that they are immortal, becomes convinced that they are, then it might be harder for that person to stay safe.

That's kind of what I'm talking about. And I thought I'd bring this topic / request back up again, because the Vampire / Werewolf topics are (once again) getting out of control.

This latest craze with it is probably offending the hell out of people who consider themselves 'real vampires' (I don't think they are, but they are the closest to holding the copyright on it

I worry that impressionable (nice word for stupid) teens will take a lot of this 'vampire lore' from the web seriously and get swept up in the hype and hurt themselves or others.

Surely one, obesely large topic about Vampires would be enough? There is nearly a new one springing up every day.

Werewolves vs Vampires seem to be the new flavor of the month now though. Twilight has died off and Underworld 3 has taken over.

Not to mention that new vampire themed TV series on HBO.

Vampire and Werewolf topics on the front page of Crypto right now:

Phycic vampires???
vampire sightings
Werewolf sightings
Is it possible to turn into a werewolf?
Who would like to be a vampire?
Is it possible to be... born a vampire?
Vampire-Werewolf hybrid?

Another thing. Should Vampire threads even be in the Crypto forum?

Cryptozoology (from Greek κρυπτός, kriptos, "hidden" + zoology; literally, "study of hidden animals") is the study of and search for animals which fall outside of contemporary zoological catalogs. It consists of two primary fields of research:

* The search for living examples of animals taxonomically identified through fossil records which are considered to be extinct.
* The search for animals that fall outside of taxonomic records due to a lack of empirical evidence, but for which anecdotal evidence exists in the form of myths, legends, or undocumented sightings.[1]

A subset of the first field is the search for "out of place animals," such as phantom cats.


Emphasis mine.

[edit on 2-3-2009 by fooffstarr]

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 11:06 PM
As a student who is probably going to be working in the cryptozoological field, or at least zoological field in general, as a career... and someone who (like you) has done a lot of research on the matter.

There are so many more things to touch on in the cryptozoological world that have not even been mentioned on ATS, and if you want to discuss vampires then it's not so hard to work off of an existing thread.

Like, okay, here-
Jersey Devil
Bili Ape
Nandi Bear

Let's try to talk about those more? You know? Loren Coleman stuff...
Cryptozoology stuff...

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 12:04 AM

I haven't seen the film, but from what I can gather the human girl falls in love with the Vampire boy right?

I thought it was about some vampire girl who falls in love with a werewolf but then they fight each other...or something. It doesn't seem like the greatest movie of all time and the books are extremely overrated. If they can keep pumping this crap out and make millions why can't I?

[edit on 3-3-2009 by nastalgik]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 03:26 PM
There will be NO MORE duplicate vampire threads.


And seeing that this thread has wandered far off the "on topic" path the thread will be closed, and any comments on duplicate vampire threads can continue in the above mentioned thread.

Thread closed.

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