posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:37 PM
well ya;
This could start world war 3. I am sure alot of people want a piece of Israel.
Everyone know that world war 3 is coming the problem is knowing when.
If you really look from 2000 till now you can see the rise in war/military activity with IRAN and Israel and U.S. Then also Russia.
If you really look on from 2005 till now you get a good picture that something is going to erupt.
it's like a volcano you know it's active but don't know when it will blow.
It only will blow when certain conditions are met.
Some with these countries. It will start world war 3 by who can't take the heat.
Who ever snaps first will cause the world war 3.
It's only a matter of time. This back and forth threats from Iran to Israel and Israel and U.S threating IRAN.
I been hearing for a while people think this year 2009 will be a interesting one.
We may see some wars breaking out that will increase to a world war.
So I would have to agree with you on there.
I am really sick of just hearing threats and no show.
If you know that Russia is really ticked off with us the U.S.
So I guess we will have to sit and wait for who will lose their cool first.
[edit on 14-1-2009 by computerwiz32]
[edit on 14-1-2009 by computerwiz32]