posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 06:26 AM
Would you fight for your country to protect Israel?
Well for a start the thread title is a little skewed and seemingly would only apply to Israelis on here.
For the rest of us, why would we fight in a war to protect Israel? The only time I'd pick up arms and fight would be to protect myself and those I
love and hold dear from either a foreign invader or my own government, if it came to that.
Even a foreign invasion wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, unless you are some brainwashed flag-waving idiot. If an invading force took over the
country and pretty much left us to carry on, just under new management, then why bother fighting it? After all, we pretty much have to do what our
own leadership tell us anyway, no matter how much we may disagree with it.
The whole notion of dying for your country or a piece of cloth is outdated anyway and these days it's mostly about corporate power and the continued
wealth of elitist bankers and the crime families that run them.
Sorry.... rambling on a bit..... simple answer to the question is "NO".