posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:05 PM
Na...nothing really out of the ordinary there....
Wait a couple of years... the teachers now suck so bad they send homework home starting in the 2nd grade in some places.
You will have to teach your child by at home via the homework or your child will fail.... Being a single parent at that time and working off shifts
made that very difficult... Had a talk with the teacher and principle about it and the teacher blantantly told me that it is their intent to force the
parent to have an active role in teaching the subject via homework... Well, I asked the principle why have a teacher if the kids eat popcorn, watch
sesame street videos and don't do work in class... well, that kind of question was not welcome.
I move around allot for my job and I have to tell you this kind of attitude was present in 3 major cities... seems like teachers don't teach
anymore... send the vocabulary words home.. I simply made my child write each word 20 times an she passed with an A. That was the easy stuff, teaching
my child times tables, reading comprehension, etc. was a bit harder. Why work cannot be done in class is beyond me but of course they don't have the
kids write out words any more, have them work in class anymore and force you to take up the role as primary teacher... to difficult for the sorry
school teacher I guess.
Sorry, I have very little respect for teachers without accountability.
[edit on 13-1-2009 by infolurker]