posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:03 AM
The Dream
I was in another part of the world where I had in the past actually lived for a few years. But, as often seems to be the case in dreams, oddly, the
car I drive here in America was there as well. Inside my car, which happens to be a four-door mid-sized sedan, it's interior seemed much, much larger
than it actually is and seated within were a large number of people, although the only person whose face I remember clearly was a middle-aged woman
who could be described as an attractive european. There was something very familiar about her, although I could not say who she is. The others there
present seemed more or less to be in the shadows.
Initially the scene was very tense, and then someone asked me a question I cannot recall. My answer took the form of the theme song of an American
evening television program quite popular in the 1960's, The Adams Family. You know how it goes, "They're creepy and they're spooky, they're
altogether ooky," etc ... all who were there present then joined heartily in the chorus and I myself concluded the final refrain with a remarkably
professional vocal flourish in the nature of an over-the-top, very comical and campy show-tune performance, something I would not have the slightest
ability to do in real life.
My performace was very well recieved by everyone in the group assembled, and the last note of my flourish, as it were, was absorbed into a rising
swell of mirthful comradery and approving laughter of all those present. All the initial uncomfortable tension was gone and I recall my suprise at the
warm and happy feelings I experienced as this final refrain concluded.
At the conclusion of this impossible performance I was also no longer looking in through the opened rear door of my car at the impossibly large group
assembled within, but now found myself inside the ball-room or reception area of a large, elegant house I did not recognize, very well appointed in
what could be described as european high style. It was full of many people in formal evening attire. The scene gave me the impression of a reception
or party. I also found myself now in the company of a most attractive young woman.
As she and I walked together through the entrance of a large, well illuminated space off the main ball-room we were engaged in a cordial and friendly
conversation, the details of which I now cannot at all recall. Once through the threshold of this large, high cielinged side room we turned to our
right, continuing our conversation as we did so, and I noticed a large, museum style classically painted portrait of someone, complete with an
impressive gilded frame. It was hung rather high up on the wall of the far end of the space. I did not recognize the one portrayed but seem to recall
the individual was a man.
There was a remarkable feeling of openness and light, energy and vitality in this space. As we approached more closely to the portrait I remember the
feeling of having to raise my eyes higher and higher, and craning my neck back more and more due to the portrait's elevated position so that it would
remain in my view.
I then awoke from the dream feeling quite refreshed and wide-awake.