posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:46 AM
More NASA excuses. It has been known for decades that a ship lined with a water layer, provides excellent radiaiton protection against solar
radiations. Also with the knowledge of plasma fields, that can be used as extra shielding to the radiations.
When man was on the Moon, there was no magnetic field or shield to protect the astronauts as they walked around for hours at a time. The LEM and CM
did not have any significant radiation shielding as they transversed between Earth and the Moon. When they were outside of the Van Allen belt, they
were wide open to these radiations, for days and nothing happend to them.
Sometimes I think NASA seems to think that people cant remember history and the science done prior to the Moon shots that clearly debunk their current
excuses to return to the Moon. They really need to think about that.