posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 03:33 AM
I don't know whether this topic fits here, but, I've had a theory since I was little and I still believe it now that I'm older. It goes something
like this:
Our Sun is fairly young as stars go, but, it is getting older. As it does it gets larger, hotter, & darker red (almost crimson). We can tell that by
other suns in the Universe.
I believe that Mercury would get drawn to it and become as Icarus/ Vulcan is now as it gets more compressed and takes on a faster orbit due to the
Keppler effect.
Venus, like all the planets, due to the chain effect of gravity, would be drawn closer to the larger, hotter Sun which would cause the gases to burn
and the thermal effect would cause Venus to be as Mercury is now.
The Earth in like manner would become hotter (which I believe is the real cause of Global Warming. That, and I'm well aware of Submarines equipped
for Ice-picking operations which lead to intense glacial melting to sell their GW symptoms, not thecause) which would cause our planet to be more of a
swamp- gas ball like Venus.
*** To this end: I see Revelations as being a scientific prediction guised as a religious one to protect the scientists of the time. The crimson Sun
would cause a crimson reflection on the Moon, therefore, the Moon would be as blood. Waters would dry up and the dead, as well as, the gases would
lead to the bitter waters and the famines and all the plagues described. Just a thought***
At any rate, Mars would heat up and it's internal glaciers would melt creating an atmosphere and liquid surface which might well create a biosphere
and pave the way for life on Mars and become as like Earth.
If the heat reached the Asteroids it might accelerate heating of the outer planets like a bake oven. And solidify Jupiter.
Jupiter would heat and it's gases would likely expand and it's gravity draw in the asteroid material and cool the planet to freeze the gases within
the the planet to become as Mars, and, like Mars, the Great Red Spot of storms, as the chemicals involved fall from the highest point to the lowest
point on the planet, may affect the coloration of the newly formed solid to make it a Red planet also, while the lower blue clouds may become trapped
as ice beneath the surface.
Saturn, following this same heating cycle, would become as Jupiter with it's thin band expanding to push away from the planet as do Jupiter's which
would accelerate the solid particles within the bands and draw this increased reaction into the similiar storms within Saturn's atmosphere as
Jupiter's and further increase their activity, the upper atmosphere of Saturn's red cloud storms might become so excited as to acummulate and
increase in size and intensity so as to become like Jupiter's Red Spot. And heating gas would increase the planet size as like Jupiter. Further the
solid materials would compress more and increase the activity of the rings, expanding them like Jupiters'.
As the heating process continues, Uranus's dark ring's would lighten as like Saturn's and it's large solid material would compress to become
smaller, like Saturn's and increase the activity of the rings so a thin band may begin, like Saturn, to form around the equator. The increased
activity would cause the gases to expand the planet like Saturn. It's methane, heated, may give way to more hydrogen and helium to become as Saturn.
And with it's methane layer burning away the bands of clouds would become more visible and active as like Saturn. It may even straighten up by the
increase in Sun's gravity so as to no longer lay on it's side.
As heating goes on, Neptune's methane would begin to burn off and the heated gas would expand the planet as like Uranus. The rapid winds would begin
to slow as they forced the methane into an upper atmosphere and the lower atmosphere would begin to increase it's storm activities so as to be
similiar to the prior gas giants with a culmination of activity at it's Great Dark spot. It's small irregular white cloud (aka "the Scooter")
might rise and make way to reinforce and possibly expand the planets' rings. Although the Great Dark Spot appears to be transitory due to the
volatile nature of the planets' storms it does not change this theory at all. The solid clumps within it's rings would compress and it's rings,
still dark, expand and as like unto Uranus it becomes.
Finally, as heating reaches the dwarf planet Pluto, it would burn off the ice and methane so as to become a volatile methane ball like Neptune and may
develop it's storm bands and dark rings and the ice breaking off may well become trapped and it's material held in the newly formed dark rings as
solid clumps of material so as to be like Neptune.
Maybe, the moons of these planets follow similiar patterns as the evolving planets, either being cast off, drawn in, or who knows, so each takes on
the same arrangement as the prior in the Sliding Planetary Scale of our Solar System.
Maybe, Icarus/ Vulcan is drawn in so close it explodes and as it gets further from the Sun it takes orbit to become a new asteroid belt, as the old
asteroid belt is consumed by the gas giant Jupiter which expands with the Sun to cause the reaction need to solidify the planet and make it a cooled
solid on the order of Mars.
Maybe, another dwarf planet is drawn in to replace Pluto as each planet takes the location of the former due to the gravitic relocation of each planet
in succession of the other as described here, so slow a process as to have not yet been noticed or measured by man. That, or the planets don't change
position, but rather, the growing Sun equalizes and balances the effects in relation to distance and position, as though the planets had moved.
And maybe, the action of Icarus/ Pluto exploding, together with Mercury drawing in to take it's place, thereby,transferring Mercury's material to
the Sun (as Mercury evolves from a burning planet to a compressed hot mass like Icarus/Vulcan), and it's increased orbit about the Sun, generate the
materials and processes needed to refuel the Sun and keep it alive. Maybe, we are the decendants of Venus when it was as Earth and before it became as
it is now, due to planet hopping ancestors which gave birth to the early records of mankind and mythologies.
Maybe as the Sun slow's it get's colder and the process reverses until the planets close to the sun are drawn in to refuel and reheat it in
predictable cyclic waves of succession. Which explains Global Freezing.
[edit on 10-1-2009 by PhyberDragon]