posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 11:05 PM
I tend to agree.... this is just a date (I hope).
But let's be honest, if you cross reference a few prophecies that have hard "numbers and dates" it can cause the hair on the back of your neck to
stand up.
Coincidence #1 As you mentioned, the Mayan calendar 2012 date
Coincidence #2 The Nostradamus prophecy associated with a hard date: "The year 1999, seventh month, [or simply "sept"]From the sky will come a
great King of Terror.
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars rules happily" (in the new millennium). (OK, This doesn't say anything
would be newsworthy in 1999 only that this King of Terror would come and maybe someone came to power in the East at this time?)
Coincidence#3 In 1139 St. Malachy made prophecies naming all future popes: Well if I am not mistaken were on our last numbered pope! Pretty
interesting coincidence isn't it? Now there is a non numbered person referenced as Peter the Roman after this last pope... "In extreme persecution,
the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the
city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End"
#4 Hard number in the bible: 200 million man army (this can be debated of course but this is only possible in this modern age.) Rev 9:16 "the number
of the army of the horsemen were 'two hundred thousand thousand': and I heard the number of them." This link has some biblical references
(click on the links at the bottom NOT the numbers on the top)
#5 (Could be wrong but Prophecies in general)... ever hear of a single one mentioning the 4th or 5th World War? If so, I would love to see them
because everything I have always heard from other sources has been 3.
I just find it strange that a few of these intersect around the same time period... all within less than a generation.