posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 04:10 PM
In Britain, we are recycling more by the year, pretty pathetically, but we are.
Now we stockpile recyclable materials. We cannot recycle them. The reasons for this are few and not very varied, a local authority cannot do it all
itself, but a group of them (a region can). In Britain we do not have American States to enforce this and some parts of recycling are lucrative,
others not and smelly so Local Authorities bicker and solve nothing.
In France, they do it by local authourity and are behind also.
In Britain we need regional authorities to coerce the local authorities into behaviour because they will never be able to accept that another
authority will take the goods while their own smelly houses lose value.
Source (for those that need it):
I understand the Conservative position that regional bodies are extra administration, but with recycling, should there not be temporary regional
authorities to kick the local politicians into line?