posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:05 AM
Had to mention this, the other day there was a reminder announcement about not posting or linking to gory images, fair enough. Yet on the home page we
have a trailor for a movie called Mirrors which shows a bloke getting his throat cut!!!
Is it a different rule on ATS when it comes to the mighty dollar
How can we not link to sites that show gory images in a valid news content, yet we can have peoples throats being slashed on the home page? I
understand ATS is a business, fine, i applaud that and love it here, but how can it break its own T&C ?
Has the site finally sold its soul for the sake of advertising revenue and has the establishment finally got control? Or has it always been in control
and its now showing its insidious face? Such blatant hypocrisy makes me wonder....
I didnt know where else to post this, so mods feel free to move it-and to the three amigos, love the site, i understand its a business, but one rule
for one, one for another just doesnt seem right