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Why is it This Did Not Make the News?

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posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by tjeffersonsghost

The bankers OWN everything (including your house, car, boat, sneakers...). The US government BORROWS money from the federal reserve bank EVERY YEAR, the people (you and I) pay the interest on the loan in the form of income tax. Israel is on getting the money as a "kickback" from the bankers (it's their money, remember, they loan it to our's the banks money), all the military equipment and "aid" that goes to Israel comes from the IMF as a "gift"...paid for with worthless Us dollars. Pakistan was threatened with total destruction by Donald Rumsfeld, if they did not participate in the "war on terror"...look at them now.

The only countries you should be worried about at this time are the US and Israel.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Res Ipsa
...would it be inappropriate for me to call you people lazy?
nothing is as black and white as you all portray it. "America has done nothing but...." what kind of BS generalization is that? Really?
The news is worthless? Main stream media? All of it? Can't you take the time to pick out the truth from the lies or does that take too much work? Are people either bad or good and are they that all the time?
Your...and I mean all of you that have posted so far, have expressed narrow sound byte drivel, without acknowledging the complexity of the human condition just like a politician does.
The OP asked a good question, why do we support Israel and seem to give them a blank check on everything. How do we tolerate their spies.
Some do it because they are our proxy in the middle east. Some do it because the Bible says to do it and that God blesses those that protect his people and curse those that don't. (yeah, get a politician to admit that) Some people believe that if Israel goes then the end of times is upon us. Some people in high places are from Israel and even have dual citizenship and have held high government offices while holding this dual citizenship. Some do it to piss off the Muslims and Iran.
Some do it for all of the above reasons too. But what answer are you looking for?
My objective observation is that I am amazed that a group of people could be so hated for what 2000 years? That certainly doesn't hurt the case of perhaps thinking they might be a special group of people. I am not superstitious and I certainly don't take the Bible literally nor believe everything that is in there but I admit that I am one of those people that have to throw my hat in with the Jews and Israel. Maybe if they were just another ordinary race or country or group of people then I wouldn't, but my normal rational thinking self seems to be submissive when it comes to them. I mean I really can't stand the thought of giving some foreign country's spy a pass. I think it is even possible that some of them were in on 9/11. But even as I sit here in unexpected conflict, I honestly feel a loyalty to aint that some sheet. Not where this post was going but I'm leaving it as is. I feel as loyal to Israel as if it were the 51st state. I also feel like I am at an AA meeting and just introduced myself and said I was an alcholic......well, I am going to figure out why this is and if my early Christian indoctrination is responsible for this illogical position. me now.
You took the words right out of my mouth! I wish I could express myself as well as you! Yes, we should back our Jewish friends, and if there was a spy arrested, so what, there are spies arrested from all nations. Not all people are trustworthy. Thanks for your post!

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:11 AM

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Yes, it is tough for me to be an evil American Imperialist. Such atrocities as safeguarding free markets around the world, toppling genocidal dictators, and doing more humanitarian work than all other nations combined. We sure are evil!

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Wehali

America is owned and operated by Jews. So, in a sense, you are right.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
What ever you do -- Do Not -- Elect me as President... my first action will be to drop smart bombs on London City Centre

Dang! What did the Limeys ever do to you?!

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Wehali

I hope to God americas evil chokehold on this world will be destroyed soon.
They've brought nothing but pain, misery, poverty, attrocities and darkness
to this world, ever since their creation hundreds of years ago. That country
was built from the start, on never before seen genocide, treachery,
betrayal, atrocities and slavery. It has been building on those fine attributes
untill this very day.

It really can't be easy being an american citizen, and realizing the horrors
your country has brought upon this world. I send you my good wishes and
prayers, americans. I hope you someday find the strength to rebuild
your country in love and compassion.

True enough. But how is the US different from, say, Belgium? Or Britain? Or the USSR? Or China? Or ancient Rome? Or any other world power in its time?

It's just our turn (apparently it won't be for very much longer, though, but that's for another thread...) and the US uses the tried and true toolkit of empire-building and maintenance, not much of it very conducive to "love and compassion."

Empires are not built and maintained on those warm thoughts; just a glance at the history of the Catholic Church should disabuse you of such naivete.

You are from Belgium. In your country's short history--even shorter than ours--you owe your present position to the pillage and despotic exploitation of Congo in the 19th century. In fact, Congo was the private property of the King of Belgium, his own personal fife. Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" sums up what was done there pretty well. No love or compassion in sight; only oblivion and despair.

History repeats; its our turn in the cycle. Nothing more.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 02:25 PM
Listen up everyone. take heed, what he is saying makes total sense. Can you really afford not to think any different. This man is genuine and I for one believe him and have always believed in Ets, UFOs, secret bases, media lies. illunimati, doomsday etc... but admit that the moon, mars and other planets being inhabited took me back somewhat. Still I believe every word Alex stated. I myself have had weird stuff happen to me all pointing to some major global event. When on January 21-22 some major event occurs , I believe New York will be nuked by Bush and his cohorts and they will blame Iran, then you and I will know Alex was right on yhe button, after all, how precise was he about the 911 attacks. That convinces me and when Jan 21-22 happens in just under 2 weeks, well thats me 100%. Remember the vulnerable areas on these bastards who eat our kids, under each arm and above the groin area. Boy am I gonna enjoy wasting those ###$$$%%%%%'s. Remember, love to yourself first and spread the love to everyone you meet, especially your children...we can only beat them with love people, join me for pray on the 22 January. LOVE TO YOU ALL AND THE ENTIRE WORLD MY FELLOW HUMANS.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Wehali

From the beginning of time the weak have subjugated the poor and the weak. Nothing`s changed. Nothing will change. Palestine has become an uninhabitable place that Israel would love to pound into the dirt. Hamas have no support in the west as they are seen as not being part of the `civilized world` by not recognising the state of Israel.... I for one wouldn`t miss the existence of a people whose contribution to the planet amounts to NOTHING. A bit like the fact that the majority of westerners don`t much care about the plight of the masses in Zimbabwe, they have no purpose other than to lead primitive, unproductive lives. Where are the Palestinian artists, intellectuals, scientists etc. I couldn`t name more than one famous/notable Palestinian....

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 05:42 PM
America is dominated by politicians...invisible power cabal brokers who give upon demand each and ev ery year, our tax dollars without ever seeing it paid back.

Jonathon Pollard spied for Isreal and gave military (navy) secrets to the Jews. A Swiss citizen was also approached back a couple of decades to secure blueprints for the French Mirage fighter, they"[Wanted," but were refused by France. Their Jew spy in Switzerland stole the Mirage blueprints, since they were building it too. The Swiss spy was caught and went to prison, and Isreal kissed him off!

They dont ask...they demand, this after attemptinmg to sink and kill all aboard the Liberty Elint ship in 1967. Read Bamford's book, Body of Secrets for the reasons why they deliberately bit the hand that feeds them money and weapons.

This is Pres. elect Obama's priorities that I bet will not occur.

Isreal's Embassador to the U.N...should be bodily picked up, removed from the chambers and literally dumped onto the sidewalk outside U.N Hqs and the same for the supportive U.S. Ambassador!

The must unite and face down the arrogance of psychopathically insane human this case, Isreal! Seize and impound their transport aircraft and ships whereever they are.

Obama must openly declare that due to America's curent crisis, no more aid will be given or loaned to Isreal...this includes weapons. That aid money will be used to feed American men, women, and expeciallyh children, who have nothing to do with adult insanity throughout this planet! Too many American people, especially children go to bed hungry with growling stomachs, due to predatory politicians destroying the middile class.

He must also declare that the world jews must henceforth send THEIR money to support their Nazi-mimicking Isreali leadership and military.

The world either steps upon the neck of Isreal, or they will continue to murder innocent Palistinean children and women, just as their Nazi SS butchered them in WW II.

The world is bathed in psychopathic insanity and it needs to stop somewhere, somehow. IN fact, this planet must be isolated and no human being should be allowed to leave planet earth for the Moon or Mars until we gain control of our psyhes, egos, and clean out the low-life greasy biped sewer swine who constantly rise to the top of the power-hierarchy in numerous nations around the world.

Nuff said to the slack-jaw mouth breathers, and ignorant masses who p;ick up weapons and butcher other cultures because...they are ordered to do it!

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:30 PM
America is made up of millions of people. Only a small portion of them is in a position of power to command money and material to use to harm others. The Government is made up of human beings. Those in front of the people and those hiding in the shadows own and control the media and the military and our hard earned dollars.

The present economic debacle is caused by our involvement in NAFTA and GATT and not protecting the small businessman and women at home.

We the people are not listened to because those who "SERVE" in Washington have decided to be our masters instead. Most Americans, like Europeans and Canadians and, etc. Are working to feed our families and keep our homes.

We have been bullied into backing down for fear of the label of terrorist, which our FBI says we are if we Defend or stand on our Constitutional Rights. Most Americans are like a Battered Wife, we live in fear of, losing our home, being accused of a crime, losing our children, (which are endangered if the Rights of The Child treaty is passed here).

And no one wants to stand up and fight because the attacks are so subtle we can't get most to believe us or even see the threat. So not wanting the Abuser to attack us, we step back and wait for someone else to take the lead.

Human beings are of two kinds, those that seek for the betterment of others, and those that seek for the detriment. We can complain and sound off here, but will any of you actually stand and defend the real America, that concept of freedom? Defending freedom is true patriotism, not defending a President.

Obama claims he is like President Lincoln, but Abraham Lincoln was honest and freed the slaves, Obama lies and wishes to enslave the free.
But individuals in our country could have stopped a non citizen from becoming President and they did not, despite the will of millions.

So America is not at fault, humans are and many of those involved are not Americans. They have quietly and systematically taken over our country and others, what are we doing to stop them?

Every human who remains silent and does nothing, is guilty.
"The only way for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing."

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 01:19 AM
Israel needs the US for it's supply of weapons/technology. The Jewish Lobby musters this support on behalf of Israel through the financial backing of politicians, mainly the presidential campaign. They also use their control of the media to get people to vote for one of their chosen candidates. The long drawn out presidential campaign forces candidates to spend huge sums of money on advertising, increasing their dependence on campaign donations.

Have you ever noticed how one of the first things every US president does is swear their allegiance to Israel? When was the last time you heard an Israeli leader swear their allegiance to the US?

Saying that the US uses Israel as an outpost of destruction is just moronic and ignorant.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:39 AM
I guess the news company owners are JEWs?
so they would not make this issue a news

they wouldn't want to be caught
blossoming red colors on their cheecks

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Wehali

Ok, Belgium...keep those waffles coming!
America (respectively) has nothing to do with it. It's all international banking...always has been.

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