posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:22 AM
Howdy Independantjournal,
Unfortunately, I am packing for a trip to Egypt and must rush answer your question with no time to elaborate. You yourself probably answered the
question when you wrote: "Who could have performed the cover up particularly the Warren Commission Report and wouldn't this be the power that had
Kennedy killed?" Who indeed. Who had the power to fabricate evidence in that case, the suppress evidence, alter and destroy evidence in the hands of
the authorities and intimidate witnesses (all criminal acts in any criminal case)? And furthermore, who has the power to block meaningful
investigations by the corporate mass media as well as official government panels from 1963 until this very day? Not LBJ, not J. Edgar Hoover, not
Nikita Khruschev, not Castro, not long-dead Mafia chieftains and certainly not Lee Harvey Oswald, who was dead two days after the assassination. But
the families, such as the Rockefellers, and their Wall Street comrades who own and control the large multinational financial institutions and
corporations, including the mass media companies, are still there, still in control. John J. McCloy and his protege Allen Dulles may be dead but their
minions and peers in the Council on Foreign Relations are still moving ahead with their plans to destroy America's sovereignty. And anyone who stands
in their way had better be careful. Follow the leads from my book "Rule by Secrecy" and then "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" and you should get a
pretty good handle on who the people are and what they hope to achieve.
Jim Marrs