posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 01:14 AM
If you're a good bowler, get to know the people that run your house. I don't know if you know this or not, but the average of a Pro-Bowler is 240 I
believe. And I know some tourneys have been won on a 187 average, but the thing is, Oil Patterns are changed for PBA tourneys and so forth. I know
that some people at the house I work at, I'm a Mechanic at a Bowling Alley, are wanting to start their PBA like League, every week they change the
pattern on the lanes to bowl with.
The best bowlers adjust, if you can get 270 everytime on one pattern doesn't mean much unless you can average that on others. But the real money is
in Amatuer bowling if you're that good. My boss has been a Mechanic for a long time and knows of one guy that would make 150grand a year on betting.
But, he was absurdley good and lived out of the back of his car. It sucked for a living, 150grand a year, Tax Free because it's in Cash, is a hell
of a good thing. But, if he went Pro, that means he couldn't bowl in Amatuer toruneys any more and so, he just kept doing that for a few years. He
could bowl high 200's with left or right hand, pick up splits too no end.
And the reason I said get to know the people at your house is, it's always a good thing to be close to your Pro-Shop guy/gal. Discounts are great,
the one I know is if he likes ya, good bowler and bowl leagues, then you get a good discount and get to try stuff all the time.