posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:21 PM
I think you guys are looking at this wrong. As someone recently effected by the struggling economy I can *almost* see where they're coming from.
Take out of account the amount of money they have/make and just use percentages. If they suddenly without warning lost 50% of their earnings that
could cause serious problems for them.
For example, between my husband and myself we make decent, middle income wages. I just lost my job and now our income has been almost cut in half
(about 40% were my earnings). This has now seriously hampered our abilities to pay our bills, loans, mortgage etc. But....go tell MY story to a low
income earner and they have the same "quit your whining and try living off my earnings" story you are all spewing. There are differences.
Differences in cost of living etc.
It's not about now having to live with new standards of someone earning less than's about LOSING everything we've worked so hard for and
haven't quite paid off yet (vehicle, home etc). This has been devastating and totally out of left field unexpected. I'm not crying over not being
able to go on a vacation, or buying a new fur coat...I'm concerned about losing my HOME and putting food on the table.
You aren't in their shoes you don't know what their debt to income ratio is/was and it seems to me that you're all coming across a bit jealous and
spiteful. Is suicide a cowardly way my option you bet it is! They've now left all the dirty work to their poor families to sort through.
Did they do it just because they didn't want to be a "measly commoner"...probably not
edit for mistake
[edit on 7-1-2009 by Michelle129]