Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal or
medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal
conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I
accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences!
Explanation: I found this....(Warning! Pls pardon "My FRENCH", sorry unavoidable partial foreign language posting. [I provide the ENGLISH ONLY
version edited by babelfish below the link!!!] ). Relevant quote from site is IN FULL and as so is UNTRANSLATED!!!) " - Dépuceler - verbe trans. -
Faire perdre son pucelage, sa virginité à quelqu'un. Synon. partiel (quand le compl. désigne une jeune fille) déflorer. La grande Mindeur
dépucela le fils du facteur (AYMÉ, La Vouivre, 1943.) And, Le Trésor de la langue française adds this one: Perdre son pucelage (avec qqn): Faire
l'amour pour la première fois. J'ai fait minette à la femme avec laquelle j'ai perdu mon pucelage, avant de la baiser (GONCOURT, Journal,
To deflower in English.
I really like, for some strange reason, the words "puceau" and "pucelle" to designate respectively a boy and a girl who are virgins, and the word
"pucelage" (masc.), which designates one's virginity. Combine it with the privative prefix "dé-" to form a verb, and you've got a great word
for "to provide their his/her first experience with intercourse to a sexual partner, to take away his/her virginity." I find that quote from the
"Journal des Goncourt" particularly interesting. Huysmans wrote tons about oral sex ("faire la minette" is the most popular late XIXth century
euphemism for cunnilingus), which was one of his favorite practices.
posted by Elisabeth @ 12:32 PM"..... from
Here is the French to English translation of the French text from above as translated through
"- Dépuceler - trans verb. - To make lose its virginity, its virginity with quelqu' one. Synon. partial (when the compl. designate an young girl)
déflorer. Large Mindeur dépucela the son of the factor (AYMÉ, Vouivre, 1943.) And, the Treasury of the French language adds this one: To lose its
virginity (with qqn): To make l' love for the first time. J' made iron ore with the woman with whom j' lost my virginity, before kissing it
(GONCOURT, Journal, 1876.)".
Personal Disclosure: Trust those fertile and romantically free French with their eloquent sexy language to have a term specifically for deflowering.
They ARE the cunning linguists :smirk: