posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:33 PM
I had wondered the same thing: Where is Hamas getting its rockets?
They seem to have quite a few of them, but for all that have suposedly been luanched at Israel, there seems to have been very little death/destruction
resulting from them (Yes every life is precious, but the current ration of dead/ injured Israelis to dead/injured Palastinians seems to be running
100:1 against the Palastinians).
If the rockets were being imported by Hamas, why haven't the shipments been interdicted by Israel before this?
And yes, if the rockets are being built in Gaza, where are the Gazan Palastinians getting the materials?
Very curious.
I'm not pointing any fingers, but I would like to relate a rather coincidental anecdote that has been bothering me since this Gaza-thing started.
Specifically, since it was put forth that the Israelis intended to pursue this aggression "until the rockets stop flying into Israel".
Many years ago I helped start a small aerospace firm. It was (and remains) a private company; which at that time had no government ties or funding.
As a private firm, we were amoung a number of such groups participating in what was then called the C.A.T.S. (Cheap Access To Space) Prize: a
competetion, in the late 90's- 2000, to see who could be the first Private group to build a rocket capable of reaching space (aprox 62 miles
straight up).
We didn't win the competetion, but we did design and build a series of very successfull, very cheap, very portable rockets: most with full on-board
Skip ahead to last year (2008); it's just after the conflict in South Ossatia, between Russia and Georgia. A colleague of mine, who knows of my prior
association with the "rocket world", relays a message to me from an old Navy buddy of his (Who I've never met) who is, I'm told, still attached to
the Pentagon as a civilian "consultant".
The message:
"Would it be possible for me to contact my old cohorts and have them arrange the construction of several thousand! rockets on a government
contract over the next one to two years or so? And could they be built "without any indentifiable features"?
"Black Ops" most assuredly. But I passed the inquiry to my friends at the old company, as requested,
Now this was mid-last year, and to my knowledge nothing further has developed from this odd incident; but now I'm wondering.
The description of the rockets used sound very much like a version of the ones we developed and launched.
(Most of our rockets required nothing more of an "infrastructure" than the foam-board box we used to transport the rocket.)
Given the size and carrying capacity of the rocket, not much of a "warhead" would be possible (accounts for the low number of deaths and injuries
suffered by the Israelis?).
And a simple rocket wouldn't have much to identify its maker by, especially once it was destroyed on impact.
Especially if the "victims" of the "attack" weren't terribly curious to pin down the rocket-maker!
So here's a wild idea:
Could the US be supplying these "Palastinian terror rockets" in support of an Israeli-hatched scheme to "justify" an incurrsion into Gaza, with
the goal being "Regime Change": route out Hamas and install a more Israeli-friendly regime in Gaza?