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The Cowardice conspiracy

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posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 10:03 AM
The anti-soldier propaganda here is simply nauseating.
For the record, you CAN'T support the team~ but object to the game.

The idea(and I use that term loosely in this application), that our jihadi opponents
can in anyway be moved from their current course of actions by appealing to an
apparently non-existant concern for human welfare is just blindingly ignorant.

What evil was Daniel Pearle trying to propagate that caused him to be
murdered at the hands of these barbaric animals?

As well, some schelp was executed in Iraq for the unpardonable crime of
trying to help Iraqis set up their own cellphone networks.

Bullets can't kill an ideology?
Sez you.
History says otherwise.
Nazism was for all intent and purposes defanged by overwhelming force.
But I would imagine there are those here who would posit that since the likes
of Rue Paul still are in politics, we fought nazis for nothing.
The current jihadis are nothing more than the great-great-great-grandchildren
of the islamic Barbary Pirates. Half-hearted efforts against evil accomplish nothing.
In the case of the Barbary Pirates, the USN pursued them to the far corners
of the earth; exterminating the majority of them- those who wanted to fight anyway.

In that vein that's who we're gunning for. Not all muslims, just the ones who want
to fight. History has proven from the Marines to Gen. Pershing; this ideological enemy
can be defeated quite soundly. What it takes is the commitment to do what is
required to break these bastards. We must pursue and eradicate them where ever
they flee to recuperate and resupply. Al Queda in Iraq is all but gone.
The majority of the fighters there have given up major resistance.
-their ideology having been mauled by US force- Instead, they have fled back to
a UN/NATO led operation in Afghanistan(after having been forced out by US forces).

Granted, if all goes well; we'll still be looking at the current motley lot's descendents
trying the same thing again in another 80-90 years or so. Unless we're willing to
hit the source of this ideology- the clerics- it will rear it's head again once all the
memories of the previous defeat are reduced to incidents in their great-grandpa's life.

But we have no other alternative. There is no compromise with this kind of evil.

Do we have our police abandon their anti-gang units on some mistaken notion
that the gang ideology has been infecting our cities since the 1800's.
How many police, citizens, and gang members have lost their lives in that conflict?
Extending the 'logic' of the ransomed1, our police and municipalities need to abandon
their current methodology(hasn't worked yet in almost 200 years) and instead
offer open arms and forgiveness to the Crips, Bloods, and Disciples.
Give the gangs a part of city functions and things will work out.
Pull the police out of the West Side and Gala Strip Mall and peace would break out.

Bullets don't defeat ideology?
The Red Chinese seemed to do well enough against Kaishek.

Our world is a world governed by the use of extreme deadly force.
The leading power of this planet has ALWAYS been the state with the
strongest and broadest force projection, and it always WILL.

History is littered with once great nations who fell into oblivion from failure
to preserve and project the power they had at their disposal but failed to act.

Soldiers are the sheepdogs that protect the flock.

And we have ignorant sheep here who have been protected so long from the wolves,
that they actually have lost fear of the wolves. Worse, the wolf's supporters have
actually fooled the sheep into believing that the sheepdogs are no better
than the wolves; actually the sheepdogs may be a little more evil than the wolves.

They're right there with the chickens voting to let the fox guard the henhouse.

Our Constitution is not a suicide pact.
Those who refuse to remember the past, won't realize they're repeating it.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 10:46 AM
Might makes right?

If I am stronger than you, you WILL see things my way?

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 10:55 AM
Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

The problem is when evil looks good and good looks evil.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 11:14 AM
Evil prevails wihen good men do nothing. It is time for all good men to take a stand and do what ever it takes to wipe out this threat to society, regardless of what it taiwsl At this point Im frustrated enough to say Kill'em all and let God sort em out!

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by JAGPANZER

Bullets can't kill an ideology?
Sez you.
History says otherwise.
Nazism was for all intent and purposes defanged by overwhelming force.

I disagree , you clearly are keeping it alive and well.

I guess bullets didnt work afterall

Burning the constitution and saying "This isnt a suicide pact!"

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by kettlebellysmith
It is time for all good men to take a stand and do what ever it takes to wipe out this threat to society, regardless of what it taiwsl At this point Im frustrated enough to say Kill'em all and let God sort em out!

just more proof that bullets didnt stop nazism


[edit on 6-1-2009 by muzzleflash]

Ya "Good Men" commit genocide huh?

I think this is a case of "good" being switched with "evil"

[edit on 6-1-2009 by muzzleflash]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by JAGPANZER
Those who refuse to remember the past, won't realize they're repeating it.

I disagree agian, because you clearly remember the past yet you are in the very act of repeating it yourself.

Obviously knowing the past doesnt teach manners , compassion, decency, or conscience

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 11:53 AM
I don't seem to recall the allies committing genocide. Do you? Do you deny Isreael's righte to exist? If you do, please provide me with documentation. I daresay, I can provide much more documentation that Israel has the right to exist thatn you can that they don't.
I Have thrown down the gauntlet. Are you man, or woman, enought to accpt it?

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:08 PM
Fortunately for us in the world of the real, it takes a bit more than your pallid
disagreement to count for much. Just because you claim such doesn't make such.

Case in point.
If nazism is having to count on mocking comments bya mezzkin to qualify
as being alive and well then it's as dead as can be in the West.
Moreover, anyone trying to infer that my comments bespeak an undergroundswell
of latent support in some unspecified community: they are even more bankrupt
than the actual nazi party.

The only beings whose actions actually fit the definition of nazis
are the present day islamic jihadis. It is no coincidence that one of the translations
of the phrase Mein Kamph is Jihad.

If any of you yellow peacemongers had one whit the confidence of your stated
convictions you would have the will to take your dog and pony show on the road
to Damascus, Tehran, Mecca, and all points middle east. In fact I'm sure quite a few
of us, myself included, would be willing to pay your airfare to go talk some sense
into Zawahiri's twisted only.

But none of you do, not one. The furthest any of you will risk your neck
is trying to enter a warzone in support of the jihadi types and their supporters.
They actually hope their presence will stifle western war efforts.
It looks courageous only as long as you consider they would never expect
the same quarter from the jihadis.
They'll stand in front of IDF bulldozers sure.
But they'll refuse to approach Hamas or Hezboallah rocket teams.
How no-ball of them.

Your types don't even have the class of monday morning quarterbacks.
Because even those dolts have some understanding of the opponents.

You talk your seditious, defeatest blather largely to your cherrypicked choirs
in a relative safety that others have fought hard and paid dearly for you to
mock the results of their actions from.

Armchair general? Not even.
More like a bath house quisling.

And yes, if you could overpower me, I would be forced to submit or die.
Unfortunately for you, the USG currently has dibs on the reigns of power
on the macro scale and is quite jealous of monopolizing it's power.
On the microscale, better bring a lunch; I ain't gonna roll over just because you say to.

No sir, I got an M4 with over a 1,000 reasons to think otherwise.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 05:45 PM
Could I get some simple clarification JAGPANZER.
While I've never been one to disagree with killing "evil"...

There are between 1 billion and 1.8 billion Muslims.
Which ones are evil, which one's are not?
How do you distinguish?
Is killing a certain number of innocents acceptable?
This IS the problem from what I understand and when you kill the wrong one's you get more "evil" to fight...

It is no coincidence that one of the translations
of the phrase Mein Kamph is Jihad.

I didn't know having a "struggle" was indicator of being a terrorist...
*note* Don't use word struggle in the future in any language, it is an evil collection of syllables.

Your types don't even have the class of monday morning quarterbacks.
Because even those dolts have some understanding of the opponents.

Yep, they understood the enemy very well, that's why it has been such a successful war. WOW! I can't even tell if my own phrase is sarcastic...have I fallen that low...I need a hug.

The anti-soldier propaganda here is simply nauseating.
For the record, you CAN'T support the team~ but object to the game.

Much of the "team" disagrees.

Are the people who fought and died for the country "traitors" for not supporting the war? As you say people CAN'T do both and are a risk cause of their terrorist loving ways...what would YOU have done to them? As you seem to believe the behavior is traitor like which is illegal, what do YOU think should be the punishment to these evil Americans?

YOU are in Iraq fighting right now...right?

I'll get to some of the other arguments when I'm not sure this isn't plane old trolling...great trolling if that's the case.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 10:29 PM
pfft-veteransforpeace-as if.
More like veterans for defeat and capitulation.
Benedict Arnold was a veteran of the War for American Independence.
He was angling for a type of peace too.

Given the degree of political intereference by both clueless legislators
and nosy judicial figures(none of which have any Constitutional
say regarding war efforts): much of the hassles in this war could be expected.
When you have various democrats and assorted peacemongers declaring defeat,
it only serves to boost the morale of the jihadis. Most of the crap coming out of
the democrat leadership, code pink types, and the vfp morons is translated
and thrown onto the AQ web sites verbatim. The only real difference
between what Reid says and what Zawahiri says is the arabic accent.

Exactly how many times has Al Jezeera criticized the methodology and tactics
of Al Queda, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezboallah, or the jihadi freelancers?
How many arab nations have continued broad criticism of the terror organizations?
I'm not talking about western lipservice, I'm talking about substantial efforts
to shut down these terror groups, not paying them to move elsewhere.

What should be done?
It is undeniable that these actions give direct cover and aid to the enemy,
as well as propping up their morale to continue the fight.
Your blather against our troops and objectives are as deadly, if not more so,
than any 7.62x39 aimed at our soldiers heads.
It is the speech and actions of the enemy within; and eveything that Cicero had
to say regarding such traitors.
The punishment for such actions has been known for centuries.
This is why none dare call it treason.

This is a conspiracy of the worse type.
A conspiracy to undermine the defense of our nation, weaken our will to fight,
and lay bare the ability of the US to defend our way of life.
It throws open the gates of the city,
greeting the barbarians with open and hopeful arms.
It's only the US and western allies that are targeted with this 'peace at any cost'
mindset. The Authoritarian states of the CIS and PRC hear nothing of this, no;
it's US that needs to backdown and disarm.
This is just a background ploy by the NWO types to weaken the US military and
warfighting spirit to make it that much easier to roll us up into their one world udopia.

Lenin was dead on with his description of those types as useful idiots.

How many do we need to kill? As many as it takes.
Whom do we kill? All who want to fight.
Killing of innocents? That's largely a red herring.
Our enemy targets civilians, and hides behind them as well.
The main reason there is no safe area in Gaza, is because any such location
quickly has a rocket team set up next to it.
It will turn some against us?
Some, but not enough to matter if done properly.
Do you think the German people forefeit their Prussian heritage willingly?
Do you think the Bushido spirit of the Japanese went gracefully into that goodnight?
In both cases no.
Prussian militancy and Bushido spirit led to the total annihilation of those societies.
Their warrior classes were unable to deny the wreckage wrought on their nations
wasn't their fault. In both cases the warrior classes brought an onslaught to their
people that they were totally incapable of repelling or even defending from.
As a result of the Allied stomping they recieved, two historically militant nations
now only get into fights if anyone in their parliments even suggests deploying
their troops in an offensive manner beyond their borders.
So ideologies CAN be defeated with force.
It just takes complete overwhelming, no quarter, blind aggression to do it.

Anything less is just playing footsie/stirring the nest.

No, I'm not military; as the Arnold example clearly illustrates, military service alone
doesn't a true patriot make, it helps sure; but it's not the hallmark.
What was Thomas Jeffersons military rank?
Franklins? John Adams?
I could go on.

Trolling? how pathetic.
You can't defeat the message,
so smear the messenger.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 01:08 AM

Your posts reads of nothing but pubescent dick-wagging. At most an adult full of insecurities who needs to prove his manliness in an internet forum. I've enjoyed debating various ideas with others on this board but this really takes the cake...

Given the degree of political intereference by both clueless legislators
and nosy judicial figures(none of which have any Constitutional
say regarding war efforts): much of the hassles in this war could be expected. When you have various democrats and assorted peacemongers declaring defeat, it only serves to boost the morale of the jihadis. Most of the crap coming out of the democrat leadership, code pink types, and the vfp morons is translated and thrown onto the AQ web sites verbatim. The only real difference between what Reid says and what Zawahiri says is the arabic accent.

I thought soldiers in foreign countries kicking the crap outta people win wars, but you can blame democrats/peaceniks/whoever which have no ability to give orders to the troops.

Bigger point.

Put your plan into action, kill those who do not believe in the war. You say it is treason worthy of execution then carry it out. I don't think you have the balls. You got an M4, no one will even know it was you. You claim it would make a better country than do it, you won't, your on an ATS forum spouting about "warrior classes".

No, I'm not military; as the Arnold example clearly illustrates, military service alone doesn't a true patriot make, it helps sure; but it's not the hallmark.

Perhaps a better question child, WHAT are you doing to benefit the war other than shooting your mouth off about "Cicero's" solution that you will never carry out on ATS forum?

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:40 AM
Children are as children do.
Adults, answer and respond to questions put forth to them.
Children hem and haw, try to change the subject, try to discount anything
they either don't understand or are incapable of properly responding to.

Exactly who here fits each description?

I have answered head on and evidently quite succinctly demonstrated
the folly of what passes for thinking in some crainiums here.

You on the otherhand have refuted nothing; either jumping to another sub-topic
or trying to belittle me not through the demonstrable weight of your argument,
rather juvenile potshots that in of themselves have nothing to do with the topic.
I make fun too, but it is in the vein of your debate skills or rather the lack thereof.

You are ignorant beyond pale if you think the seditious rantings of the democrat
leadership has no effect on the warfighter morale or war efforts of either side.
1-Loose lips sink ships-ever hear that phrase, evidently not.
2-The head NVA general is on record that their will to fight was all but gone
after the strategic blunder that was the Tet offensive. It was the KGB that assured
the NVA to keep up the fight as help was forthcoming: the summer of love.
The NVA gave credit to the peacemonkeys for giving their men the will to continue
fighting, as well as giving them hope that victory was possible.
The blood of over 3 million SE asians, and all of our soldiers slain since 1968
till 1973 is on the heads of the peacemonkeys.
None other than our enemies have testified to the effect the peace movement
had on the morale and fighting spirit of their men to continue the fight.
So while you may claim your words have no effect.
The War office in WW2, and our subsequent enemies testify to the contrary.

I have claimed nothing regarding taking matters into my own hands,
That's a ruse you've foisted upon me in a clear desperate effort to get
some kind of moral high ground as well as lumping me in with the McVeigh types.

Anyone with at least 5th grade reading comprehension could understand my reference
to my M4 was regards to a singular entity trying to subdue me. So either your
comprehension is below a 5th graders(possible) or you intentionally tried to
smear me by inference(just as likely). Either case you are a deciever and a liar.

Case in point, cut and paste the part of any of my posts wherein you find
the direct statement that I said anyone against the war should be killed.
You can't it isn't there. You see what you want to see, regardless of what's real.
That's called delusion, pathetic- and typical of the anencepheletics I run into.

Lastly I made no rants about warrior classes. I only stated historical facts.
Do you deny the warrior spirit of Germany and Japan aren't what they were pre-1945?

Why don't you borrow a set of balls(and a brain) and intelligently
try to defend your take. Granted, with history and human nature against you
it's a tall order; It's not my fault you selected such a flawed posit.

Most amusing is apparently you thought yourself fairly deft at this kind of debate.
Clearly you're more daft than deft.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:44 AM

I have claimed nothing regarding taking matters into my own hands,
That's a ruse you've foisted upon me in a clear desperate effort to get
some kind of moral high ground as well as lumping me in with the McVeigh types.

You claim nothing cause you do nothing. Actions are actions, words are words, you've shown nothing but words claiming a path is correct, a path you will never take action towards.

Case in point, cut and paste the part of any of my posts wherein you find the direct statement that I said anyone against the war should be killed.
You can't it isn't there. You see what you want to see, regardless of what's real.That's called delusion, pathetic- and typical of the anencepheletics I run into.

Cicero argued for execution of the "plague" of traders, treason within if you will. You said that Cicero's solution was what was needed. You CLAIM to believe this.Your the one who phrased it in weasel words, I prefer to be direct and honest. If you believe in a solution than advocate it, don't back off like a small child with the "I didn't say that".

You are ignorant beyond pale if you think the seditious rantings of the democrat
leadership has no effect on the warfighter morale or war efforts of either side.
1-Loose lips sink ships-ever hear that phrase, evidently not.
2-The head NVA general is on record that their will to fight was all but gone
after the strategic blunder that was the Tet offensive. It was the KGB that assured
the NVA to keep up the fight as help was forthcoming: the summer of love.
The NVA gave credit to the peacemonkeys for giving their men the will to continue
fighting, as well as giving them hope that victory was possible.
The blood of over 3 million SE asians, and all of our soldiers slain since 1968
till 1973 is on the heads of the peacemonkeys.
None other than our enemies have testified to the effect the peace movement
had on the morale and fighting spirit of their men to continue the fight.
So while you may claim your words have no effect.
The War office in WW2, and our subsequent enemies testify to the contrary.

I believe in democracy and free speech, period. You can argue that it is a better world without it, go ahead. What IS your solution, oh wait you don't have one. You just whine about peacemonkeys. Why don't you advocate a government program that arrests all who make public negative statements. Execution, internment recommendations cause you don't want your ideas in action.

Lastly I made no rants about warrior classes. I only stated historical facts.
Do you deny the warrior spirit of Germany and Japan aren't what they were pre-1945?

They lost to a free country that had pacifist war protesters. Democracy with free speech = superior force; German and Japanese "Warriors" fail. Perhaps a better question is WHY did they lose their "Warrior Spirit".

Most amusing is apparently you thought yourself fairly deft at this kind of debate. Clearly you're more daft than deft.

That's why I'm here. Instead of whining recommend some action. Put your theories up to actual scrutiny instead of recommending Cicero's solution and then acting like someone is putting words in your mouth when they say put it into action.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 01:24 PM
Nice try, but I don't need you trying to twist my words around.
I've stated it quite clearly. I mean what I said and say what I mean.

It looks like you need a refresher course on just what life was like here in the
States during WW2. There was no peace movement of the type you describe.
FDR's FBI saw to it that there were no meaningful groups of the type you describe.
None of the letters my grandpa wrote my grandma while he was overseas ever
got to her. No, the govt instead sent her a copy of what he had written.
All mail was combed over, unlike today.
Not saying it's good or bad, only pointing out a difference.

There was no anti-war movement of any merit beyond the quakers after 12.7.1941.
The Prussian heritage was uprooted and destroyed by pure carnage and fury.
The Bushido spirit was defeated by Fat Man and Little Boy;
there was no honorable death possible from atomic firestorms, no facing the enemy.
Just dying like a dog in your own blood and feces.
The history is there for all to see and read.
if anything it's the peaceniks who made the nuclear age even possible.
If the western allies had thrown the nazi's out of czechoslavakia and enforced
the weapon restrictions on germany, WW2 would not have become the pitched
war for survival that it did. The American nazi groups were avidly pro-peace too.
The isolationists here allowed Hitler to set the stage for his next act.
Funny, in a way they made it possible for Israel to be reborn.

I do contribute what I can to support the troops.
1-grudgingly pay my usurious tax rates
2-donate to the USO
3-send boxes o' cigars to the troops in theatre
4-had a private from Nebraska over for Xmas dinner from the local air base
5-vote to keep God fearing politicos in office-harder to find these days
6-raise hell with the RNC over their backsliding into democrat lite
7-put the pimp hand on every mealy mouth who doesn't know
what the hell they are talking about regarding the overall war efforts.

I'm 40 years old and not in what I would consider combat fit.
Even so, at best I'd still be more of a liability to our fighters on the lines.
This isn't 1942 with the military burning though 4,000 troops every other week.
Our military is more than capable of handling the task at hand
provided we quit hobbling it's men and materials.

Grow up, if that's possible- like I'm going to storm the Capitol with my posse
and hang the democrat leadership & quisling republicans from the cherry trees
lining the Mall. I wish, unfortunately it's 2009 not 1809; such a thing isn't likely
to happen barring our population waking up and having a Mussolini moment.

No instead I will have to be sated with calling the traitors out
for who and what they are. That's Freedom of Speech, not libel.
The fact that being regarded as a traitor infers that they should be shot
is not my problem. I'm not the one hoping to have a negative effect upon
the warfighting or war aims of our nation.
I didn't create the means test for being a traitor, nor did I conceive it's punishment.
It is, what it is. That I point out it quacks, waddles, and has a bill is irrelevant.
Traitors and their ilk generally get real huffy when confronted with their
values postioned such that their seditous colors start to bleed through.

The punishment for little fish like us is already available and deployed.
Traitorous and seditous viewpoints will be called such and the purveyors of such
will be derided, mocked, and when possible humiliated.
The bigger issue are the big fish like Reid and Turban.
Lincoln's methodology was to either deport the scum(ha, sending Reid to Tehran rich)
or throw them in the bottom of one of the prison barges lining the Potomac.
I'd be happy with either course of action.

I believe in the Republic, not mob rule; free speech is great, provided it is responsible.
If words can be fuel for our enemies, it is not beneficial to the Republic to allow it.
If words cause the lives of our soldiers to be lost, punishment is due.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 07:15 PM

The punishment for little fish like us is already available and deployed.
Traitorous and seditous viewpoints will be called such and the purveyors of such will be derided, mocked, and when possible humiliated.

Your entire stance has so far just been to tell all who disagree to shut up. Seeing as how that is your entire stance and your not actually arguing for any change to our system, go right ahead. My mistake if I interpreted all that Cicero stuff etc. as meaning you actually believed in something different than our current system.

7-put the pimp hand on every mealy mouth who doesn't know
what the hell they are talking about regarding the overall war efforts.

Pimp hand, I'm fairly certain all your doing is shooting your mouth off. As you are 40 and not "combat fit" I recommend against "pimp hand"ing. WOW I sure feel the "pimp hand" on this forum.

The punishment for little fish like us is already available and deployed.
Traitorous and seditous viewpoints will be called such and the purveyors of such will be derided, mocked, and when possible humiliated.

If I knew the extent of your recommendation for change was shooting your mouth off I wouldn't be here. Again, my bad for thinking you argued anything else. I guess it's my lack of "cranium" for thinking that your implications of loose lips sink ships and the Cicero stuff meaning you actually believed that their was a need for a solution to the current situation of people expressing their distaste for the war. Unless you want any actual change to our system I apologize for the whole discussion. All that calling people out is sure life changing.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:39 PM
you know why evil prevails, because people who complain about everything whine about everything make good look evil. You know all of those little snotty bratts who say let the soldiers die they deserve it, hell if i was in the CIA i would send them a post card saying "2315: Front line infantry". these little immature kids like their tv and they are used to getting what they want from mommy and daddy and when they see violence they cant figure out who the good guy really is because sometimes the good guy HAS to get his hands dirty .
empires fall because after a while the little kids dont know why their country was created they just know entertainment , money and well females dogs....

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 09:51 AM
Sheesh how inane can you get?

Simply saying shut up isn't enough.
Complete illustration of the folly and vapidity of the NWO anti-war propaganda
is demanded for the proper clairification of what is a true American.

I'm sure Benedict Arnold would have loved to start a Vets against the War in his time.
Given that only 1/3rd of the colonists desired independence, BA could have claimed
a plurality in support of his views. However, the media at the time wasn't unified
in their defeatest mentality like the MSM worms of today. Additionally, it is highly
doubtful Washington or the Sons of Liberty would have allowed BA's Vets for Peace
to exist for very long. How do you think Washington would have treated
Revolutionary Vets against the War? Just an observational query, not some call
for domestic death squads, so don't get all uptight.

What exactly do you do that is in anyway substantially different from my actions.
Given your hype you must be trying to talk sense into Nasrallah at this moment.
What do you do other than take pot shots at our warrior ethos and patriots.
Put a sock in it, at some point even Benedict had to come to terms that he wasn't
a patriot in the sense the rest of the independence leaning colonists were.
So you're a patriot after the like BA, fair enough.

What do you do that is substantially different?

I've answered and rebuked practically every item you've brought up.
All without cutting and pasting your drivel--reading comprehension not a high point
for you, or you just like fluffing up your posts to look like you're saying a lot?
I know what I said, worse come to worse I got this button for page up/page down;
I'm sure your keyboard has it too, the arrows do the same thing if not.

In normal debates/discussions, unanswered counterpoints are generally viewed
as concession of facts/points. In which case the majority of my posits remain
unrefuted much less responded to.

Don't give the lame excuse that you didn't think it worthy or someother weakass
cop out for being unable to counter what was presented. That is a juvenile response.
Adults have to do all sorts of things they would rather not.
Like me batting down your drivel for one.
It's easy for me, if it's so easy for you: try a hand at it. I have yet to see anything
that intimidating out of what passes for your thought processes.

I don't do this for your or my edification. This is for the lurkers who tend to just
sit back and watch the feathers fly. I'll let them judge who has the more meritous
and informed grasp of the facts at hand.

Combat fit means I'm not exactly ready to reliably take watch in 114 degree
shade temps, nor hike 20 kilometers at 25,000 feet in the Hindu Kush.
I'm more than capable of beating the crap outta any toadie hippie scum you can find.
In the vernacular of the former War Department movies,
I'm the man behind the man behind the gun.

My stance isn't so much shut up, as it is wake up.
to arms, to arms
The NWO types are coming, the NWO types are coming

The US military is the only true liberation army to have ever existed in the known
history of mankind. The only land we have ever asked for from the lands we
conquered was enough to bury our fallen heroes.
The only way an actual NWO govt has chance to exist, much less survive,
is to eliminate the warfighting spirit of the American people.
If the citizens of the only truly free nation on this planet won't defend liberty,
nor will they support efforts to depose actual tyrannies; then no one will,
because no one will be able to. And thus begins 1,000 years of darkness.

You're one of these types who lament the closing of the Iraqi rape rooms
and kinderprisons on a philosophical level.
Good men who refuse to confront evil in whatever form it presents itself,
are in effect no longer entitled to be called Good men; they forefeit that title
by their action of inaction. There is no reason for treason.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 01:02 PM
I thought you actually advocated DOING something.
My bad, your not, if you wish to claim your victory of a conversation in which you claimed no path of action go right ahead.

Your types don't even have the class of monday morning quarterbacks.
Because even those dolts have some understanding of the opponents.

You have never even explained why YOU are not a monday morning QB.

All without cutting and pasting your drivel--reading comprehension not a high point for you, or you just like fluffing up your posts to look like you're saying a lot?

One, we cut and paste to make what were addressing clear. It is forum etiquette and helps us not sound like Sarah Palin in debates, by not directly answering questions and prevents rambling. I never started a thread insinuating that people who speak out against a war should be shot then turn around and say I didn't did I? Let me remind you.

What should be done?
It is undeniable that these actions give direct cover and aid to the enemy,
as well as propping up their morale to continue the fight.
Your blather against our troops and objectives are as deadly, if not more so,
than any 7.62x39 aimed at our soldiers heads.
It is the speech and actions of the enemy within; and eveything that Cicero had to say regarding such traitors.
The punishment for such actions has been known for centuries.
This is why none dare call it treason.


Case in point, cut and paste the part of any of my posts wherein you find
the direct statement that I said anyone against the war should be killed.
You can't it isn't there. You see what you want to see, regardless of what's real. That's called delusion, pathetic- and typical of the anencepheletics I run into.

You have never advocated anything, I didn't start the thread.

Additional points.

Who is violating these limits on free speech you believe would make a better world? Point them out. Pull up some news sources and post some links and say who they are. Is reporting the number of casualties a crime? Is reporting the private contractors raping our tax money and torturing prisoners treason? Was the publication of no WMD's treason? You still haven't taken a stand on any of the above, hell you haven't laid out your views. Layout the policy you believe would be best, WHERE IS THE LINE. Give a policy. You have never laid out a course of action cause you want to keep your views as close to jello as possible.

In normal debates/discussions, unanswered counterpoints are generally viewed as concession of facts/points. In which case the majority of my posits remain unrefuted much less responded to.

This is a forum and we have lives with not enough time to answer everything, perhaps you should've read my responses more carefully as you don't address most of them and we have a 4000 character limit that has limited my posts.

My stance isn't so much shut up, as it is wake up.
to arms, to arms The NWO types are coming, the NWO types are coming

I sincerely hope people do.

I'm the man behind the man behind the gun.

Same place as every hippie.

You're one of these types who lament the closing of the Iraqi rape rooms
and kinderprisons on a philosophical level.
Good men who refuse to confront evil in whatever form it presents itself,
are in effect no longer entitled to be called Good men; they forefeit that title
by their action of inaction. There is no reason for treason.

Read carefully and you will notice I have revealed REMARKABLY little about myself and my views.

I'm more than capable of beating the crap outta any toadie hippie scum you can find.

Clearly you only have experience with one type of "hippie"

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:27 PM
No, I do not find it remarkable that you have intentionally not revealed much about
yourself. That's typical of the ilk I run into. I have a fairly clear and cogent line
of argument. You are intentionally being vague in order to leave yourself wiggle room
should you actually find the paint approaching the corner.

What you are evidently unaware of is what you have unintentionally revealed
about yourself. Namely an argument strangely identical to one used by our

I'm not MQB'ing it because my team is still on the field; winning.
It's more that my complaint is with regards to the fouls and penalties
all going against my team; the other side has a deal of some kind with the refs.

The call for action is to not allow the NWO anti-west/war propaganda to go unrefuted.
I was not aware of an ATS fight club where we could meet to hash things out.
As well, this is an effort to present a stronger defense of the traditional
American way of life and ideals; and to expose the NWO attempts to rewrite
history as well as the definition of a true American patriot.
The ATS viewers need to be told to contact their govt representatives in these matters?
Can't lead by example?
Fine if it will make SoC happy: people harass your legislators into submission.
Call, email, snail-mail, blitz the RNC to ditch the moderate weasel talk.
Donate to the USO, send goodies to the troops in theatre, have an enlistee over
for holiday dinner. And stock up on the betaC mags while you can get em.
There, feel better.

Who is saying the seditous garbage detrimental to our troops?
Harry Reid, Dick Durban, Charles Schumer, Barack Obama, Jon Kerry
to name the most egregious speakers
Code Pink, Vets for Peace(still never answered how Washington would treat them),
CAIR, ACLU and to a degree Amnesty Inter. refusal to go into Fallujah to demand
Zarqhawi to allow them to inspect the torture rooms/holding cages.

Tokyo Rose liked to highlight American casualties. The Berlin equivalent did too.
You tell me, was their motivation just helpful fyi in case anyone was wondering?
Tell me why FDR and Truman restricted troop losses. Why were the counts that were
released months out of date with regards to then actual current losses?
You're an adult, you should be able to figure it out.
FDR would have had you thrown into prison for revealing actual current troop losses.
Some operations went so bad, their entire existence was classified till the end of WW2.
Operation Tiger was an amphibious PRACTICE that resulted in the deaths of over
4,000 troops in one afternoon. FDR feared if knowledge of it became known
it could shake the confidence of the public in the govt being able to even fight the war.
Robert E Lee: "Victory resembles defeat when viewed from the rear."

It was treason to claim there were no wmd's because there WERE.
It's a matter of public record that the Iraqi govt sold the partially enriched uranium
it had obtained from Niger to a canadian uranium processing outfit.
Lybia's nuke program was developed in concert with Iraqi assistance, so said Quaddafi.
That's just the nuke stuff. Saddam's chemical munitions were just as real

Cicero said many things. Had I suspected you were a straw dog catcher,
I would have phrased it differently. Still so what? Nowhere will you find the
subject+verb conjugate inciting civil retribution. Much like the right to privacy
in the BoR; It just isn't there. The fact you keep trying to lead back to it directly
implies the crux of your flimsy counter is loosely based on a percieved call
for rebellion. I have never said to shoot any one here.
FTR: if I did advocate SoL reprisals it would be by lynching not shooting.
So this shoot the traitors thing is your personal phobia.

What little you have espoused, I have refuted.
Go back and read it, it's there or I wouldn't do this.
We have lives? Compare my daily activity here to yours, case closed

[edit on 9-1-2009 by JAGPANZER]

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