posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:41 AM
Barack Obama, thus far in his political career, is a hard person to peg.
A mixed-race kid from Kansas AND Hawaii in the critic in local Chicago media........seeming lefty in the Illinois
state house.....non-discrminate Senator thereafter.
Runs for POTUS in 2008 on a platform of hope, change.....largely continuing the foreign policy of the Bush Administration, tax cuts, shying away from
gun control, and something very short of universal health care....wins the race and appoints a number of anti-left heads to government
posts.......quiet as a mouse during the transition on things like Gaza.......seems to have forged a buddy relationship with Bush #43 on the way
out.......and never wants to upset anyone with his words or policy.
I am registered to vote as a Dem and consider mysef center/center-right and wait for this guy to show his leftist bent but it doesn't happen. He
proposes an economic stimulus that is almost 50% tax cuts to almost everyone's surprise. He spoke of "spreading the wealth" during the campaign
but nothing he's shown so far is that socialistic....yet.
He showed little interest in campaigning for Congressional contests, clammed-up in run-offs after the Presidential race, and has issued zip since.
His proposed Chief of Staff is a former IDF soldier who follows the "Blue Dog" moderate line in campaigns like 2006 that got people like Heath
Schuler elected.
I both get and don't get this guy at the same time. He seems to be both pragmatic and ideaistic at the same time. He seems to champion the national
Democratic platform on one hand while distancing himself on the other. He distances himself from Bush and Congressional Republicans while also
continuing a serious degree of their policies and edging to those voters.
I can see Obama as the guy with a Civic hybrid and an F-350 in his driveway with "Union Proud" and "Charleton Hesston is my President" stickers
accordingly. All confusion intended.
What an odd duck this Obama guy is..........right now he comes across as the most liberal Republican or the most mod/conservative Dem to see the White
House since Truma.