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Bad Economy and Changes

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posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:06 PM
So much change has already happened in the past eight years how much more change can Obama bring. Besides fixing the economy and Maybe getting us out of war(hopefully) does anyone remember major news stories since 9-11 and how its affected today. First of all 9-11 brought change we wanted because we were scared to fly and needed protection so tighter airpor security and more rules were applied. And just like that people are being conditioned to accept more rules, but because they feel safer. e.i. Patriot act...then we go to war with terrorism , mainly in two countries (strategic and easy?) in a sense as a world. and then BUsh was elected again and we began to see that maybe the war in iraq was a bad idea, meanwhile troops in afganistan were hunting down Osama Bin Laden. Gas prices are going up and Katrina Happens, FEMA, gas prices go up,big news, Irag war, then food recall(?) Remember when it was in the news a bunch? But thats in the past now like consumer confidence. While everybody is worrying about there own lives and everything seems fine. Early election coverage, The markets start slumping(recession?...nah) but thankfully gas prices went down. One day the prices went down and kept on going down. One less thing to make our lives better. Now were here in 2009 in a major economic crisis and we need hope ,we need change, we need a president of a different race for change. Don't get me wrong he may be true, but to what cause? America,the World or other. Damn he hasn't taken office yet and already people in his administraion are under question. the Illinois gov. corruption deal would have been big news a few years back but now it seems like its just news. A few year back he would have immediately resigned...maybe. Then again who really knows? i know i don't.

Mod Edit: All caps removed from title.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:55 PM
wow mindcarnival, your posts are not showing up to me at all. it happened on your 2012 thread as well, maybe shoot a staffer a U2U about that, i cant even send you one for some reason.
mindcarnival's original post
So much change has already happened in the past eight years how much more change can Obama bring. Besides fixing the economy and Maybe getting us out of war(hopefully) does anyone remember major news stories since 9-11 and how its affected today. First of all 9-11 brought change we wanted because we were scared to fly and needed protection so tighter airpor security and more rules were applied. And just like that people are being conditioned to accept more rules, but because they feel safer. e.i. Patriot act...then we go to war with terrorism , mainly in two countries (strategic and easy?) in a sense as a world. and then BUsh was elected again and we began to see that maybe the war in iraq was a bad idea, meanwhile troops in afganistan were hunting down Osama Bin Laden. Gas prices are going up and Katrina Happens, FEMA, gas prices go up,big news, Irag war, then food recall(?) Remember when it was in the news a bunch? But thats in the past now like consumer confidence. While everybody is worrying about there own lives and everything seems fine. Early election coverage, The markets start slumping(recession?...nah) but thankfully gas prices went down. One day the prices went down and kept on going down. One less thing to make our lives better. Now were here in 2009 in a major economic crisis and we need hope ,we need change, we need a president of a different race for change. Don't get me wrong he may be true, but to what cause? America,the World or other. Damn he hasn't taken office yet and already people in his administraion are under question. the Illinois gov. corruption deal would have been big news a few years back but now it seems like its just news. A few year back he would have immediately resigned...maybe. Then again who really knows? i know i don't.
End of mindcarnival's original post
all i kept hearing before the economy crashed and he got elected was we need change!

people need to be careful of what they wish for. Bad timing for him, what with his very little experience and all that. I hate to call apples bananas, but its like him getting elected broke some sort of global straw on the camels back. My prayers will go to the country and even the world in my personal hopes that the divine power(s) know what they are doing!

[edit on 5-1-2009 by drsmooth23]

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