posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:10 PM
Over the last few month's I have been obsesed with the subject of ufo's and et's.I have viewed hundreds of video's and documentation trying to
understand what the bigger picture is.I found that there is a lot rubbish but also a lot of very interesting events and info.
Starting with the sightings,photo's and videos of ufo's.It seems we are being watched but allways from afar.As if not to interfear but see how we
are progressing.
Then we have abductions and accounts of medical examinations and the idea that we have been engineered multiple times by et's to what we are
today.Like a musician or artist constantly trying to improve on his or her handywork.
The accounts of milltary personel, telling how neclear weapons have been shut down at bases and even shot out of the sky.Possibly they are protecting
ther creation.
The stories that early man was taught civilisation and given technology to quickly advance by the gods.Which to me are the et's.
Obviously these beings are of a great intelligence so what reason could they have for putting so much effort into this planet.
When you look at science its allways trying to figure out how everything works.The LHC a good example and the idea of humans one day creating AI wich
will be our greatest achivment.
With the idea of 11 dimensions I say our current science is only scratching the serface and the universe is a lot more complicated than we realise.It
seems to me that a super intelligence trying to figure out the greater questions in the universe would need even more complecated systems to do
so.That is where we come in.We are the system they use.The super computer.After all citie's resemble circit boards from above right? We are the
software and the power sauce.With the invention of the internet our ability to share information has grown exponentially.The super computer is getting
The et's have a universe in wich to store there supercomputers and acosionaly visit time to time to see if they have any new answers to there bigger
I know its a bit far out but never the less an interesting idea.Thanks for reading.