In order to truly understand the strife occurring in Israel, formerly known as Palestine, one must understand the political ideology that led to the
birth of the Jewish State known today as Israel. I have received countless U2Us requesting that I put together a thread that factually dicsusses the
history of Zionism, its roots and purposes and its evolution leading to the establishment of a Jewish State. Let me be VERY clear on the matter - I
am NOT a racist, a bigot, an anti-semite or hatemonger. I have no "agenda" other than to discuss the facts as they exist. Our schools and media
have done a very poor job on educating people on the facts. The results of this propaganda and grandstanding have lead to incoherent discussions
regarding the issues. Let us begin...
Up until the mid 1880s most European Jewish Scholars agreed that the solution to anti-semitism was the full assimilation of Jews into the various
countries where they resided. However, around 1882 Leon Pinsker penned the tome "Self-Determination" and presented the idea of a Jewish
Nation-State, preferably on the lands occupied by the Palestinians. This work was oft disregarded as fantasy and widely scoffed at by Jewish Scholars
of the day - until Theodore Heizl authored "The Jewsih State" in 1896.
Heizl took Pinsker's musings on a Jewish State to a new level, claiming that the Jews had a "Divine Right" to the lands presently occupied by the
Palestinians citing their Jewish occupation during Old Testament times. This gave momentum to the political movement known as Zionism - driven by the
idea that the Jewish peoples have a divine right to the Palestinian lands.
In 1896 Heizl became the President of the Zionist World Congress, the first group of its kind to lobby for their end-game - the creation of the nation
of Israel. Shortly after his appointment he approached the Sultan of Turkey and proposed Palestine as a place for Jewsih settlement and the
establishment of their own nation. His request was rejected on the grounds that Arabs had occupied the land for centuries and the Jews had no
legitimate claim to the land. Next he approached Britain who, in turn, offered Uganda as the location for a Jewish state. This offer was refused by
the Zionist World Congress as their eye was on Palestine.
During that same time, part of the political playbook of the ZWC (Zionist World Congress) was to settle the lands of Palestine by stealth. This gave
birth to 20,000 Jews settling Palestine during the 1890s in a movement known as the First Aliya ("Ascent"). The Second Aliya began a few years
later after the failed Russion Revolution of 1905 where tens of thousands more Jews moved to Palestine and settled the land.
Almost a decade later, future Israeli President, Chaim Weizmann, declared at a Zionist meeting in London regarding Palestine that it is "A country
without a people for a people without a country." This statement completely ignored the fact that the land of Palestine had been occupied for
centuries by Arabs. Through continued lobbying efforts on behalf of the ZWC Weizmann became responsible for the British Government's Balfour
Declaration stating, "His majesty's government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people... it being
clearly understood that nothing shall be done that may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine."
Read that declaration carefully... the Crown fully supported the creation of a Jewish nation in Palestine, HOWEVER, it was NOT to interfere with the
rights of the existing non-Jewish population. In essence, they were to co-exist in harmany with one another. However, it was this declaration that
laid the foundation for the problems that have escalated since.
Following WWI, President Woodrow Wilson commissioned the King-Crane Commission to study and understand the establishment of a Jewish state in
Palestine. The commission concluded that over 90% of the land was occupied by non-Jewish Arabs who vehemently opposed the establishment of a Jewish
state on their lands. The commission further concluded that if the Zionist were permitted occupancy of Palestine "Zionists looked forward to a
practically complete disposession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants... not can the errection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the
gravest trespass upon the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.
Again, reviewing the Belfour Declaration and the results of the King-Crane Commission one could eaily and reasonably assume that the creation of the
Jewish State could not proceed as ordered by the Crown as it clearly jeopardized the very rights of the existing non-Jewish comminities. The
King-Crane Commission also concluded, "No British officer consulted by the commission believed that the Zionist program could be carried out except
by force of arms." Finally, the commission concluded, "The initial claim, often submitted by the Zionist representatives, that they have a
'right' to Palestine, based on an occupation of 2thousand yearsago, can hardly be seriously considered."
As anyone can plainly see, the pitfalls and problems of the establishment of Jewsih State on Palestinian lands had been thoroughly vetted and
concluded to be a non-starter by the US Government. That, however, was not sufficient to prevent the League of Nations from declaring the Palestine
become a British "Mandate" in 1920. The result of that announcement led to a massive uprising in Palestine leading to vioent anti-Zionist riots
claiming the lives of over 50 Jewish settlers.
The British established a commission to investigate the violence, concluding that the riots were a result of Arab disappointment in broken promises of
independence, made in 1915, and that they feared economic and political subjugation to the Zionists. Again, providing plenty of warning regarding the
grave dangers of the establishment of a Jewish State on Palestine.
Yet, despite the amassing body of evidence that exhibited the inherent dangers of the Zionist Plan, they persisted in their efforts to settle
Palestine and claim it as their own. Regarding the stealth plan, Arthur Ruppin spoke very clearly of the Zionist agenda to carry out its plan of
occupation stating, "Land is the most necessary thing for establishing our roots in Palestine. Since there are hardly any more arable unsettled
lands in Palestine, we are bound in each case of the purchase of land and its settlement to remove the peasants who cultivated the land."
As Arab awareness of the stealth settlement plan became more evident sentiments turned against selling their land to immigrant Jews. It was at this
same time that Hitler's rise to power in Germany led over 130,000 Jews to flee persecution, between 1933 and 1935, and settle in Palestine. This
only continued to agitate the occupying Arabs as they witnessed increasing settlements spread throughout Palestine.
In 1938, Zionist spokesman David Ben Gurion laid out the plans of the Zionist in clear detail stating, "In our political argument abroad, we minimize
Arab opposition to us, but let us not ignore the thruth among ourselves. We are the aggressors and they defend themselves." It was evidently clear
to anyone receiving the message that teh Zionist were determined to take Palestine as jewish state by force, if necessary.
Around that same time, another future leader of Israel, Manachem Begin, spoke with equal candor on the matter, "If this is Palestine and not the land
of Israel, then you are invaders. If this is Palestine, then it belongs to a people who lived here before you came."
The Zionist refused to cede their plan and instituted what was known as the IRGUN Paramilitary group whose sole mission was to wreak terror on the
Arab inhabitants of Palestine. In July of 1938 the IRGUN began their wave of terror by deonating numerous bombs throughout Palestine killing 76
Arabs. The British, realizing that things were getting out of hand, captured and jailed an IRGUN leader. This arrest led to the IRGUNs slaughter of
52 more Arabs. The group claimed that it would continue it's reign of terror until its leader was released. In an attempt to stem the growing tide
of violence and discontent, the British authorities limited the number of Jewish immigrants to Palestine at 15,000 per year. This led to yet another
wave of terrorist attacks by the Zionist IRGUNs killing 27 more Arabs.
By the conclusion of WWII, the wave of terror instituted by the Zionist had spread beyond Arabs to the killing of British officials and nationals. On
of the most famous casualties of this increased effort to foment terror was Count Folke Bernadotte, the head of the Swedish Red Cross who helped to
save thousands of Jews from Nazi run concentration camps. He was appointed as mediator between the Palestinians Arabs and the Jews in May of 1948.
Less than 4 months later he was assasinated on direct orders from future Israeli statesman, Yitzhak Shamir, head of the zionist terrorist organization
known as the Stern Gang.
The Zionist clearly held the cards as terrorist attacks were stepped up throughout Palestine by several reigning Zionist factions. One such event
occurred in April 1948 in Deir Yassin where over 250 Arabs were rounded up and slaughtered. IRGUN commanders issued orders to their assasins
throughout the region, "As in Deir Yassin, so everywhere." That saw the first Israelli President, Chaim Weizmann make the claim regarding the
massacres, calling them "A miraculous clearing of the land."
So it goes... the beginning of Zionism and terrorism in the region. It was NOT first perpetrated by the Muslims, but against them. In order to have
any understanding regarding the complexities of today's Israel, one must first seek the truth regarding the past for it most certainly guides our