posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 07:45 PM
I figured this would be a question to pose to conspiracy buffs, since most of my friends just laugh when I ask this. At what level in a conspiracy do
you have to be in in order to be considered a conspirator?
The reason I'm asking is because I hear about things from folks I know
very well (all my life well) who have or are connections...erm...higher
up. Much of this stuff I hear about never leaves my mouth or fingertips after hearing it, but it definatelly influences my opinions, especially
politically. In some cases I hear about conspiracies which "folks" (little paranoid writing this, so I'm keeping it as vague as I can
) have
told me about, but they're in the process (the folks) of putting cases together against these big wigs who think they're above or smarter then the
law. I've heard about some
really freaky things which have almost come to pass in this country. (In reference to that James Bond thread,
you'd be surprised how often it comes down to one man or one woman who prevent something horrible from happening. I like to think, however, that if
that one man or woman wasn't there, someone else would have stepped up to the plate.)
All of this stuff I don't tell anyone. Not here, not my closest friends, not my family. I know how hard it is for me to keep it to my self, and
wouldn't want to put that on them. Does this make me a conspirator?
Edit: Got rid of something a little too specific.
[Edited on 4-7-2004 by junglejake]
[Edited on 4-7-2004 by junglejake]