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Kerry praise's al-Sadr on NPR

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posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 10:31 AM
In maybe what is the worst gaffe made by Kerry yet,

"In an interview broadcast Wednesday morning, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry defended terrorist Shiite imam Moqtada al-Sadr as a "legitimate voice" in Iraq."

News Story

When our soldiers are over in Iraq getting shot at this piece of scum's comments borders on treason in my opinion.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 10:46 AM
That's pretty telling. Kerry tries to make some political hay while the hayloft is on fire.

I've long thought that Kerry's sympathies towards our Enemies borders on treason. Not that he actually does his job as a Senator, but a US Senator should not be giving aid and comfort to the enemy in this manner.

But still we have to understand that anything that is good for America is bad for the Dems in their single-minded quest to retake political power.

I believe that the Dems want the US bodycount to be as high as it can go so that they can turn around and blame it on the Republicans come election time.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 10:52 AM

wow... maybe this guy *is* worse than bush. and thats a really tough challenge right there...

a legitimate voice? holy cow...

and what does this tell you ONCE AGAIN about the ties between the subversive elements within our government and terrorism?

yeah exactly. they are one and the same.


posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 10:54 AM
- This guy ordered the killing of coalition troops, which also consisted of Iraqis.

- He had a moderate shiite cleric killed. hence the arrest warrant.

- He ordered his guards to murder a pregnant women passing by his compound on the way to a hospital, hence the other arrest warrant.

al-Sadr is a Legitimate voice? I have to wonder if Kerry is a legitimate, viable candidate after saying that.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 11:01 AM
Is anyone really surprised that this comes from him? He has proven himself over and over again NOT to be a friend of the very country he is trying to be president of. Now we can see what kind of country we will be living in if he gets into office.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 11:11 AM
This is another example of Kerry doing what he does best...being an idiot.

If Kerry gets elected I wonder if he will invite an-Sadr to the White House to show support for him?

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 11:13 AM
It might not have been right thing to say
but he is right in part
if you start lisen to half the people you only lisening to what you wont to here like bushy
he did not here that it would be a mistake to go into iraq

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by allwayslooken
It might not have been right thing to say
but he is right in part
if you start lisen to half the people you only lisening to what you wont to here like bushy
he did not here that it would be a mistake to go into iraq

Discussing Iraq policy in general and his disagreement with current policy is his right, giving aid and comfort even in words while American soldiers are being killed is not excusable in any terms whatsoever - I don't care how you try to couch it.


posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 11:39 AM
First of all, he called the newspaper a legitimate voice, then he changed legitimate to just voice. If you are a good American then you would be a proponent of free speech would you not?

I listened to the interview and took the comments in the actual context. All Kerry meant to say was that if the occupational forces continue to oppress the people, you are only going to create more fury and need for terroristic revolt. I've read a few interviews with Iraqi's in magazines and they all seem to find it hard to differentiate between the oppression under Saddams regime and that of the coalition forces.

So again, not al-Sadr, al-Sadr's newspaper. THe fact that the attack yesterday took place after the paper was shut down suggests that having any opinion on the effect of the newspaper is meaningless. Kerry made a big mistake by going there and left himself open to biased, one sided attacks by radical right wingers like yourselves.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 11:49 AM
Kerry being quoted from PBS,

"They shut a newspaper that belongs to a legitimate voice in Iraq."

Insite that is hardly refering to the newspaper, it is refering to the individual that runs the paper, Kerry did in fact praise al-Sadr by that comment.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 11:52 AM
kerry and bush, skull and bones brothers, both idiots, pick the lesser of the two evils if there is such a thing.
I'm voting Nader or Kunich..i don't care what happens to my vote, but neither Kerry nor Bush deserves it.

kerry is simply trying his hardest to take the opposite stance of bush regardless of how idiotic that stance might be.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix
Kerry being quoted from PBS,

"They shut a newspaper that belongs to a legitimate voice in Iraq."

Insite that is hardly refering to the newspaper, it is refering to the individual that runs the paper, Kerry did in fact praise al-Sadr by that comment.

You make an assumption, and you know what happens when you make an assumption. How do you know what kind of context Kerry meant to put it in? The paper could belong to a legitimate voice, meaning the Iraqi subscriber/readers. This is blologna, Phoenix, Kerry recanted calling them legitimate two seconds after he said the paper was a legitimate voice. How many times has Bush made a slip up. Every #in' day goddammit! lol

*EDIT: Phoenix, the title of this thread is extremely, wrong. Is it another ploy by the fanatical right to stir up dissent against the Democratic candidate?

[Edited on 4-7-2004 by insite]

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Bob88
- This guy ordered the killing of coalition troops, which also consisted of Iraqis.

- He had a moderate shiite cleric killed. hence the arrest warrant.

- He ordered his guards to murder a pregnant women passing by his compound on the way to a hospital, hence the other arrest warrant.

al-Sadr is a Legitimate voice? I have to wonder if Kerry is a legitimate, viable candidate after saying that.

Sorry Bob.I'm only quoting you because it defines the position exactly.

al-Sadr is a legitimate voice and the above is the propaganda that is being used to give credence to the current US position.

I'm surprised and delighted that Kerry is speaking out.

The truth is that al-Sadr in his newspaper(remember the big fuss about new freedom of the press) called for Israelis to get out of Iraq,the US to get out of Iraq,AND Terrorists to get out of Iraq.

Bremner interpreted this as insighting violence and shut down his newspaper.

When his supporters protested in a non violent way they were shot at.

This is the birth of the current uprising.

For shutting down a newspaper the US have lost the support of the Shi'as.

Demonising al-Sadr now is propaganda of Orwellian proportions and Hypocritical when the US is supporting Chalabi who is wanted for serious bank fraud in Jorden and has already been convicted.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 12:31 PM
JB: Chalabi, more tarnished than Sadr? Murdering an innocent, pregnant woman over bank fraud?

And I've said it before and I'll say it again: Sadr doesn't represent the shias. Sadr isn't even an ayatollah.

He's wanted for killing another shiite cleric. Taking out Sadr won't inflame the shiites, well, maybe some. On the other hand, Ayatollah Al-Sistani is the one not to piss off. As far as the press goes, still Iraqis seem to be enjoying more free press than in some places. What exactly did Putin do prior to the elections...and what's up with those gag orders in the UK?

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 12:52 PM
so if we were invated by lets say China
and thay did the same thing we are doing in Iraq
you would sit down and shut up
I think not

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by insite
First of all, he called the newspaper a legitimate voice, then he changed legitimate to just voice. If you are a good American then you would be a proponent of free speech would you not?

He has the absolute right to say that were he a normal citizen. This is America after all. You have the right to say whatever you want no matter how stupid. In this case, however, he is a US Senator in a time of War. This makes him a representative of the Government of the United States for all practical purposes.

Lets get extreme for a second and say he's purposefully trying to confuse and demoralize the troops and the rest of the world. Lets theorize that he's trying to energize the enemy so the war goes bad for bush. I'm not sure he is quite that ruthless or straightforward in his thinking about it, but his blindness to everything but that oval orafice is really making him say some ill-advised things.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 01:25 PM
...and as far as closing the newspaper in Iraq, it's a state of War there and different rules apply.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 01:28 PM
Kerry is just being a typical Democrat. As a man running for office, he gives comfort to the enemy

This guy makes me sick - he shouldn't be allowed to be a senator or pres. And yes, as someone said, he DOES want the body count as high as it can go because that gives them more votes - and this coming from a nam vet.

Don't forget this is the same guy that has already promised that he will apologize to Europe and the middle east for going to Afgan and Iraq. He is anti american scum, and I can only hope that the American public can see this. Bush has his flaws - as does everyone - but at least this guy is trying to do what is good for the country.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 01:33 PM
It is quite obvious who Phoenixs' master is.
Freedom of speech is an ESSENTIAL freedom. Shutting down the newspaper, ANY newspaper, alarms this patriot. It should alarm everyone that values freedom.
I once again must quote king george
"These people hate freedom, we love it, that is the problem." (dumbest thing i have EVER heard, thats like saying they 'hate' breathing)
Hate freedom? Perhaps they hate to have our version of 'freedom' forced on them, especially when our version has no room for dissent, or dissenting voices.
Need i remind you 'neocons' that this war is about
LIBERATING Iraq. (supposedly)
I sure hope nobody comes to 'liberate' me.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 01:55 PM
Since things can easily be taken out of context to mean something completely different from what was intended, I would love to see the rest of Kerry's statement so I could judge for myself.
Personal opinion: From my perspective, which is certainly US centric, Sadr may be a voice in Iraq, but a legitimate voice is more than a stretch.

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