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Don’t hold your breath for disclosure any time soon.

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posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by majestictwo

Which brings us to another point that assumes that military are across the UFO situation – what if they don’t really have a handle on it. Perhaps their silence is to keep you thinking that they really do know something when in fact they know little. How can you disclose something you know hardly anything about.

Great post...they cannot even answer the most basic of questions...who is going to stand up there and say "We don't know" ?

Whatever is "disclosed" won't be what is expected, and it certainly will not contain any truth, in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by murnut

Originally posted by majestictwo

Which brings us to another point that assumes that military are across the UFO situation – what if they don’t really have a handle on it. Perhaps their silence is to keep you thinking that they really do know something when in fact they know little. How can you disclose something you know hardly anything about.

Great post...they cannot even answer the most basic of questions...who is going to stand up there and say "We don't know" ?

Whatever is "disclosed" won't be what is expected, and it certainly will not contain any truth, in my opinion.

Thank you Murnut. They know very little IMO and how would you look standing there with little to report. On the other hand if they know lots why would they report it when they can manage a cover up more easily? Pollies know nothing else we would have known by now because they just can’t stop talking. Military on the other hand know exactly how to manage a secret and they know what pollies are like – say no more.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
The funny thing is...the "truth" slips out time and time again...

However, "disclosure" would be a deliberate "coming out" and laying the cards on the table. There are only three instances that would cause this:

1. An undeniable encounter in a public way, where both the craft and occupant/s are seen and recovered by civilian agencies, video-captured, by numerous witnesses, from different angles, etc. including press, to where it simply can no longer be denied or covered up.

2. Full understanding of the aliens' technology, weaknesses, and agenda, to where the government felt "comfortable" letting the news out.

3. The aliens end the disclosure by revealing themselves to the public...forcing the government's hand.

Other than these (and possibly a few others), there really aren't any incentives for the secret-keepers to let it out after spending decades silencing it. Do you think they will do so just because we want to know? Hardly... In fact, there's a damn good chance that disclosure would create complete and utter social breakdown, unless handled with the utmost care.

Gazrok – sorry I missed your comments earlier. Spot on couldn’t agree more
To add another instant to force disclosure and it would have to be forced in a big way.

A big way might be someone in military standing up and letting it all out. Edgar Mitchell has tried but it clearly needs to be more. The person who does it will have to have documentation to support it. I’m not sure what the consequences might be for that person. It wouldn’t be good for sure.

If people think about enough they wouldn’t post things like disclosure soon or this year or Obama will do it.

[edit on 31-12-2008 by majestictwo]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:53 AM
Many people talk about disclosure as if it will come all at once. This isn't going to happen. There is just to much going on and the majority can't even make the best out of the information that is available. Not that I think this is a good excuse or that it shouldn't happen in the most effeciant way possible but like Jack said the public can't handle the truth.

A big part of the problem is instead of preparing the public for the truth those in power have been indoctrinating the public so that they will be even less able to handle the truth.

This may be changing thanks to the so called "new atheist moivement". If one thing leads to another and their is a major disclosure about everything not just UFOs then the public needs to be able to think rationaly in order to handle the truth. A belief system that takes a torture devise and calls it a peace symbol isn't exactly rational.

When I first heard people worry about how this would affect religion I couldn't understand why it would affect religion at all. However after thinking about it if there is an advanced intelligence of some sort influencing the human race for a long time in secrecy a lot of people are going to have a big problem with it once it becomes clearer that this intelligence isn't looking out for the best interest of mankind and doesn't deserve to be worshiped. This is true whether you call the advanced intelligence God or alien.

If you want disclosure the decultification process has to continue or escalate.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:45 AM
Well I think that’s about it then – not one post that presents any real logic that there will be disclosure. It’s okay to want it, okay to demand it, okay to partition for it. In reality those that are pushing for UFO/Alien disclosure need to get past the problems submitted in the previous posts.

Disclosure; can’t see it anytime soon myself.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:24 PM
No one witness or group of witnesses could ever bring about true Disclosure without tangible proof (meaning a body (dead or alive) and/or craft). No matter how much "documentation" they have. And it would have to be in a very public arena....

Gazrok, that is what will be done; the PTB are already deliberately putting the screws to the economy world wide

I'd have to disagree. With anarchy, the powers that be would be out of power...and that would hardly be a logical goal. With a failing economy, their own fortunes (and thus power base) are threatened... I don't think the powers that be orchestrated or desired a loss of power and was simply the fallout of some very bad decisions and world events...

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

No one witness or group of witnesses could ever bring about true Disclosure without tangible proof (meaning a body (dead or alive) and/or craft). No matter how much "documentation" they have. And it would have to be in a very public arena....

I Agree but
Even if there was tangible proof it would have to be in front of public eyes otherwise it will be covered up again

It is so unlikely that there will be disclosure

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 07:23 AM
I hear more talk about discloser. Not just here on ATS but on other sites too. If a country other than the US happens to announce anything I’m betting they won’t be a close ally in which case it won’t be worth an awful lot. It will apply more pressure but that is all.


posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 04:40 PM
Numerous current and former officials write about the cycles of corruption and secrecy that Michael Salla refers to. Read Greer's latest book for a nosefull. At present, Bush Sr. is reportedly going senile, possibly Alzheimers, i.e. his remark to look up Jr's achievements in "whaddayacallit?"---Google. So he's out of the tight loop. And David Rockefeller, the more entrenched controller of the criminal regime, is 94--looking skeletal and likely to die if he get's too strong a cold.

In other words, the old regime is in sharp transition. David Rockefeller Jr., who attends Bohemian Grove with his father, doesn't appear to be the overarching monster his father is/was, and Bush Jr. isn't competent to run manage such programs. Jeb might be, but he has no federal office experience, so he isn’t that much (although he appears to be deeply involved in aiding continued Florida narco traffic). In other words, the regime isn't what it used to be. Corporations are going down like trees in a tornado, and the banks are begging Obama's administration for what appears to be their own “bailout” burial policy. You know big changes are coming. Everyone is talking about it.

So the reform population (most of us, included) has real strength now, as does Obama. The ruinous behavior of Bush Jr. shows that Bush Sr.'s cautions weren't heeded (if Sr. actually wanted to help the nation, rather than sabotage it--which may have been his real plan, after all). And now the Goldman family (Goldman Sachs, Paulson and bailout take) has more power than the Bush's, or perhaps even Rockefeller. In other words, the ruin-the-US and inflame-the-Middle-East policy of the neocons was recently ascendant. The Goldman-Fed mafia appears to have more power, at the moment, now that Bush Sr. and Rockefeller are over with.

Enter Obama. You can't expect the corporate crowd to just fess up and tell what has happened since '53 (Rockefeller theft of control of e.t. tech/issues from Eisenhower), then 1963 (JFK's murder), then 1969 (Nixon's palace guard move and possibly what John Andrews notes). Working apart from Andrews, I noted a DuPont family move to eliminate Howard Hughes' interests role in alien issues circa the Nixon administration. Recall the story about a Bahamas site with a lab to study a downed e.t. craft--all of it run by Hughes aerospace? Well, under Nixon the DuPonts, via their interest in Boeing-North American and their 17-19 percent ownership of GM, took control of Hughes aerospace circa 1975-7. And DuPonts are deeply entwined in the Rockefeller family’s corporations. For example, CIA chief Allen Dulles, who worked for the DuPont's United Fruit Co. in Guatemala prior to joining the CIA, is from the Dulles family that originally got wealthy serving Rockefeller corporations.

By pushing Hughes and competitors out of aviation corporations that reportedly had direct hands-on labs involving downed e.t. technology, the black budget mafia was further concentrated in monsters' hands. DuPonts supported fascism, do heavy business wtih Rockefeller, and a DuPont gofer, Gen. Ed Lansdale, may have organized the shooter team that Col. Fletcher Prouty and Pentagon colleagues say appears to have shot JFK at Dealey Plaza.

So, David Rockefeller will be gone shortly, but DuPonts (more wealthy than Rockefellers) and the Goldman family still have cabal power. That's who Obama would effectively be asking if he asks for info on aliens. They are monsters, and they aren't likely to say, yeah, we murdered Jack, we stole control of some reverse-engineered programs, and via Rockefeller we may have betrayed all of humankind by allowing aliens to base here, in some locations.

Obama's more realistic avenue would be to have his people secretly talk to people like Greer, Clifford Stone, and other whistleblowers, then talk to Corso's old contacts and any others who are actually honest. Obama should let his executive employees approach the subject via various routes, rather than try to do so himself. And he can't give up if some Bushie-appointed gofer says Obama has no need to know. The Bushie regime failed, Bush Sr. is over with, as is Rockefeller. They are toast, not competent now.

But we have to develop the context, also. It has to also amplify internationally. Obama's best route is various military brass and, if Michael Salla is correct, some of Obama's own acquaintances have worked on the PI-40 committee, so they have intimate knowledge of alien-related programs.

But the most important precaution Obama must make is to not step into the black hole, the same old rut of that cabal of offenders. It may be impolitic for Obama to eschew everything Rockefeller, but he must be aware that Rockefeller's rut is a walled-off prison for mass offenders, in a cosmic sense. You don’t want to step into their rut because it’s so warped and criminal that your outlook would be biased, inadequate if you relied on them, if you placed yourself in their rut. The ultimate irony is that Rockefeller and his cronies are easily manipulated, if not controlled by the very abducting aliens in question. The Rockefeller mafia wanted to aid and abet those aliens for reasons of power and inside influences. So, to ask them to fess up is like asking the aliens themselves to come clean. It isn't the route one must take.

Obama must work around them, let military brass come forward---but don't be too obvious about it. Once queries are made, the Rockefeller mafia finds out about it. Although David Rockefeller is over with, the DuPont-Goldman (and, by extension, Rothschild) mainstays are still there, and they don't want anyone to know too much.

So, an effective opening is a much larger consideration. Many must move, in concert, to open the subject up. The old monsters are no longer competent, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. We can help by further refining and deepening the discussion, raising our standards and spreading public awareness.

Roswell and other aspects of first contact were 62 years ago. That generation is gone. The discourse and the evidence has evolved greatly since then, to wit, this kind of website.

We need large, concerted convergence, and moves to encourage greater openings. You certainly feel it happening, these days. But don't wait for someone else to do it all.

Get involved, directly.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by gl2

So, an effective opening is a much larger consideration. Many must move, in concert, to open the subject up. The old monsters are no longer competent, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. We can help by further refining and deepening the discussion, raising our standards and spreading public awareness. Roswell and other aspects of first contact were 62 years ago. That generation is gone. The discourse and the evidence has evolved greatly since then, to wit, this kind of website. We need large, concerted convergence, and moves to encourage greater openings. You certainly feel it happening, these days. But don't wait for someone else to do it all. Get involved, directly.

I am not sure of all that you wrote but I am sure of quoted above.
I recently tried to do this here on ATS but for the most part even here there is not enough will to do anything.
Take a quick look here and tell be how many really care

Plea to Obama to disclose X files

It’s a short video with a pre written letter to copy and paste to Obama


Tell me how many care here on ATS a very small percentage most would rather debate endlessly if a video is CGI or real – Rant concluded


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