reply to post by just_another_yourself
so i want to know how did yall get to where you are
I was a very intelligent kid. I believe we are born knowing right from wrong and slowly some of us as we get older seem to go off course and head
another path. My parents raised me as a chritian but I never accepted what I was told to believe at face value. They would take me to church every
Sunday and in Sunday School I would learn about Jesus, but I could never accept what was being taught and often wondered why so many others
I started my journey young by asking my parents very tough questions about God and Jesus. Like heres one I remember asking my dad. "If there was a
supreme creator called God, how is it that he would have always lived and been forever?" See right there is a problem with what we are told to
believe. If this supreme architect was truly like a human being in form how could he have always lived forever. From that point on I knew in my heart
that I was being taught something that just did not add up.
I have also had very meaningful dreams throughout my life. I consider myself tapped in to the chain of consciesness. Sometimes even as a small child I
would find answers to very difficult questions in my dream state.
When 9/11 happened I sat there watching and said "are we attacking ourselves." I told my mom on the phone, I think our government is behind this.
Two days later she responded by saying the steel beams were weakened and caused the building to collapse. I never believed her. But I did not argue
with her because obviously two days later I would not have been able to do a signifcant amount of research. I have always told her that 9/11 was an
inside job and she to this day still would not even consider that because it goes above and beyon what she WANTS to believe. To find the truth, you
can never stop at "hat you want to believe" you must always keep going, even when the truth is far from what you are comfortable with.
So somehwere down the road I started getting very heavy into 9/11 research which quite honestly is not something I do much anymore because well, I
know it was an inside job and I know that chances are it will never get a fair investigation. No amount of protesting or court appeals would ever
bring 9/11 the honest investigation it deserves to bring the real criminals behind it to justice.
So I moved on to other things,because when I was researching 9/11 I realized that there were over 800 alleged FEMA death camps. Then I ran across
other things like 2012 and Denver International Airport. I kept seeing this Bible related symbolism everywhere I looked and was very distraught and
angry and completely paranoid. What does it all mean?!?
So then I started reading for the Bible and looking for comfort there. Though it did not do much for me in the ways of comfort it did fascinating
things in the ways of my research. I then of course strted studying the ancient sumerians, mayans and others trying to figure out just what
Then I come across there was Zietgeist and a number of many other great documentaries in the recent years. My favorite was the 5-6 hour documentary
called "Ring of Power" it goes on to tell about Julius Caesar and Cleopatra and them both giving birth to Caesarion who later was called Esau the
Egyptian name for Jesus. It all makes sense now.
what internalized god for yall? if that is the case. why did yall step away from the non-pagan religions? what stemmed it and what are yalls
beliefs now?
The mandelbrot set as well as many other revelations that have come sense. I would not say that I have fully retreated from all pagan beliefs but that
I do understand them better and why they are what they are. But basically it all comes down to this. We are one. Just like the many "occult symbols"
these people subtly hint to us without giving us the answer. They put it in our face everyday waiting for us to figure it out.
We are cocreators in this universe and every living thing has a purpose and meaning. Our survival as a human race is not only dependent on others but
also dependent on all living things around us. The force that binds us all together is conciessness and thats why we are all here, to attain critical