posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:47 AM
The new year being around the corner, I can't help thinking that it won't be a pleasant year. of our future is already in place when you look
The state of the worldwide Economy
The quickly changing environment and global warming
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan still ongoing
The Palestinian issue worsening
Terrorism on the increase
No end in sight for hunger, poverty and conflicts in Africa
Pirates making a comeback
The arms race (Iran, missile shield in Europe, Russia, China...)
Andf so on
I believed (still want to believe) the message of Change of president Obama, but when I see that he decided to keep the ones working with Bush, I am
truly gutted. It only showed me that the president isnt calling the shots in Washington. They may be some degree of change but their global strategy
may remain in place.
All in all I believe I wont like 2009, but maybe thats just my pessimistic nature